Does anyone know an easy way to remove the center speaker cover, the one over the consumption/nav display? I've got some felt to eliminate a rattle I'm getting with the cover, but I can't figure out how to actually lift it out. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Jeanne
Remove Center Console speaker cover/ possible rattle found I took mine out when i got the car.. curiosity i guess. You have to somehow grip under it an lift up. I'm not sure if it's the top or bottom that lifts first. It will go to a .. well.. abouta 45 degree angle and the other side will slide out. Lift i up a little with a butter knife covered in cloth.. look around an you'll see there are 2 clips.. and 2 hooks.. I only did this once so i can't say how durable it is. Mine does not rattle. I also think i turned mine around... i'm not sure though. I would have to look at another prius to see how the speaker faces. I'll go check it out and take pics
I may have found what the rattle is.. I just pulled the speaker out.. and when i reached in.. i felt something plastic.. that fell.. well.. after a few painfull minutes of sqeezing my hand into the dash a foot or so.. i found a cap.. that goes onto the back of the speaker.. black.. goes over th magnet with jbl symbol on it.. if it falls off.. it could cause a rattleing noise untill it got logged down farther.. since we don't rally these cars or corner at high speeds, it would have no reason to move farther into the dash and get logged more. I'll post pics once i re-size them
First i used a butter knife to lift the speaker up. [Broken External Image]: With a little teady-todder action, it lifts out very easy. [Broken External Image]: Here's a better pic of what the clips look like. on 3 sides, they are push clips.. but on one side, you have to actualy slide the speaker onto the dash. If you speaker itself rattles.. i would put something in the groove of the clips that on the side with the wire harness ( left side of the pic above) [Broken External Image]: A lot of people report a rattle. I have never heard a rattle. maybe this is it. The magnet cover/idification tag for the jbl speaker. my thumb is on it. This is where the cap belongs [Broken External Image]: The glue spots match up.. this is what i looks like off the speakers. If your speaker looks like this ( if you pull it out) then you have a cap loose in your dash. [Broken External Image]:
it is pretty tiny.. btw. you don't need an object to lift it up.. if you get the side with the pins and not the hooks. you can lift it out by hand.. i just did it with mine.
Thanks for the detailed picts -- are the pins toward the windshield or toward the passenger compartment? Thanks!
i think the "hook like" pins are towards the windshield.. mine seemed to fit more snug when it put it back that way.. the other ones are are on all 3 sides. if you pull at it with your fingers, it will come loose. It might completely come out with just your hands. I did it this morning just to check. Lift up the passenger side first.. then the windshield side. It may be the other way around too! lol.. i did this a couple times.. i don't remember the original placement.. but i do know it fits better with the "hook like" pins facing the windshield.. one side will come loose easy.. one will not budge. If you lived near, i would do it for you and offer my speaker as a replacement just incase anything happened. either way, good luck. :mrgreen: