Nope, can't due to the overcast skies we have right now. The next poster is contemplating an avatar change.
Nah... I think I'll keep my Cinnamon Girl for a little while still. The next poster likes their margarita on the rocks too. (yes... it's not hard to figure out what I'm thinking about this afternoon!)
On the rocks, definitely. Keeping the alcohol theme... The next poster, as silly as it is, likes the ritual of making the "official" switch to gin and tonic on Memorial Day weekend.
Nope... don't do gin and tonic. Red wine or margaritas for me. The next poster likes Grand Marnier in their margaritas.
Yeah. Not tired, but groggy from watching Northern Exposure (that show is so soothing) and sippin Apple Wine. Next poster got a hair cut today.
Yes, but there are the birds, people and lots of other stuff making noise. The next poster is sad tomorrow is Monday, but still has most of Sunday left to enjoy.
I'm trying not even to think about Monday! The next poster is going to watch the final episode of The Sopranos tonight.
No have not seen the others after season 5 yet. The next poster is tired out from camping this weekend well the 500 mile drive anyway
No, I didn't camp, but I wish I could have if I didn't sprain my ankle. The next poster is enjoying the sunset.