One I thought of, Not sure if anyone else has said this here yet... So do you have to Plug it in? "No no no, this sucker's electrical, but it requires a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of electricity I need." I'm going to get a sticker that says Mr Fusion or somthing like that made. "Plutonium Powered" BTW, my first car was a 1981 Delorean... Pics Below. The plates are being transferred to my Prius as soon as I get it.
I was always curious about Deloreans after first seeing them in BTTF. I remember listening to the commentary track on the DVD where they were saying that they had a few different cars to shoot with, and they were absolute beasts to keep running. What was your experience like? Dave.
You could say "YES! At the gas pump same as you only a lot less often." Dare we ask if the term 'was', being past tense, has specific meaning? As in 'rest in peace (or pieces?)? I didn't even have a car until I was your age
Leave the plug end of a short extension cord hanging out the hatchback, and when people ask if you have to plug it in just point. Robert
How about: "Yeah, I plug it in to charge the batteries. The internal combustion engine burns gasoline and the battery consumes electricity. Poeple think this car pollutes less but they're all backwards. By sucking gas AND electricity, I'm contributing to the creation of greenhouse gases in multiples that would make a Hummer jealous." The key is the delivery; make sure you smile and nearly laugh when you say this. And when you're done, shoot your pistols in the air as you hop from foot to foot screaming "yee haw!"
The 1981 Delorean "was" my old car because it never ran. Every 500 miles the thing would break and something, almost always costing over $500, would need to be replaced. The car wasn't working more than it was. When it did work, it was a blast. Everyone had questions about it. In that cars case, I was not asked if I plugged it in, but if it could fly. I never had an accident in it. Never got a ticket, but the guy I sold it to totaled the car. In the one year I owned it, I replaced the Alternator 3 times, the Master Wire harness, a Starter, Electric Door lock relay, Battery, Automatic Transmission, New seals on the engine, New tranny computer, The fuse box, and god knows what else just to keep it on the road. Meanwhile, I was still resorting all the cosmetics on the car. I replaced just about everything in the interior with new OEM parts from the carpets to the ashtray. It was a money pit, But it was fun to work on.
"Can it fly?" Man, if I had a dollar for everytime someone asked me that about my Prius...when I have the tailgate up... I'd like to see a Halloween Photoshopped Prius with the tailgate open and a large jet engine pointing out the back. Of course, that's just for passing... (see the Darwin Awards for the supposedly true story of the person who did fire up a jet engine on his car...only once.)
Probably because he couldn't take the frustration any longer. After all you put into it, it is amazing you even had money left to buy the Prius!
Seriously? Wow. The first person I ever told when I got on the list asked that question. Actually, their phrasing was something along the lines that any gas savings would probably be offset by the increase in my home's electric bill. They were afraid that I had fallen for the hype only to be stuck with a higher electricity bill. I suppose ignorant caution is better than no caution at all. And yes, I thoroughly educated them on the hybrid synergy drive.
The closest I came to hearing the question was a statement / question: "And you don't have to plug it in, right?"
I am planning on starting a topic on TV sightings (if there isn't one already) but did anyone see "Two and a Half Men" last night? If featured a silver '04 that the half man was learning to drive. Lots of jokes about plugging in the electric car, they just didn't get it. It's not a show I normally watch (honestly, it isn't) but I saw the Prius in a promo so I TiVo'd it.
When I've been asked, I just say: "Nope, it has a 1.5L gas-powered generator in it." But then every once in a while I'll get asked, where do you store a generator that big, in the back? I just reply, "Nope, it's under the hood with the electric motor." If they don't get it by then, they usually get this puzzled look on their face and just walk away scratching their heads. :lol:
I've been asked this question a couple of times. I usually say the car came with a very, very long extension cord. The funny thing is some people nod, and think I'm serious. Then I have to explain the regeneration from coasting/braking and the gas engine bit. Bill '04 BC Black '04 BC White
I barely get "Do you have to plug it in". (Only when talking about it, when away from it) When I am showing someone it, they ask WHERE is the plug. Then explain it.