<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Duane @ Jun 4 2007, 05:45 PM) [snapback]455201[/snapback]</div> Dude, no group of people will ever be 100% what you had hoped them to be. If you bought because of the green aspect of the Prius, I suspect you'll be even more so. I know it was a statement for me. It was the anti-SUV, the antidote to the suburban McMansion-dwelling faction. And then I come here and read about people wondering how many kiddie seats they can cram into their car or what upholstery will withstand the grubby mess. There are a lot of us who aren't the big talkers, who come here to glean what information we can and leave the rest behind. I've just learned to get my green fix elsewhere and use this forum for the nuts and bolts.
I find it curious that we're all answering a guy who says he will never read this site again. That said, I'll join in the replies: My Prius IS my gas-guzzler. I drive it when I have to go out of town. The rest of the time I drive my EV, which gets its batteries charged from hydroelectric power.
My only other vehicle is my stationary bike. I just use if for short trips in front of the television. It also gets fantastic mileage.
I also kept the better gas mileage of the original two, even though it was a crappier car (a Buick Skylark). But yeah, peace out! Being bitter is not really a good thing, but if you insist, you may... "Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial"
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(F8L @ Jun 4 2007, 07:52 PM) [snapback]455304[/snapback]</div> Yeah, like make general remarks about all Floridians. Well, my gas guzzling SUV is a Hybrid...I guess I just even things out.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(wombatua @ Jun 4 2007, 05:53 PM) [snapback]455207[/snapback]</div> Same Here... 24 year-old single guy in northwest Ohio with one Prius.... If you dod not see me on the road memorial day weekend it was because I did not drive anywhere... I had no need or desire to drive around in that mess... In fact since I got my prius I have cut my driving by about 3,000 miles per year. I also replace every single lighttbulb in my apartment to CFL lightbulbs in 2003 and still have every CFL bulb that I bought back then 4 years later... (By my count I have 14 CFL bulbs and 3 halogen bulbs in my kitchen spotlights) I also recycle glass, paper, and plastics and try to ride my bicycle on the local trail to keep in shape and enjoy nature... So I really am trying to do my part thank you very much... But it is not easy in a society that offers few environmentally friendly options for many daily needs... ::sigh:: Some people will just never be happy... <_<
Regardless of how many SUV s the other Chat members have they are still doing the world a big favor whenever they drive their Prius. We use our Prius for most of our driving, for the MPG and it is FUN to drive. Not everyone can get along with a 4 passenger car all the time. (I know Toyota says that it seats 5, but thats a stretch.) I for one will not miss Duane, size 3. Must be his hat size.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(AuntBee @ Jun 4 2007, 09:17 PM) [snapback]455472[/snapback]</div> Not sure if a stationary bike qualifies as a "vehicle." But giving it the benefit of the doubt, it uses no gas and it travels no distance. Therefore its mileage is zero divided by zero, which is an undefined operation. Therefore it does not get any mileage at all. I have probably done this wrong, but I calculated the mileage for Yvette (the E-'Vette), and she goes about one millimeter on 40 million billion electrons, which is pretty good because it comes out to 1.9 cents per mile at my cost for electricity. The calculation is here.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Jun 5 2007, 07:08 AM) [snapback]455631[/snapback]</div> they get mpg's as they bring the groceries home in a vehicle to be burnt operating the stationary bike so that has to be figured into the equation
I'm guilty! All of my children are precious and we can't fit in the Prius when we're all together. However, the Chevy Conversion Van is heading for the Make A Wish Foundation sometime this week and I won't miss it.
Prius only !!! <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(huskers @ Jun 5 2007, 09:59 AM) [snapback]455666[/snapback]</div> I also noticed today that someone in town has a new Prius. I'm going to have to find out who joined the club.
