Has anyone else noticed how many conservatives seem to focus on the "individual," when really, the only individual they're thinking of is themselves? *It's MY right to drive a big monster truck if *I* want to (nevermind that it may hurt someone else) *It's MY right to consume anything that *I* can afford, in whatever quantity I can afford (nevermind that I'm consuming something that also belongs to someone who wishes it to be conserved) *It's MY right to carry a weapon so *I'M* not hurt by a criminal (nevermind that it's likely to harm many innocent people who wish to remain unarmed) *It's MY right to live the lifestyle I want, even if it impacts others negatively (nevermind that it's not sustainable and makes lots of enemies for us overseas) *It's MY right to not have limits imposed upon me by anyone (nevermind that life is ALL ABOUT limits) But when the focus turns away from oneself to *us,* it's somehow a Liberal weakness and cause for questioning one's patriotism? So, I ask, why are Conservatives so self-centered?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jun 6 2007, 07:44 PM) [snapback]456935[/snapback]</div> Personally - everything I do is for my family - so I can't say i'm totally self centered. I drive a Prius, consume little more than food. My wife grows some of our own vegetables as well.... Heck.. my next house will have solor panels to heat my pool. I carry a weapon to defend myself and my family - I have a shotgun as well that I keep next to my bed. Why should *I* be a victim to some cracked out gansta.... I do MORE SERVICE to just kill him than I do to let him live.... I should be considered a libertarian!! One less person polluting the environment and robbing innocent people is what I say! I tell you - if we just KILLED all the people who murder, rape, and abuse children... we can cut down on CO2 Emissions, energy consumption and wasted tax dollars im the BILLIONS per year!!! All for the price of a 10 cent bullet!!! You are awesome Pinto girl!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jun 6 2007, 07:44 PM) [snapback]456935[/snapback]</div> Self-centeredness made this nation great. I'm serious. The market is driven by self interest. I want something so I work hard to get it. My consumption creates jobs for others, so they can work for what they want. Pretty soon we all have food to eat and roofs over our heads. All because we wanted something. The founders thought that they were better off ruling themselves (so very self-centered) than being ruled by England, so they had a self-centered attitude (and fight) that led to independence. I care about who I am and what I am becoming (which is surely self-centered), so I try to better myself by living more simply, helping others, studying to gain wisdom, taking care of my family and taking in far too many stray animals, who I am self-centered enough to believe I can help. I am self-centered, so I want to live in a nice community. That means I care enough to try to make things better, which makes things better for others who are liberal and perhaps a lot less self-centered (Or at least they have fooled themselves into thinking so). I could go on and on. If you don't love yourself, you can't do much for anyone else. Unfortunately, the Democratic party has exploited self-centeredness in order to gain and maintain power over the past several decades. I believe it is a form of vote buying. The "Have Nots" want what the "Haves" have. So the Democrats say they will take it from the "Haves" and give it to the "Have Nots." So the "Have Nots" vote for them. Then the Democrats pay them. In this case, self-centeredness is a bad thing.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(formerVWdriver @ Jun 6 2007, 07:15 PM) [snapback]456961[/snapback]</div> I hate to be a wet blanket, but "loving oneself" and "being self-centered" are two different things. You're funny: you go immediately from "self centeredness made the nation great" to...what else? A reference to "the market" and "consumption." Why are these so inexorably intertwined? And what will happen if for some reason our capacity to consume and buy and sell is curtailed somehow? Will this country be lesser because of it? According to you, yes. According to me, no. I think it's the personal liberties and freedoms we experience as citizens which make this country great...just as I feel that our personal qualities define us, irrespective of how much/what we own.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jun 6 2007, 08:31 PM) [snapback]456979[/snapback]</div> First off, I'm glad somebody finally finds me funny. What have you got against "the market" and "consumption"? These are real, driving forces. Like gravity, only they go up as well as down. If you want to see what happens when our capacity to consume is curtailed, talk to somebody who lived during the Great Depression. John Maynard Keynes, who was a Big Time Liberal Economist, would purposefully dirty up all the towels in hotel rooms to be sure that people had employment. (Dirtying towels = consumption.) Consumption that leads to jobs that leads to better quality of life, healthcare, etc. for workers is good. Spending money you don't have to buy things you don't need to impress people you don't like is not what I'm talking about here. Economics is called the dismal science for a reason, but it impacts every part of your life.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigmahma @ Jun 6 2007, 06:56 PM) [snapback]456949[/snapback]</div> You're nuts.
