Okay, I'm tired of arguing politics and religion. How about a topic that is creative and fun? Now, this topic is about Romance, not sex. We will assume that the outcome of the evening might be sex, but we're going to talk about the romance part and only the romance part. What happens later we will keep shrouded in mystery. What's your idea of an incredibly romantic evening? Alternatively, what is the most romantic evening you have ever had or heard of? Here's mine, which unfortunately, is not mine: A couple is celebrating their 35th anniversary. I don't know who did the cooking, but they dress in black tie and enjoy a gourmet dinner at a table at the end of a rustic boat dock. There are candles everywhere, which reflect in the water on a beautiful summer night. A light appears over the water in the distance, and a small boat motors over. It cuts the engine not far from the dock, and in the silence, a violinist begins a private concert for them. The sounds carry all over the lake. (The man developed ALS and did not live to celebrate their next anniversary.) You get extra points for your story if it is easy and inexpensive. And you don't get extra points if anybody dies.
Have a picnic on the living room floor. I suggest *he* either get the food from the deli or make it himself. Have some music you both like playing. A little bouquet of flowers in the center is a nice touch. Be sure it's on a red and white checkerboard tablecloth on the floor in the middle of the carpet. (Best part...no ants.) Afterwards, cuddle on the sofa and watch a romantic classic movie....like.....(don't hit me) Casablanca or An Affair to Remember. Or Breakfast at Tiffany's maybe. Whatever she loves and he can tolerate.
Most romantic evening was a "surprise" birthday party that my boyfriend hosted on the roof of our eleven story apartment building, which he knew was one of my most favorite places in the world. Just a half a dozen or so close friends and a frozen yogurt cake from TCBY. It was heavenly.
Go to a dark place at night on a new moon. And I mean dark..no city lights. Wait 30 min for dark-adjustment and look up. Give her the universe. Like this. Once your eyes become dark-adjusted you can have a picnic with only starlight for illumination. Don't bring any light sources. If you really want to impress her learn the constellations and the stories they tell and narrate them to her. I recommend this book: http://www.amazon.com/Starlore-Handbook-Ge...8740&sr=8-1
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alric @ Jun 7 2007, 10:00 PM) [snapback]457851[/snapback]</div> IN TOTAL AGREEMENT!!!! Except I'd add: Location doesn't really matter as long as it is dark, and the sky is clear. But of course Death Valley or high up on a mountain can produce spectacularly starry skies. Check here for sky viewing conditions in areas near you in SC. http://www.cleardarksky.com/csk/prov/South...ina_clocks.html For me it was a first date which included a night of stargazing in a Yosemite Valley meadow. I was going anyway . . . the waterfalls that spring were roaring much stronger than normal - so I gave it a shot and invited her along. Bring: A couple of reclining lawn chairs. Blankets and sleeping bags for warmth or to be able to lay on the ground. A good bottle of wine. Two new wine glasses. Some Laughing Cow cheese. http://www.thelaughingcow.com/LC/LC.nsf/ProductsL1?OpenPage Munchies for later. Also think about her(?) needs . . . some T.P. (just in case), wet wipes, gum, water, bug spray, etc. Show that you have thought about her comfort too - she may very well be out of her normal element. If you have a choice, the best evening of the entire year would be August 11-12 or 12-13 during the Perseid Meteor Shower. Sure, the Leonids can be better, but burrrr, it's during the winter. http://www.space.com/spacewatch/perseids_2001_010731-1.html Another fun thing to bring along is a list of satellite passes - and especially those of the Iridium flair variety. (If you haven't seen an Iridium flair, they are a treat!) A red flashlight and sky charts are helpfull. http://www.heavens-above.com/main.aspx?Loc...lt=2&TZ=EST These satellite passes are very location specific, but I preloaded the Charleston area for you to test it out. Keep it simple. No music - it ruins the sounds of nature (hopefully you are out in the country). Plan on staying up all night talking. The morning twilight can be a quite enchanting time when you can once again make out the face of the person you got to know so very well during the last several hours. P.S. The girl I took to Yosemite on that first date is now my wife.
My wife's idea of a "romantic" evening is a very expensive restaurant, then some swing or salsa dancing, and home before it is too late. My idea of a romantic evening is having my wife go to the races with me and hang out in the pits until the late hours, grabbing some decent takeout dinner, and getting in the hot tub. Extra romance pojnts if she wears shorts and a halter top. I think men and women often differ on the ideas of romance.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tnthub @ Jun 8 2007, 10:26 AM) [snapback]457987[/snapback]</div> And most everything else. Though the star-gazing sounds like it appeals to both.... Great ideas!
I'd suggest a walk anywhere the air is clean and you cannot see, hear, or smell any sign of human civilization. That's the cheap version. The expensive version: A very long hike to a wilderness chalet, previously stocked with provisions, and provided with the basic creature comforts of hot shower, indoor plumbing, and comfortable beds. Warm weather so jackets are not needed, and a spacious porch with good mosquito netting. Supper cooked on a wood stove. Several bottles of non-alcoholic sparkling cider. (Intoxication is NOT romantic to me. I don't know why people think its romantic to poison themselves.)
Hiking in a beautiful area where there are no people. Designation is a canoe launch where you rent a canoe and meander down a river through dusk, maybe do some fishing. When dark pitch a tent and lazy around. I'll incorporate star gazing an ideal closure of the day as well.
Depends on how long the couple've been together. A really long time? Romantic to me is coming home to a clean house with several "honey-do" items being completed, too, being cooked a dinner, and lazing in front of a movie we'd been trying to watch... Romantic at beginning? Hell, it can be anything, can't it? I remember my boyfriend and I from senior year in high school sitting in the bed of his pick-up truck at night. It was near a river, the stars were out, and it was just bee-yoo-tee-ful. That was very romantic.
Canoedling after dark, the water so smooth, drops of moonlight fall gently off the paddles into the night sky, reflected in the lake. Back on shore, a quick skinny dip before huddling in a blanket in front of the fire, flames dancing in her eyes...
I think livelychick is right; it usually (but not always) depends on how long two people have been seeing each other. For me, it's the afterglow of doing something together, as a team, which I find really romantic. It could be gardening, or kayaking, or throwing a great party, or maybe the completion of a complex flight, where we'd been splitting the cockpit duties and it all came together just so... Regardless of how long we've been together. I also find it romantic to (and I know this sounds really naive, probably) make someone whom I love, happy. Stepping outside of my comfort zone to do something which is important to them...not only as a gesture, but maybe also to learn more about the other person in the process... ...this is why I'm divorced! [laughing]
A length of clothesline, or if you are willing to spring for a few more bucks, some nicer rope. If it's been a while since your last date, you may have to think about it for a bit before you remember who gets tied up. Tom
Cheap and romantic? Usually involves a bed, candles, and a bottle of oil. Start with your mate in another room, and make sure they're distracted enough not to notice what you're doing. Sneak off to the bedroom. Light a few candles around the bed for just the right amount of lighting. After setting the stage, tell your mate to keep their eyes closed and lead them off to the bedroom. When you've led them in there, tell them they can open them. Give your loved one a nice, slow back rub, and make it a long one. What happens from there is up to you (and of course, your mate).
After a nice day of sailing, dropping anchor in a secluded cove, opening a good bottle of wine, some cheese and bread maybe, and watching the sun set.
Actually, any time spent with a female would seem pretty romantic to me. (Lucky in money, unlucky in love.)