Toyota dealer pulling back said delivery date, screwing me?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by whitespider, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. tnthub

    tnthub Member

    Jun 12, 2006
    Brunswick, Maine
    2007 Prius
    Dealers compete for cars. They have an allocation based on prior sales and when a car is selected by a dealer for delivery Toyota handles the delivery schedule and provides a date that is is supposed to arrive at the dealership. That is likely the date you were given. Many things can screw up the actual date of arrival and the dealership does not actually know for a fact when the car will arrive, despite what Toyata has promised.

    Locating a vehicle is an entirely different process and this is most likely what an online broker does. Dealers often source vehicles within their geographic area because they to not have the ability to ship a car across the country without charging for it.

    My local dealer will in maine will only source as far away as MA or VT and they have to first contract with another dealer to actually get the car, then they have to trust the other dealer still won't sell it out from under them (not all dealers play nice), and then they will likely "send a driver" to pick up the car and drive it back to their own dealership for cleaning and prep (so the must co-ordinate with their part time driver staff which can sometimes be difficult). They must also make sure the car is "perfect" and the whole process can easily take more time than either you or the salesperson desires.

    Often in a Toyota delivery situation nobody at the dealership, not even the manager, knows exactly when a new car will show up. It is frustrating to all people involved but that is the way it works.
  2. whitespider

    whitespider Member

    May 15, 2007
    Lansing, FL
    2015 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FloridaWen @ Jun 9 2007, 07:18 AM) [snapback]458584[/snapback]</div>
    How did you find this information? I called as soon as I read the number and didn't read past that till after I got off the phone, but I believe the one who picked up was matt, and he helpped me soo much, he said that even if offered 10,000 over what was agreed on for the car he would not sell it, when someone puts down a deposit, it's there's. That made me feel great. The guy told me that the car was sold, matter of fact it was tehre waiting for delivery. That was car #1 (there are 3 cars listed like this on in S.E.T. and that was the one available today that I was hopnig to get) the second car was...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(traydragen @ Jun 9 2007, 09:50 AM) [snapback]458619[/snapback]</div>
    And this is car #2 that shows up on when you put in a southeast zipcode. This car shows as available on the 21st or so of June, but they really have it sooner, they just do that to give themselves more security time. Anyways it's great to hear from the person getting the other car that's coming down the pipeline. I was wondering about this one, too. Mine is the car # 3 which I have to sign paperwork on and put a deposit on. But the sale's manager said to my carsdirect guy that it would be taken care of (since it was late friday and everyone was off the job). Hopefully this car will be mine when it it delivered. Keep my updated, traydragen!! I wanna hear how your experiance is and what they tell you. Also where are you located? Feel free to PM me if you like, as well.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FloridaWen @ Jun 9 2007, 10:31 AM) [snapback]458636[/snapback]</div>
    Yeah, this is what my carsdirect guy told me and what I was told by the internet sales guy in tampa (which you gave me the number to), that a week before or so they get the car and do these things to it. By the way, the car i'm looking at to get with carsdirect and my dealership has the VIN ending in 270029, incase you run across it. I'm going to be asking to remove all the extras as well.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(GoEco @ Jun 9 2007, 12:14 PM) [snapback]458680[/snapback]</div>
    Well the one from the carsdirect guy will take till the 30th cause it's still on ship on it's way to port and such. I called another dealership that gained nothnig from telling me and tricked them into letting me know that this was incase fact and that my new dealer was the one getting it. tnthub basically got it with what he said. (actually he hit the nail on the head, I forgot his wife works for the local toyota dealership, he's helpped me in the past way more than I can repay :D )
  3. tnthub

    tnthub Member

    Jun 12, 2006
    Brunswick, Maine
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(whitespider @ Jun 9 2007, 05:39 PM) [snapback]458830[/snapback]</div>
    The only reason I sort of "got it" is because my wife is a salesperson for the local Toyota dealership and she has been in the embarrassing position of having to explain why a promised delivery date has not been met many times on vehicles that have been promised by Toyota for a specific date. She has also been screwed by delivery drivers going to get a "located vehicle" and finding out the vehicle has been damaged, or is no longer available... Stuff happens.
  4. whitespider

