I did, in fact. The next poster has been "missing" for a while. (My wife enjoyed "The Memory Keeper's Daughter.")
i have been kinda busy lately but still check in. [love the avatar, skwyre!!] the next poster just heard some unbelievably juicy gossip.
(Thanks) No gossip here. I could make some up though. The next poster has made plans for Father's Day.
We have, BBQ at my in-laws The next poster isn't looking forward to the 110degrees they forecast called for tomorrow!!!!
No, but I miss those temperatures! (I went to college in Tucson). Galaxee, I heard some juicy gossip yesterday (well, the actual person told me the facts. It is incredibly surprising, which makes it in to gossip). The next poster loves taking macro photos. I like taking macro. http://www.flickr.com/photos/chamaree/sets...57600340638118/
No, no wheel -o here, but how about " LOG" by Blammo The next poster is a Ren & Stimpy fan http://www.devilducky.com/media/50534/
Big time Ren and Stimpy fan! I used to record the TV episodes onto a Betacam deck through a Farouja processer (back when that was a big deal) Love 'em! The next poster now watches Jimmy neutron with their kid(s)
Who? (Just kidding) Nope, the wife and I have been going through all the seasons of Andromeda 1 by 1. Tha next poster loved the t.v. show "Count Duckula".
Nope. Don't have cable. If the reruns ever make it to regular T.V., maybe I'll see it. Next poster had a "coincidental" but pleasant encounter with a formerly estranged family member in a restaurant tonight. (We shared a table and did some catching up)
no, but i did run into a number of classmates in various places today. the next poster does exercises with a medicine ball.
Why, yes, sort of. It's on in the background. The next poster just had his battery back up click on for a moment, then off again, for no reason.
I wish! The next poster was sad to find out a big bruise on the Prius rear bumper and didn't know where it came from, but then found a note on the windshield with a number, and is happy that some people take responsibility for their actions.
Oh that is good Michgal. Not about the damage to your car of course, but that a note was left. You were lucky. The next poster brought donuts not muffins (don't shoot me) into work this morning for co-workers.
no, but i wish i worked with you! i could use a donut to supplement my lunch of orange juice and a banana. the next poster does not like having their patience tested.
I have enough patience to be tested, but only for a while. When I hit a peak, I blow. The next poster hates air conditioning.