So - I've managed to get most of the voice commands that aren't related to navigation working. However, I can't seem to use any of the POI commands. When I say "restaurant", the screen confirms that it understood me, but it tells me that I need to delete a selected POI. When I go into POI selection, it looks as if I have no POI's selected (or maybe all of them are, I can't tell). I am so confused, and the manual isn't much help. I just want to be able to say "ATM" and have it work!!! Thanks! Danielle
Try saying "POI off" to get rid of existing POIs that may have things filled up. Then try your new POI.
I believe you can only have 5 Poi's desplay at a time. The screen is a little strange to work with. I know the rest of the car's screens very well. POI is complicated. I would say the P.O.I. Off command. Then just start calling out POI's as you need them.. lol.. hope that made sense.