No, it's the Libertarians who are self-centered. Conservatives want to tell YOU who YOU can (and can't) marry, have sex with (and how), when to pray and who to pray to, what color you should be (white), what countries immigrants should be allowed to come from, etc.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(formerVWdriver @ Jun 6 2007, 07:40 PM) [snapback]456983[/snapback]</div> If everyone acted like Jesus(giving to and helping the poor BS), wouldn't we just be communists?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(formerVWdriver @ Jun 6 2007, 07:40 PM) [snapback]456983[/snapback]</div> Woah...what's wrong with consumption? Well, when it's unsustainable and tends to limit our foreign policy options (oil), then, lots. When it puts private $ector interests ahead of those of individuals, then that's not good, either. (and, yes, there is a difference). You're suggesting that Keynesian economicsis your choice model? Or are you citing him 'cause he's a "liberal economist" to prove your point? Either way, I'm not buying. Besides, those dirty towels created lots of pollution in their cleaning...just so someone could have a minimum wage job. Surely this isn't an example you'd like us to follow today, on a larger more impactful scale? I'm perhaps derailing the discussion, but what, exactly, is "quality of life?" Is it being saved by an injection of some medicine, or is it stepping on that syringe after its washed up on the beach? Worshipping the false god of consumerism is what's gotten us in the mess we're in now. We may actually be in agreement, if you believe that "every job done well, no matter how humble, is noble." This, I belive. But when everything is tied first and foremost to compensation, then that's problematic for me. And, honestly, the consumerist/negative savings rate culture we live in now is a reflection of the perversion of consumerism, I think. We all want everything now! I'm not talking about having our consumption curtailed (by an external power). I'm talking about this country returning to its more modest roots (voluntarily). Just read a bit about Benjamin Franklin (who's oft quoted by conservatives)...he also suggested that we live humbly and avoid ostentation. When he visited Europe, the folks over there were struck by the simplicty of his 'American costume.' Somehow I don't think we're thought of as 'humble' and 'hardworking' and 'devoid of ostentation' any more. This is how I see us changing over the centuries...and why I bristle at the thought of consumerism being the guiding force behind this country. I do think that we may have some points of agreement; your words about "Spending money you don't have to buy things you don't need to impress people you don't like is not what I'm talking about here." are like music to my ears.
Affluenza is real and is ruining us. Getting a needed vaccination and not stepping on a needle on the beach are both quality of life issues. Simple is good for the soul and we should all endeavor to live simply. Not all consumption is equal, but consumption in general is good because it creates jobs. Buying a fourth pair of black shoes does create jobs, from the retailer to the producer and everyone in between. So does buying (building) a water system in a country without clean water. We make choices. A minimum wage job is better than no job. And all jobs done well are noble and glorify God. No, I don't like Keynes. I cited him because I thought YOU would like him. I believe that private sector interests more often than not create circumstances that help individuals. This is interesting (at least to me) and OT, but domestic alternative fuel production is making my life harder and more expensive. I live in the country and keep animals. Hay has almost become unaffordable because of transportation costs (oil prices). And now, corn prices are going up because of ethanol, so feed is becoming expensive, too. And now I understand that the hay producers are plowing under their hay fields to grow corn for ethanol..., I'm all for reducing fuel consumption, no matter what kind of fuel it is!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jun 6 2007, 04:44 PM) [snapback]456935[/snapback]</div> The question only seems like a question because you are putting the cart before the horse: People don't become self-centered because they are conservative. People who are self-centered become conservatives because conservatism provides them with a rationale and an excuse to be self-centered. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Jun 6 2007, 05:45 PM) [snapback]456986[/snapback]</div> It's the religious right that wants to tell you who you can love and who you can't marry. Old-style conservatives wanted to keep religion out of government. They were racist because (being selfish, as Natalie points out) they didn't want colored people getting any of the pie. True neo-cons don't really care about so-called "moral" issues. They want to establish a fascist government for the benefit of big corporations. They pretend to care about the "morality" stuff to garner the votes of the religious right. Libertarians just want to be left alone. They don't care what happens to anybody else, but they don't foist their lifestyle on others either. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(burritos @ Jun 6 2007, 05:58 PM) [snapback]456992[/snapback]</div> Jesus invented communism. Marx got the idea from him. The early Bolsheviks were probably inspired by Marx, just as the early Christians were inspired by Jesus, but both groups dumped their founder quickly and went off in their own direction: Christians to adopt an anti-Jesus religion in Jesus' name, and Bolsheviks to adopt an anti-Marxist government in Marx's name.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(formerVWdriver @ Jun 6 2007, 07:40 PM) [snapback]456983[/snapback]</div> Sunroad. They built a 12 story office building next to an airfield. They were told it was 20 ft too high for safety by the FAA. They said they'd knock off 20 ft when they built it. Instead they went ahead and built it too high. Turns out they have plans for two more buildings. One 14 stories and one 16 stories. And they don't care about safety. Their plans are to force the closure of the airport so they can then acquire the land and develop it. And there's much more to the story. Read all about it. Real Chutzpah Follow the Money "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jun 6 2007, 07:44 PM) [snapback]456935[/snapback]</div> It is their right. start taking them away and what are you left with. Just because their views differ from you doesn’t mean you should take those views away. Remember some of them think the same about you. Me I just want their rights to be kept intact. I want them to change through education not force. I do disagree with some of the tings you said here but it is your right to say them and mine to disagree. I guess that is the problem with a free country. But I would have it no other way.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jun 6 2007, 04:44 PM) [snapback]456935[/snapback]</div> No I haven't noticed how many? Wildkow p.s. Nice generalization reminds me of this one
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jun 6 2007, 07:44 PM) [snapback]456935[/snapback]</div> I see you are from the nations center of virtue and morality. If the liberals would start thinging a little more about themselves for a change maybe they would stop trying to force their wacky ideas on everyone else. I do a lot of volunteer work for everyone I can, but I really get upset when you just want to give everything away to people who are able to and DO NOT want to work or even try and help themselves. Their motto stay home, use crack, make babbies, rob the 7-11. Big brother will give me everything I want and need.
