It was stolen in 2000 now lets try and get it back
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priussoris @ Jun 12 2007, 02:09 PM) [snapback]460280[/snapback]</div> I do think he has positioned himself quite well depending on how things shake out. However I have significant reservations concerning his ability to bring our citizens together to resolve common issues such as global warming and a desire for peace. I actually am looking at this guy: despite the fact I do not agree with him on some issues and despite the fact he has two first names, not enough money, and less than a snowballs chance... Al Gore I think has benefited greatly from being in the private sector for a few years but i do not think he has the ability to overcome the conservative mistrust he earned for so long. I just hope someone with the vision of Gore, the common sense of Ron Paul, the energy and charisma of Obama, the business knowledge of Ross Perot, the testosterone of Lee Iacocca, can step up to the plate and lead all of us in a positive direction. We need a leader and I think Al Gore, despite his positive points, is better suited to the role of an advisor. Ok. I didn't intend to be argumentative but I hope that if Gore is selected as a nominee it is because he is drafted as I think that will create an upswell in grassroots support that a bonafide "run" would not provide.
Yes... Gore in 2008.. He's one of two potentials that have proven they can lose to the republican. I'm for it, I think he can lose again.... Who else wants him to run? :lol:
Hold on. Gore 'lost' to GW in Florida by a vote of the US Supreme Court in the midst of voting irregularities. Gore won the popular vote (which is the only thing that should matter - the current system gives too much power to small unpopulated states and disinfranchises voters everywhere). If the planets were aligned slightly different, Gore would have won that election. Don't lose touch with recent history! I think it is very unlikely for Gore to enter the 2008 race as a presidential candidate. Dems are mostly satisfied with their candidates and any new candidate would be starting out 6 months behind in fundraising and organizational development, even if Gore has a chance to catch up. I would like to see him serve as the new cabinet-level head of the EPA when whatever dem takes the whitehouse (the EPA head should be a cabinet position such as it is in most developed nations).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MarkMN @ Jun 12 2007, 12:03 PM) [snapback]460325[/snapback]</div> The "Founding Fathers" wish to strongly disagree with you and anyone that makes this statement. Those that refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Wildkow
I'm already working for Edwards, but if he doesn't catch fire, Gore's my guy. I signed the petition---thanks for that. GORE-OBAMA IN '08
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Kelly @ Jun 12 2007, 07:48 PM) [snapback]460478[/snapback]</div> I LOVE GORE!!! He told Bush I that he wasn't doing enough to go after Saddam when he was developing WMD in 92. He also complained that Bush didn't do enough to retaliate against IRAN and IRAQ when they were busy gasing their own population. GORE is for WAR - ... I also love how he is totally clueless to the real data on global warming. I love how he is a complete and total hypocrite - burning more electric and gas than most of us do in a whole year. GO GORE!!! Oh - you will loove these.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigmahma @ Jun 12 2007, 04:57 PM) [snapback]460485[/snapback]</div> LOL! I loved it! :lol: Run Gore Run! Wildkow
I agree Gore won the 2000 elections. PERIOD it was stolen from him IMHO just watch some of the videos bush talkin to Jeb we got FLA. yeah I wonder how , it helps when the women is working for bush who is head of the elections hahahahah It wont happen again, I think we the people learned or most of us did Craig
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priussoris @ Jun 12 2007, 09:57 PM) [snapback]460555[/snapback]</div> Thanks for starting my morning with a good laugh and smile. Seriously, is OJ innocent or guilty?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Jun 13 2007, 07:07 AM) [snapback]460774[/snapback]</div> depends , whose trying the glove on? Let me say this , I don't think Avis will have him do anymore rental car commercials :lol: :lol: :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigmahma @ Jun 12 2007, 07:57 PM) [snapback]460485[/snapback]</div> Excellent - i pray he runs too. Think about the Dems presidential timber: B. Hussein Obama (and his real estate friends) Hillary Rotten Clinton (the smartest women on planet earth, the perfect wife if you know what i mean) John "give me all your cerebral palsy babies" Edwards Denis "i hate america" kucinich (is he still running?) adding algore will make this a true dog and pony show. with algore you get: 1. a technology expert (he did invent the internet) 2. a captial punishment guru (did he not hang chad 3. a Pro-Life guy (at least for polar bear babies) I signed the petition too :lol: Run algore Run - Please - and stop flying in private jets or large SUV's - save the planet algore and run instead of driving or flying - you could also stand to loooose a few lbs. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Kelly @ Jun 12 2007, 07:48 PM) [snapback]460478[/snapback]</div> Q? if he does catch fire, who does he sue? Q? is he more susceptible to catching fire with all that hair spray he uses? Q? who wants another lawyer in the White House? Q? Is the White House large enough for him to live in? Q? Does he still believe in Universal Health Care or is his wife seeking and being treated by private care physicians??? I mean, if he really believes in it, he should take his wife to England or Sweden or Canada, no? I wonder how she would fair there????
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Jun 13 2007, 08:24 AM) [snapback]460784[/snapback]</div> She'd be prescribed Chemo now and scheduled for the treatment to begin in March 2008... If she lived that long...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigmahma @ Jun 12 2007, 07:57 PM) [snapback]460485[/snapback]</div> A second on this from "hipocrits -r- us". Let him run and be exposed for the flip flopper his is.