Racing improves the Hybrid Business Standard Motoring (Click here) That smashing looking car is greener than any other conventional race car around. And it's quick too, attaining 100 kph in just 8.7 seconds. That's the Toyota Prius GT, which made a stylish debut in the UK at the Goodwood Festival of Speed, no less. Though the 1500cc petrol engine/electric motor in the Hybrid Synergy Drive system is unchanged, power is up by 147 bhp, as against the regular 110 bhp of the production Prius. Since it's a race car – doesn't matter how it develops power – the Prius GT's suspension system has been upgraded and it borrows the Celica's rubber for better grip. The hybrid battery has been moved towards the rear to achieve near-perfect weight distribution. Don't be surprised if you see it at a touring car championship soon. Toyota also unveiled its D-4D Clean Power concept car at Paris, which showcases a dramatically clean and powerful diesel engine.
I was reading the quarterly Toyota news letter and they talked about running a Prius out at Bonneville Salt Flats - they got the Prius up to 134MPH with the stock drive train. They added a few extras like an internal steel roll cage, ice water cooling system for the electric drive train, lowered suspension, and different wheels / tires.
Well, I, being the teen driver that I am, drive fast right off the line, then get to the speed and settle down. Doing so still gets me mid 40's, which is just crazy. In my mom's Mercedes, the MPG monitors drops from ~14.3mpg (LOL!!!) to ~9.5mpg (Yet again, LOL!!!!) So, our Prii are great on mpg's for all drivers, fast or slow.
Brian a little less power off the line will push you into the 50's. Watch the consumption screen. Keep it in the mid 20's. You will get off the line almost as fast and your m.p.g. way up. Get speed get the economy. Try to get both that is the real fun of this car riding on the edge.
I will certainly try. But something that really contributes to the low mpg's is the length of my trips. I mainly just drive to school, which is only 2.5 miles away. So, it doesn't even get warmed up in time. That is why I have the Segway, I use that sometimes.