I don't think we are self centered. We believe that you have to work hard for what you want/earn and maybe along with that comes pride, not as you call self centered. We don't believe in handing out everyone's hard earned money to people that sit on their arse all day and expect a pay check...If anyone is self centered I believe it's the Left side. Everyone has their hands over their ears, has tunnel vision, and refuses to listen to what anyone has to say that might be different than how they feel. It seems you are so stuck on your yourselves and your beliefs that you come off as pompous and all knowing. Your hatred for the President and they way you express it leaves you looking unpatroitic, self centered, and just plain ugly and nasty. Never mind that you are also so self centered in your beliefs that you REFUSE to admit what the terrorist will do if and when they are given the chance. If you are so against everything that is going on here then why stay? Why not go to Iraq or Afghanistan to live? They may greet you with open arms, ... or not.... AND your politicians are so self centered in their political gain that they can not even admit when they teetor tooter on their political statements to make you all happy! You guys are so blinded in that fact... I am sorry but I think it's the Liberals who come off as self centered, all knowing, self richeous, and in their own little world about this war. (Well, what ever world your news tells you to be in) And now since I disaggree with what you say (Not that you are self centered and all knowing or anything), let the flaming begin. Please note that I am not going to be on a lot to reply today. My husband is in the middle of the desert doing a training exercise for the war that you hate so much for a month. I have a lot on my plate. In two months I have to worry about him day and night and hope that he comes home safe. This is not the first time he has gone. How many times have you defended your Country? I hope you are enjoying the safety of your home, not worrying about being bombed, a mass attack AGAIN on this Country, and enjoying all the comforts this Country has to offer.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TurkeyButt @ Jun 7 2007, 07:33 AM) [snapback]457253[/snapback]</div> Thank you, your husband and your family for keeping us safe. Thank you for allowing the person dearest to you in the world to go fight the people who want to kill us over there, so we don't have to do it here. I find it staggeringly stupid that some people believe George Bush is the enemy, when their focus should be on people who declared war on us and have attacked us repeatedly. We are in WWIII. And only about six people seem to know it. And even if some liberals won't acknowledge that we are at war with an enemy that declared war on us, wouldn't you think they would at least be interested in the human rights atrocities? Look at how women are treated. Even in European countries Islamofascists murder their daughters in "honor killings." Can't people see what's going and on what's coming? Tunnel vision is right.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Jun 6 2007, 10:02 PM) [snapback]457045[/snapback]</div> Self-Centered people who are liberal - to name a few: algore g. soros steve jobs b & h clinton Rep Jefferson Conservatives who are not self-centered: w. buffet m. dell wm gates being self-centered means what??
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TurkeyButt @ Jun 7 2007, 07:33 AM) [snapback]457253[/snapback]</div> First and foremost - God Bless you and your husband, and I will pray for his safe return to you and your families. I honor his service to country - he serves as a great example for ALL Americans. Second, I agree with you 100% - it tends to be liberals who are self-centered - they believe they know what is best for all of us - not just themselves. Be it: Global Warming Giving Terrorists rights conferred upon American citizens via our Constitution Preventing our governemnt from protecting us via electroninc or other means Blaming America for all of some of the worlds ills Blaming 9/11 on us for whatever reason Trying to force gay marriage on 300,000,000 Americans Telling us God does not exist and on and on and on... it is liberals who tend to be self-centered, indulgent, all-knowing.... Again, God Bless you and your husband and your families.