Since I've purchased my Prius, I've been struck with the urge to name her. I've had cars that acquired names in the past, but none of my recent vehicles has impressed enough to earn a name. So what are the properties in a car that make you want to name it? In the case of the Prius, I don't think its just gadgets or complexity -- that might make you attribute motives to its actions (like: the computer doesn't like me -- it senses my fear), but how many of us name our computers? I think my Prius has personality, although I'm not sure I know what that really means. So here's my questions to the readers of this post: How many of you have named your Prius? Why and what did you name (it/her/him)? How many of your other cars have earned names?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(samiam @ Jun 12 2007, 06:58 PM) [snapback]460447[/snapback]</div> Prue the Prius; all of my cars have had names.
I can't explain it, as I haven't named other cars, but I named my Prius before I got it... and, as you can probably tell from my name, I named it DuPree.
I named the Prius "Blue Belle" in honor of our cat "Silver Belle," who died a week after we got the car. My first car was a 1967 Mercedes 200D(iesel) which was named "Fafhrd" by my then-girlfriend (who owned the car originally) after the series Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. My second car was named "Bessie" after the car that appeared in Doctor Who (another Mercedes that didn't look anything like the one in the series). Prior to the Prius I had a 1990 Ford Probe, which was simply know as "The Probe."
Mine is named Sweet Pri. No I've never named my cars or bought a personalized plate, but now I've done both. I should be getting my plate, SWT PRI in a couple of weeks. I think the name spawned from it being green and it sounds like sweet pea. That is sweet, aaf709. I'm sorry about your loss though.
Why and what did you name (it)? The Pod, because it's so small and high tech. "Hal, open the pod bay doors, " 2001. How many of your other cars have earned names? I pruchased Bertha, an International Travelall for $80, while in college. 4 MPG (really)!!
Probably won't name our "Pine Mica Silver" car when/if we ever get it - but as I was jogging around the neighborhood on Sunday morning, I chanced upon a woman getting out of a brand new red Prius. I just had to stop and chat - and asked her when she got the car - two days ago - and if she'd named it. Why, yes, she said - I named it "Giggles!" Giggles?!? I replied, a bit shocked at the name. Why, I asked her. Well, she said that whenever she drives the car it makes her so happy that she giggles - thus, the car's name. Hmm. . .to each his/her own, I guess. Pine Mica Silver - PMS? Nah. . . . .(grin)
i'm thinking maybe i'll call her "maggie" although before picking her up i thought i'd call her "penney" (penny the prius)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SweetPri @ Jun 12 2007, 07:44 PM) [snapback]460513[/snapback]</div> :lol: That's funny - my wife and I also refer to our new grey Prius as Sweet Pri. Probably because I call her Sweet Pea sometimes - one of many loving nicknames. Our 01 BMW Z3 is nick-named "Baby". Our Dodge Dakota is just referred to as "the truck" or "the Dakota".
We named our magnetic gray prius "Magnum". I was trying to think of a name, and that's what came to mind. I asked my sister to help me think of a name, and she also came up with "Magnum", so it was decided. We named our previous green jetta wagon "The Green Hornet" because it was green and had a stinger (antenna). We named our black Handa CRV "Black Beauty", but we don't use that name much.
"Stitch!" It was smashed up when it was 2 weeks old and had to be stitched back together. My '85 Toyota 4x4 then became "Lilo"
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(samiam @ Jun 12 2007, 06:58 PM) [snapback]460447[/snapback]</div> I have Sully - Monsters Inc, He 's an energy saving focused monster trying to reduce his impact on the world, plus the Prius looks like his color and I like Sully Every car I have owned has had a name. B)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SweetPri @ Jun 12 2007, 05:44 PM) [snapback]460513[/snapback]</div> Thank you. Here's a small picture of her when she was younger and in good health.... She was a semi-feral cat that had four kittens in our back yard. She gave up her freedom (my wife carried the kittens in and she followed) so her babies would have a good home. We gave 3 away and still have her son, Duke.
Ours is "Sparky" in reference to the electrical parts. It is taken from the name of the electric alien in "Lilo and Stitch".
I did not name my Prius or either of my two previous cars. (A POS CJ-5 Jeep that I drove for 13 years, and a Civic wagon I owned for 15 years.) To me, the Prius was the coolest car in the universe, but it was still just a car. It was reliable, clean transportation, and it has super-cool technology, but it's still just a car like every other car on the road: it turns gas into movement and gets me where I need to go. What mainly distinguishes it from other cars is that it burns less gas, and does it cleaner. But I never would have felt it merited a name other than "my Prius." However, a few weeks ago I got my ZAP Xebra, and that is a car that stands out and makes a statement. The dealer was calling it Squeak because it arrived with a squeak, which he fixed immediately when he got it in. I called it Escuincle for a while, because I didn't like Squeak. However, once I'd had it for a while, it got its proper name: Yevette (the EV e-'Vette) because people say I drive it as though it was a Corvette. Yevette is the first car I've named. She's as cute as a bug, not a lot bigger, and she's a zero-emissions vehicle. Talk about SULEV and AT-PZEV all you like, Yevette is a ZEV. She uses no gas or other fossil fuel at all. She burns nothing but electrons, and she goes an incredible billionth of a billionth of an inch per electron. (Electrons are very small.) This works out to about 1.9 cents per mile. (And she gets her electrons from water, brought to her by wire from the Bonneville dam. A genuine water-powered car: that's something that does merit a name.)
The Prius is my third car, and the only one I have named (unless you count me calling my 1980 Olds in high school a "stupid piece of s**t"). My Prius name is "Darwin", he represents the evolution of automobiles from gasoline fueled vehicles to electric vehicles, containing both properties at once, he is sort of the link between two species of automobile. And, this evolution of transportation might itself be needed to save several lineages of species from extinction, which will still probably not have the time to evolve to a new climate (though the car itself will do little directly to heave off species extinctions). Anyways, I thought it was weird to name my car, but its bichy attitude (from all its beeping) made me feel like it deserved a name since I can't say "Shut up, I am putting on my seat belt, give me a moment" to an object, but I can say it to a named object - and I know there are threads on how to stop the beaps, I just haven't done it yet.
I've named every car I've had. I posted this before somewhere, but here it is again: In order of ownership: VW Bug: The Millennium Sh*tbox Toyota Corolla: Falcor Dodge Somethingorother: Enola Gay Datsun Pieceofcrap: Craig Geo Metro: The Smurfmobile Toyota Echo: The Huevo Toyota Prius: Tommy
My Prius is Trixie Blu. She's fun and flirty or so I've been told and the name fits her aptly. I hadn't had a personlized plate in years either, but had to have one that said her name.