    whitespider Member

    May 15, 2007
    Lansing, FL
    2015 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tnthub @ Jun 9 2007, 05:55 PM) [snapback]458833[/snapback]</div>
    That's scary stuff. My question for you then is what kind of security can a person have over beng sure of the car being theirs when it's allocated to the dealership you're dealing with? Awaiting delivery on one for the 30th (invoice says 27th) and fear of it being sold from under me is large. Does the paperwork help this? Besides the obvious hurricane or vehicle damage, what else could not be covered by paperwork? Is the 'promise' one they wanna keep even if someone offers them more money for the same car? You've helpped me in the past a whole lot, tnthub, i'm sorry I didn't recognize your name clearly in the end of my previous post with my comment. :D
  5. tnthub

    tnthub Member

    Jun 12, 2006
    Brunswick, Maine
    2007 Prius
    The dealer that you contract with will honor their end of your deal. If they do not then Toyota will not tolerate it.

    If the car is coming from Toyota, it will be delivered on a truck. The risk of damage is minimal.
    If the car is coming fom another dealer, your dealer will honor the committment it made to you but there are more variables in the mix...

    Suppose a located car is actually part of an allottment coming to another dealer? Suppose the Toyota delivery date is pushed back a couple of weeks for whatever reason? In that case neither dealer can give you an honest answer to your valid questions. And then suppose the car did take a rock chip while in transit? And suppose the driver who is picking up the car scrapes the gas pump? Stuff happens all the time but as long as the car is perfect when you receive it I would not worry the least.

    Dealers take their committment seriously whether their attitude shows it or not. Not all people understand customer service and many buyers do not understand that a salesperson does not get paid for most of the stuff they do. The car business like any other high volume business, makes money on extras, service, upgrades, custom orders, financing, and incentives by the manufacturer.

    A salesperson who needs to move 15 cars a month is going to be more focused on selling the next vehicle than on a deal already signed and out of his control. Thats just the way the system works. And of course his/her boss is going to be "grading" them on their customer service skills and on the evaluation form you fill out when you pick up the car. if you do not provide a "perfect" score on the evalulation, the salesperson is going to get a severe reaming from his boss, and his boss will get a reaming from the next level up, and so on... Yet their income is tied to the "next sale"...

    I would not worry if I were you. just be patient and instead of being opesty about things just be up front with them and ask to be told the truth instead of the typical line of marketing crap. The deal is done so now you want them to remember you as a great customer instead of the guy who drives a hard bargain, just in case there are any issues with your purchase.
  6. logandzwon

    logandzwon New Member

    May 17, 2007
    There arn't any Prius in the area yet. They were expected to come in today, but I think they are late. You'll get your car when they do.

    Oh, and ya, untill you have signed agreement with a VIN you just have an offer. Even after you buy and take delivery of the car you have a cool-down period to return it. Obviously they will give you a really hard time about it so make sure you do your homework including talking to lawyer if things get that bad.
  7. whitespider

    whitespider Member

    May 15, 2007
    Lansing, FL
    2015 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(logandzwon @ Jun 9 2007, 07:23 PM) [snapback]458878[/snapback]</div>
    Oh yeah? The carsdirect guy for S.E.T. told me that as soon as all four wheels leave the lot the car is mine and there's nothing I can do to reverse the process, haha, or maybe he said it would be hard to, but I wouldn't be surprized if my memory is just a tad optimistic. What kinds of reasons and ways could it be returned for? I'm curious as I never had concern like that over a NEW car, especially from port.
  8. SSmith

    SSmith Junior Member

    May 21, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(whitespider @ Jun 9 2007, 03:14 AM) [snapback]458568[/snapback]</div>

    KWIM = "Know What I Mean"
  9. GoEco

    GoEco Red Prii Rule

    Apr 17, 2007
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(whitespider @ Jun 9 2007, 05:14 PM) [snapback]458898[/snapback]</div>
    This varies by state. Some states do not have Cooling Off Period.