Funny - I can do a floored 0-70 from a metering light w/ a 6 bar battery and never see it dip that low.
I similarly live all of about a minute from the highway and use it for pretty much everything but gas. Ironically, traveling from here to my school (New Orleans to just east of LA) would take only four turns, not including various interstate splits along I-10. :mrgreen:
Ryan, I would not anticipate much utility for the EV button for the route you described. I can't say I've noted ANY improvement in MPG that can be attributed to the EV button and I've had mine as long as almost anyone. It is not really intended as a tool to improve fuel efficiency, though under ideal conditions it might be able to produce some minor improvements. I use mine mainly to decrease ICE use to reduce emissions at times I know, but the car would not be able to predict, that ICE is really unnecessary. I use it to move the car across the parking lot. And a few other 'indications' that I think might be good, but really have no objective data to prove it. I'd say it's more of a toy than anything else. If you're lucky enough to find some truely practical use that's great.
Toyota warms that use of EV mode can decrease your mileage. This is because the car is designed to use the ICE and the electric motor together and by balancing loads as necessary, achieves greater efficiency. I am of the opinion that some improvement can be had (I don't know how much) under certain very specific circumstances: 1. Very occasionally, the car will insist on running the ICE even though the SOC is high and the speed is low. I believe this is inefficient, and I'll use EV mode until the SOC is down to 4 or 5 bars. 2. If you know you are approaching a long downhill, you could gain by running on EV all the way down to the 2-bar limit, as the hill will recharge you. 3. Since the ICE will run non-stop until it has warmed up, I think it's beneficial to park at night with the SOC on the low side, to leave room to absorb the excess. 4. When you are going to move the car a short distance, the warm-up cycle is unnecessary. EV mode allows you to bypass it. There are other times you may want to use EV mode for reasons unrelated to mileage: enclosed parking ramps; parking lots (to impress pedestrians with your silence); avoid disturbing the neighbors at night (though even with the ICE running the car is very quiet); avoid waking the guy sleeping in the gutter when you leave the bar at 2:00 a.m.; etc. But do not expect any mileage gain with the EV switch. This is not what it's for. It's mainly a techno-geek toy. I highly recommend it for people like me.
Thanks for everyone's quick response! I just got my Silver #9 a few weeks ago so I'll probably wait for awhile. Ryan
Just out of interest, does the US Prius have the EV mode indicator lamp on the dash , the same as those of us who have EV button as standard? See illlustration.
Unfortunately, no, it doesn't. Thus far I've not heard of anyone who's been able to find a way to create one either.
Nope, I don't have it...but I want it! Pretty cool to have more indicator lights, etc. to know what specific systems are up to. I get a beep when engaging EV. Three beeps tells me the conditions aren't right and it doesn't go into EV mode. I also get the three beeps when EV mode is disengaged by the car (too fast, low battery, etc.) Just me, but I want to know more than what the energy usage/consumption screens show sometimes. EV mode is a cool gadget, though. Don't try stealth mode in a stinky diesel when u just want to move the car a short distance.
I don't get a beep when entering EV mode, unless I'm on the Consumption screen (I usually am, of course), in which case it bleeps as it switches me to Energy. Just as if I'd selected it on the touch screen. I do get the bleeps for refusal to enter EV, or kicking out of EV as you do.
You will get a beep if you engage the EV immediately upon starting the car, before driving and before the ICE has a chance to start. Otherwise not.
Assuming the engine is warm, the battery has a good charge, and you are driving at slower speeds: Can you accurate faster with an EV button than without in electric only mode before the ICE kicks in? i.e. is is harder to go into ICE mode with the EV button? I know you can drive in electric only mode without an EV button below about 42 but the acceleration is very slow and it is very easy to start up the ICE by accident. Thanks Ryan
You can definately accelerate a little bit harder/faster with the EV button than without. We're not talking about 'floor it' type of acceleration, but gentle normal pressure will not cause it to kick out.
tm13, thanks for the photo. Might I trouble you for another photo with several of the nearby lights illuminated? (Just curious, since the US car is definately without this cutout), and is the opposite configuration). Nate
First picture is with handbrake and seatbelt lights on; second picture is parked in sunlight, with indicator, full-beam and door-open outlines visible.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(victor\";p=\"43715)</div> 8 years or 160,000Km (100,000miles)[/b][/quote] In Japan, 5 years or 100,000km. It is the max period of warranty same as the engine and etc. Regards, Ken@Japan
I just order an OEM EV button and harness from It was just under $50 USD for everything including shipping. Has anyone dealt with them before. If so what was your experience so far mine has been good. They don't list the parts on their site, but when I emailed them for a quote they responded in about a day with a breakdown of all the costs. Now I am just waiting the 10 to 15 days for shipping. Also should I be concerned about removing or hiding the ev button when I take the Prius in for services. To me it seems that there is no real grounds for voiding the warranty on a stock part. Thanks. Justin
i was told, in essence, that if i had a stock EV button, made by Toyota, and installed at the dealer, warranty would not be effected...they even offered to install it...interesting...
Thanks for the info wb9tyj I will have to stop by my dealer and see what they say. The only thing is that they would have to know how to install it, and it would seem kinda weird if I gave them the instructions. Justin