A "full repair manual" on CD-ROM for $14.95? Red flags going up for me - considering the price for a regular "paper" manual. Me thinks there's something missing here. . .
Not familiar with this particular version, however the manuals have been available on CD since at least 2004. I have at least 2 other versions. They show up from time to time on eBay. The problem is with the search function, the info is there but difficult to find.
Toyota Prius just had a look at the informtion on the CD Manual Transaxle System Manual Transaxle Oil Manual Transaxle Assy some how I don't think so.
Whoops. The images are hosted at that same "obsidiancorp" scam site. See http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=25506 . Stay away. Pay the ten bucks and slurp the genuine stuff down from techinfo.toyota.com. . _H*