This is a funny thread, a poster (now former?) complains about how many people here own SUVs and other gas guzzlers and how you can't be green without owning anything other than Prii, and so the thread naturally becomes somewhat of a pissing contest about how green we all are, which is another thing that at times makes me screaming mad because I am greener than most all of you! I only have one car which is a Prius between my wife and I, we both walk and bike (and somtimes bus) to work/school every work day and so don't put hardly any miles on the car, live in a 700 square foot apartment downtown, don't use our heater in the winter 'ever', we only use CFLs, and recycle everything that the building collects. So Hah, hah, hah! Okay, I am being sarcastic. I only buy CFLs because it is cheaper for me (anyone who doesn't use them where they can is pretty much an idiot, except some people don't like the light or are worried about UV which I understand too), I bought a Prius mostly because I liked the size of the car, the styling, and the hatchback (and got good financing), I live in a 700 square foot apartment because it is the only thing I can afford after retirement contributions, car payments, school payments, and groceries, my wife and I live close to work because we hate traffic and it is nicer to walk than sit in traffic and even then, the high cost of parking downtown where my wife works and schools and the high cost and scarcity of parking at the University where I work/school keeps us from driving to work when we want anyways, we really don't use our heater, but only because my neighbors must have their heat on all the time because my apartment is always hot and the one side of the apartment on an outside wall must be superinsulated glass (our windows are at times open when it is below zero outside to cool off), and we recycle only because it is convenient for us. At this forum, we all (almost) share just one thing in common, a vehicle. Because of the vehicle, many of us also trend towards similar attitudes on the environment and politics. But many of us live very different lifestyles. Some of us are young graduate students, some of us have families, some of us have grandkids, some live rural lifestyles, many live suburban lifestyles, and some live urban lifestyles. Many here have higher than average incomes, which is evident in the threads bickering about AMT and threads where people debate whether to pay cash for their vehicles (if only I had the option!), and some here have more modest incomes where the Prius was a big purchase. Some here have long commutes, others work from home or bike. I at times give my computer screen the judgmental eye when I read about people who live more than 20 miles from work, but really, we all have different reasons and circumstances and values that make such unenvironmental choices acceptable for those people. As a whole though, we all make more environmental choices than the average American, and I believe that in order to make the country to be more environmental, it is important that people know that they don't have to compromise their other values. Environmentalism will most likely never be the primary value for the vast majority of Americans, but if we show people that they can choose to be more green without substantially changing thier life, then we will still be better off. Most americans need to know that if all they did was change a few lightbulbs, bought a smaller SUV (or sedan that fits their needs), consider their commute time when they move or combine trips or carpool, change the grass in thier lawns, plant a few trees, buy a programmable thermostat, or buy energy star appliances, then the environment will be healthier and in most cases their wallets will be a bit heavier at the same time. Environmentallism isn't an all or nothing movement, even though many of us wish it could be. Environmentallism is a general trend that needs to keep moving, even if it takes baby steps. We all are on different steps, and the least we can do is be respectful of which step we are all on because we all have unique situations.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tom 6850 @ Jun 5 2007, 09:37 AM) [snapback]455621[/snapback]</div> That's got to be one of the funnier things I've read in awhile We are a 3 car family - my toy (MR2 Spyder, which has had about 800 miles put on it since last July), my Prius (16,000+ miles in less than a year), and Nichole's first love - her orange Element. Since we got the Prius, the Element has been on a trip of over 40 miles..... um.... I can't think of one time. It's our drump-truck, college football-lovin' tailgater tow-er, go out and buy some furniture car. Everyone has different tastes and needs. Don't paint such broad strokes with that brush or yours. Not all PriusChatters only have a need for just their Prius.
Well I started with a 04 Prius & an 04 Tundra. Now its a 07 Hycam & the 04 Tundra. Oh and the 72 Mustang....
An Audi A4, 2007 Prius, a herd of various skateboards and bicycles and somewhere in my medicine cabinet is a little yellow bottle that may help Duane cope with reality.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Duane @ Jun 4 2007, 05:45 PM) [snapback]455201[/snapback]</div> Truely Original Ending there. Just not enough exclamation points. I WILL NEVAR CHECK THIS SITE AGAIN!11!!1!!!11!! See: That's how you do it. I was expecting the "Don't reply because I won't be reading this" gambit but you can't have everything. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Jun 5 2007, 03:26 AM) [snapback]455531[/snapback]</div> Waitaminnit. I thought there was a reason FARK has a special "FLORIDA" tag