Date Ordered: January 19, 2004 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): North Attleboro Toyota, MA Timeframe given for delivery: 6-8 weeks Color: Silver (or whatever they have) Option Package: BI Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: Last at this point. I think 15? So who else thinks 6-8 weeks is waaay optimistic?
Re: Silver, AG (#4), 01/19/04, North Attleboro MA You never know! But I gotta say if my dealer called tomorrow and told me 6-8 weeks, I'd be thrilled........and I ordered mine in November.
Re: Silver, AG (#4), 01/19/04, North Attleboro MA Yikes. Well I'm not too optimistic seeing as my salesperson seemed very inexperienced and when I tried to bring this up a couple of times that the number seemed too low he'd just say "oh?" and change the subject. When I tried to get a second opinion on the wait time from a nearby salesperson (when my salesman wasn't around) the second guy avoided the question and just spouted a lot of great Prius facts. Or perhaps it really is this low in southern MA. No one else on this board seems to even be from New England. Wishful thinking? :mrgreen:
IT CAME TODAY IN ONLY 4 WEEKS!!! Early this week I started hearing about 6 month waits, including from somone who contacted me re my dealership, saying they recently told him 3-6 months. So I called my dealer on Sunday and left a message saying I would take any color and asking for an update. He left me a message saying he'd have to get back to me. Today (friday) he called and said something about a salsa red package 5 (i wanted 6 but whatever). He has a thick haitian accent so I didn't understand much of anything he said aside from the availability of a Prius. I said I'd take it and he (sounding surprised) said he'd prepare the delivery and call back. A few hours later the financial guy called and said my car had arrived a 1/2 hour earlier and I can go see it tomorrow and do the paperwork, and drive it away on tuesday! So I guess it helps to be flexible. I never knew where I was on the list though I think there were 12 people on it. They must not have wanted red. :mrgreen: