Very Disappointed with NAV

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by FloridaWen, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bryan11 @ Jun 12 2007, 02:13 PM) [snapback]460282[/snapback]</div>
    Actually when in OUR Prius my Wife is the driver 99.9% of the time and I am the "navigator" and I am the one in charge of the NAV. Same thing with the Acura MDX we had, I used to do the NAVI selections and changes while she drove. I understand that it is quite a distraction and an "accident waiting to happen" if the driver was trying to "fiddle around" and enter locations into any NAV while driving. There are a couple of pins that can be shorted together (or put to ground?) in the actual connector in the Toyota NAV wiring harness to "disable" the ability not to be programmed while vehicle is in motion, as well as the ability to pass right by the "I agree" screen upon initial startup. There is a Company on East coast of Florida, about three hours away from me, which manufacturers these "adapters" as well as a few other nifty gagets and various MFD "overrides" !!

    I am not sure of the validity of the following since it applies to '06 and earlier but I found this on the internet:
    To override Lexus and Toyota touch screens NAV in motion ('06 and earlier)-go to the screen that has the volume button. Push the upper left, then lower left each 2x-this will get you to a service screen. Then select the "override" button (hold for several seconds). Then select the back button. Now your passenger will be able to enter destinations or searches .

    I also found this:
  2. Swanny1172

    Swanny1172 New Member

    May 18, 2007
    2006 Prius
    My biggest gripe with the OEM nav systems is that they tend to lag behind Garmin and TomTom in terms of the timing of their updates. I suppose this is a function of getting the map data from the provider and burning and distributing DVDs versus Garmin and TomTom which can just put the map updates on their site for electronic distribution. The OEM map updates also seem to the ridiculously expensive compared to third-party solutions.
  3. rachmaninoff

    rachmaninoff New Member

    May 15, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FloridaWen @ Jun 12 2007, 12:48 PM) [snapback]460211[/snapback]</div>

    You might like the tomtom then. i still have mine and some times use it in parallel with the built in nav on long trips to make sure there are no glaring differences in travel time between the 2.

    When you ask the tomtom for the quickest route, it will literally calculate the absolute quickest way to get there via the roads available. if that means you hop off a highway onto side roads for 2 mins to get back onto a different highway, then so be it. Depending on the length of the trip it may take as long as 30 seconds for the tomtom to calculate the route. the prius is always fairly quick, almost like it didn’t try that hard: "oh this highway will get us there eventually, no matter if we have to drive around 2 cities when there is that highway over there that goes strait through."

    the "touch method" works pretty good, especially if you have a passenger in the copilot seat navigating.
  4. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Prius Toric @ Jun 13 2007, 09:13 AM) [snapback]460777[/snapback]</div>
    I actually went to the TomTom site yesterday and was impressed. Never saw one but they are a lot cheaper than Garmin. Shortly after that I spoke with my Wife, the primary Prius driver, and she thinks (KNOWS) the Toyota NAV is a piece of junk compared to what we are used to (Acura) and she has come to the realization the Toyota NAV just "is what it is"..... as a MAP it is useless. As a "destination finder" it is just as lame. The one time we used it to "go home" it wanted us to make a U-Turn in the middle of Interstate I-4, a six lane highway with median and metal anti-crossing barriers.
    If we had it to do over again, would certainly would NOT have bought a Toyota NAV, no sir !!

    I consider this now a "dead thread" and an exhausted topic. The Toyota NAV is just crap !! We live in a community of hundreds of streets that EACH one was "listed" (names) with our previous NAVI. Out of a hundred+ streets only the main street in this development is listed on the Toyota NAV, no matter what zoom level you are at. It's programming is crap............ complete waste of money, should have gotten package 3 instead of 5 and bought a TomTom "add-on" !! Too late now $$ :angry:
  5. Swanny1172

    Swanny1172 New Member

    May 18, 2007
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FloridaWen @ Jun 13 2007, 09:23 AM) [snapback]460786[/snapback]</div>

    I think most people feel the same way you do about the Toyota nav system. For the most part, I wouldn't buy any OEM nav system, as they are way too expensive as an option and way too expensive to update.
  6. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Jun 13 2007, 09:45 AM) [snapback]460793[/snapback]</div>
    I am not kidding, the Acura OEM NAVI was great !! But that is gone and what we have now can't even compare to what we once had. We just expected that the Toyota NAV would be at least "close" to the performance of the Acura (Honda) NAVI. They are like night-and-day !! The Acura NAVI would show ALL the side streets like I was looking at a moving Google Map. Like I mentioned, the Toyota doesn't even show the streets in this community....... it is so lame, JUNK !! Unfortunately the Toyota NAV was not one of the items we looked that carefully at during the test drive. I am so tempted to buy a TomTom and TRY IT !! The one thing that always frightend me with an "external" NAV is the chance of theft when vehicle is parked in a public place like a parking garage or during a 3 hour concert or play, etc.

    And you are 100% correct about the update DVD's !! I heard Toyota wants $250 !! Even the Acura was around $100 and I thought THAT was a lot of money.......... but at least you could load it into the Acura NAVI like a regular DVD !!

    So what do you suggest as a good, affordable, easy to manipulate and "see" (in sun) aftermarket NAV ??
  7. Swanny1172

    Swanny1172 New Member

    May 18, 2007
    2006 Prius
    Forrester Research gets at the underlying problem when it says that OEM GPS systems remain "underfeatured, overpriced, and out-of-date." Forrester is right. Carmakers simply are not cut out to compete with consumer electronics companies--firms that move faster and innovate more aggressively. I also read that less than 5% of all new car buyers opt for the OEM nav system.

    I just bought the TomTom One XL. You can find it for around $350. However, my Prius does not have the nav option. If it did, I would stick with it, because I am not sure I could justify buying a third-party GPS system if one was already built in.
  8. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Jun 13 2007, 10:24 AM) [snapback]460820[/snapback]</div>
    That sounds logical to me.... I wish this 5%'er would have done my homework on the Toyota NAV !!
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Jun 13 2007, 10:24 AM) [snapback]460820[/snapback]</div>
    Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely have to look at this one !!
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Swanny1172 @ Jun 13 2007, 10:24 AM) [snapback]460820[/snapback]</div>
    I primariliy want a GPS/NAV for the Honda CR-V (MY vehicle) when I am doing "field work" (Computer service), but it doesn't mean that I can't bring it into our new Prius when we are going on a trip or just Sunday cruisin' !!
  9. Charles Suitt

    Charles Suitt Senior Member

    Oct 8, 2004
    Dallas TX
    2012 Prius
    <_< The NAV system is most helpful for me. It does, indeed, have limitations... so be it. I had the NAV in m y 2004 Prius and now in my 2007. It works for me.

    It does have an "OFF" switch feature. If it bugs a person so much, just leave it OFF... perhaps trade the Prius for something else without a NAV system... thus end the frustration.
  10. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Charles Suitt @ Jun 14 2007, 12:36 PM) [snapback]461642[/snapback]</div>
    OR, hmmmmmmm, Toyota NAV Computer DVD "programmers" can borrow (outsource?) a few of the Honda programmers to re-write their lame NAV map program..... turn it in to something sensible !!
    DON'T defend Toyota NAV if you have never used another brand that really works well !!
    If the Toyota NAV is the ONLY one you ever used then it is totally natural to think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread !! Have YOU ever used (for any length of time) another brand NAV ??
    And what a stupid thing to even suggest trading-in our brand new Prius because of a poorly programmed NAV !!
    There is nothing that a good programmer working at Toyota can't "fix" to make street names more visible at INTERSECTIONS, not way, way off to the side of the MFD, out of plain sight !!
    And as we ALL know, Prius has no drivers seat adjustment, my Wife and I both KNEW this since the first 30 seconds of our initial Prius test drive. This is a shortcoming and/or omission by Toyota.... we bought it anyway !!
    It's not "frustration", just a high degree of disappointment !!
  11. ZA_Andy

    ZA_Andy Member

    Jun 5, 2007
    Other Hybrid
    When I test drove a Prius with NAV, I turned the thing off because as much as it has a decent screen which is easier for me to quickly read than most of the after-market units from specialist manufacturers, it very clearly didn't work the way I thought it should - meaning the way I've become used to from the experience with the Intellinav I'm used to.

    That said, all these devices are essentially stupid in that they can only figure out routes based on a fixed set of criteria that they cannot judge. Some do it better, or more conveniently, from the user's perspective than others, but I'd much rather be given the irritatingly silly and unnecessary 'where possible, do a U-turn' instruction from a device I paid $325 for than one that cost me around $2000!

    For that reason I decided that I'd go with a package 4 rather than 5 and stick with my 'cheap' Intellinav. It presents the information I want in the way I want it - more or less - and does what I want it to do at least reasonably well, and far better justifies it's price than a Toyota Nav could. The only drawback being the smaller screen and lack of integration into the vehicle's systems. Small price to pay for the saving of so much money, though that's no help at all if the car was bought with the Toyota Nav already fitted.

    In that instance I'd use it and try and adjust to it rather than continually compare it to what has gone before. As much as the new system may be frustratingly limited by comparison, the choices are really either to use it as best you can or switch it off and waste the money it cost while adding an external device to do a better job. Either will move the issue on, while looking back at what went before will do nothing at all to help.
  12. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ZA_Andy @ Jun 14 2007, 01:17 PM) [snapback]461687[/snapback]</div>
    NONE of the Prius's we ever took for a test drive had the NAV, none. Most were package 2 at best !! As a matter of fact we only drove one Touring and that was for 15 minutes. The two others we test drove were all "standard" (non-touring) !!
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ZA_Andy @ Jun 14 2007, 01:17 PM) [snapback]461687[/snapback]</div>
    If it doesn't do what we want it to do it's like kicking a dead horse, we know that !!
    I am sincerely hoping that maybe the NEXT Toyota NAV DVD to be released will have a vastly "improved" program that would overcome these street name omissions. I mentioned this before, here in Florida we live in a community of over 100 streets. The "old" NAVI displayed each and every street name and even at various zoom levels. The new Toyota NAV shows 100 "lines" with no names except ONE MAIN street, that's all, and no matter what zoom level or split screen or whatever, it just shows lines. For over four years we saw street names (with the other NAVI) and it is just very difficult to try to understand WHY Toyota "programmed" the DVD to be so "dumb" ??
    By the way, tried a friend's Garmin nuvi 660 yesterday, small screen (4.3"), but showed EVERY street in this community, and we were 20+ miles away at the time we were looking !! Too bad it didn't have a larger screen (Garmin 660) as these tired, old eyes needed the glasses to "see" :(
  13. R1200GS

    R1200GS Junior Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    2009 Prius
    i love the nav but also get frustrated with nonexistent street names where i want them..... chicago BTW. dont like playing touchy feely with screen. dont like ramming BUS with Prius.
  14. Stev0

    Stev0 Honorary Hong Kong Cavalier

    Sep 23, 2006
    Northampton, MA
    2022 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Base
    FloridaWen, tell us how you REALLY feel about the Prius NAV.
  15. ZA_Andy

    ZA_Andy Member

    Jun 5, 2007
    Other Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FloridaWen @ Jun 14 2007, 01:32 PM) [snapback]461700[/snapback]</div>
    Whether Toyota will nab a few of the 'Honda programmers' or improve the next version of the Nav is really beside the point, because even if they do (and I'm not at all sure they will) it doesn't help you in any way. Not only that, but even if you knew for sure they were going to make the next one as perfect as it's possible for it to be, it won't resolve the issues you have with the Nav in your Prius right now.

    And repeating, over and over again, what your old one could do and what the new one doesn't is also not helping to resolve anything in any way.

    I know what the Toyo Nav does - I drove one with it fitted and decided pretty quickly that it wasn't at all what I would want in a navigation system at that inflated cost. It's possible that if you'd had the chance to test drive one too, you'd have found the same thing and saved yourself all this frustration. Sadly you didn't have that chance and have paid the price as a result.

    Sadly too, the much smaller screens on the after-market products are much harder to see, and thus are less easy to use effectively for those of us with relatively poor or declining near-sight. Possibly there are after-market devices with larger screens, and it may be worth looking around to see if such products still exist and then trying them out if you can find them. In the end though, all these things are a set of compromises so it comes down to which collection of compromised features and design suit your needs the best!

    I wish you luck with finding one!
  16. desertbriez

    desertbriez New Member

    May 20, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FloridaWen @ Jun 13 2007, 06:54 AM) [snapback]460800[/snapback]</div>
    oh i hear ya on that! honda/acura has the navi thing down!!!! they have the BEST available! all the rest of the in-car ones pale in comparison! i REALLY tried to like the civic hybrid just because i really wanted to get the honda navi.....
  17. rachmaninoff

    rachmaninoff New Member

    May 15, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(desertbriez @ Jun 14 2007, 02:09 PM) [snapback]461746[/snapback]</div>
    Let the thread die, for the love of all that is holy! Just let it die.

    The OP does NOT like THE prius NAV. But he LOVES his ACURA nav.
    The PC forums can offer no solutions or decent work arounds, nor can PC forums provide any specifics about future nav updates.

    I know my posting on this thread bumps it again... oh, the irony.
  18. Swanny1172

    Swanny1172 New Member

    May 18, 2007
    2006 Prius
    Toyota offers an audio package by JBL, so why not offer a nav package by Garmin or TomTom? That way, they let the the experts take care of developing and updating the nav system.

    FWIW, I have never been in a car with a decent OEM nav system -- and that includes Honda. While Honda is certainly the best of the OEM systems, it is still at least a generation or two behind the current third-party options.
  19. Rae Vynn

    Rae Vynn Artist In Residence

    May 21, 2007
    Tumwater, WA USA
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Slair @ Jun 12 2007, 10:03 AM) [snapback]460225[/snapback]</div>
    You've been out-classed ;)
  20. FloridaWen

    FloridaWen New Member

    May 8, 2007
    Plant City, Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div align="center">I declare this thread OFFICIALLY DEAD as of this moment !!</div>

    As it was originally titled I am very disappointed with the Toyoya NAV as we all know far to well by now.

    I first started this thread looking for "help" (actually in hope) that perhaps I was doing something wrong and not pushing the right buttons to have it function as I expected it to, based solely on a NAVI I owned in a previous vehicle, which was the only NAV I ever used before this Toyota NAV.

    After taking suggestions and comments from many replies I soon discovered the vast limitations of the design and function of this "new" Toyota NAV and was disappointed and frustrated even more, occasionally "bashing" the Toyota NAV in a few thread replies. (which some referred to as "bitching")

    I then realized, sadly enough, that "it is what it is" (or rather "isn't" !!) and as some have suggested, just live with it "as-is" or just don't use it at all !! Logical suggestions and the only real solution !!

    So my Wife and I, both very disappointed, but "accepting" of the vast differences and limitations of this Toyota NAV have had discussions of.... if we had it to do over, would we have bought package 3 or 4 instead of 5, etc., etc. but that does NOT change what we have done (bought package 5) and although the Toyota NAV sucks, (in our opinion) the many other features and positive aspects of the Prius far outweigh the few "bad" features, such as non-height-adjust driver's seat, poorly programmed NAV, etc.

    <div align="center">THIS THREAD IS NOW CLOSED !!</div>