My understanding is that the proper term for war mongering individual who has never been there is actually "Chicken Hawk". War Hawk have fought but still believe strongly in the superiority of the "military option". While I agree that there should be many presidentially qualified individuals who are born citizens, It MAY be somewhat arbitrary to continue to exclude naturalized citizens who have been so for a specific (to be announced) amount of time.
The Constitution requires that a candidate for the presidency must be a "natural-born" citizen of the United States, at least 35 years of age, and a resident of the United States for at least 14 years. None of the first 7 presidents were born in the U.S.; it didn't exist yet A bizarre twist is that if your body is born in the U.S., you are a citizen, regardless of the legal status of your parents in this country. Mum and Dad could be on vacation in the U.S. from any other country, junior comes a couple of weeks early and viola, dual citizenship. While Arnold and Teresa can't be the Prez, a person born to illegals can be.
As I pointed out in an earlier post, the Constitution actually says that a president must be born in the U.S. or a resident of the U.S. at the time of independence. [Emphasis mine.]
Moving 20,000 people into any given state, establishing residency, and finding jobs or other means of livlihood, will not be an easy task. And while 20,000 might throw the election one way or the other, they won't "take over" a state government with 20,000.
Strictly speaking, wasn't the original _all_ italics? I think I remember trying to read a copy of the original, and couldn't make out half the words (maybe that was another document).
i saw the original and the handwriting is so small too. only the capital letters were of any size. plus some of the letters have changed over the years.
I seem to remember that a few American Presidents were born in territories (like where Ohio is today) that were not states when they were born. Thus it seems to me, that if the USA annexes both Austria and Mozambique and make them states, then both Theresa and Ahhnold could run for President. The precedent has already been set. Too bad those countries don't have oil.
Considering that the only place Hebrew is actually used is a war zone on the other side of the planet, studying it is a pretty low priority for me. Next time I have a decade free to learn a new language, I think maybe Kiswahili or Chinese would be my choice. Hey, come on. New York isn't that bad. <G>
Well, I doubt any such amendment will ever pass anyway. As someone pointed out, half the people in the House and Senate have Presidential aspirations. None of them are going to vote for a Consitutional Amendment widening the field against which they must compete.