I don't like to sleep with it on, but when it's 100 degrees out, it sure as heck feels good. The next poster went through something a bit unnerving recently.
Yes! Had nervous system removed so I can ingest more caffeine. The next poster wishes females would refrain from "sculpting" and otherwise distorting their eyebrows into little wispy (or angular) shapes (or "deer-in-the-headlights configurations) and, well, just let them be.
i'd feel strange if i didn't pull out those weirdly placed hairs. not that i'm doing complete remodeling, just keeping things in check. the next poster hears chirping. lots and lots of chirping.
Now galaxee... would that be crickets chirping about you plucking out weirldly placed hairs? The next poster is drinking iced tea.
No, chocolate soy milk right now The next poster knows someone close to them who just suffered a bad injury
No... sorry to hear that robincx. Hope they heal very quickly. The next poster was sad to see a very battered looking Prius on the drive home tonight.
Oh, how sad...no, all Prii seen today were fine, fat & sassy. The next poster is trying to eat locally grown foods.
Hard to find them around here. However ,found out my neighbor across the street has a container garden on her deck and has promised me some tomatoes, corn, pears. The only thing I'm growing that's edible is passion fruit. Next poster bought stamps today (Pretty ones... Star Wars, Jamestown).
Yes! I have. I'm going to pick up some flowers for my garden. The next poster had a good chuckle at Jack Kelly's post (I know someone who draws theirs in!). And maybe the next poster is wondering if males have their own problems with excess hair that they feel forced to pluck.
Yes, Jack's posts are always interesting. The next poster just found a secret stash of chocolate they'd hidden away for themselves.
I have chocolate kisses stashed for those in my office who need their chocolate fix. It's a widely known secret. The next poster shops on line.
Yes! Lots. The next poster just dropped off a colleague/friend at the airport, and coming back, realized it was the first time s/he drove on an interstate when no one else was in the car!!
Almost, I did drop off a colleague at the airport, but at work I am 1 mile away from BUF - so no interstate. And i do drive the interstate daily solo. The next poster will go snow skiing this August.
How exotic, but no. Are you skiing in shorts? The next poster really doesn't like tangled telephone cords!
Absolutely! They're so annoying, in fact, that if I can I'll just replace it with a cordless phone. The next poster is going out on the water for Father's Day.
No. But I chew Tums in the morning as a calcium supplement if that counts. The next poster saw a baby deer (awwwwee!!!!) at the edge of the woods on the way to work this morning.
Nope, missed it. The next poster, without fanfare, surprised himself or herself by driving his or her Prius, when alone on a straight stretch of Interstate, up to its alleged max of 101 MPH.