I'm heading up to the North Shore this weekend to hike a 30-mile segment of the Lake Superior Hiking Trail. While i've never been on this particular trail before, it was voted by readers of Backpacker Magazine as the second best trail in the country, and the segment i'm doing (Silver Bay to Finland Recreation Center) is supposed to be one of the most scenic portions of the 250 mile trail, traveling through Tettegouche State Park. I'll be sure to post up some pictures when i get back. Also, i obviously won't be updating the political chart we've been making the past few days until Monday, so get over there this weekend and post your results! T-minus 55 minutes until i can leave work and drive up there!
what fun! i have a friend who went to college in superior and spent lots of time on the trails up there. up-north in general is so beautiful. me, i'm into the river and bluff trails.
I once rode a bike from Duluth up to the border, along North Shore drive, on a ALA trek thing... we stayed in campgrounds along the way. Lovely area.
Have fun Eagle, I'll be looking forward to the pictures, havn't been up to that neck of the woods in years.
Gathering the pictures from the various camera's, unfortunately there was a ton of fog all day saturday that obscured most of the views. I'll get pictures posted in the next day or so. PS. mileage for the trip was 43.5 MPG round trip, one tank of gas. with 4 guys plus 40 lbs of gear each in the hatch (filled up to the glass), and going 75+ most of the trip (70MPH limit... i know, i'm a bad person ), it's not to shabby.
And i've got pictures! I'm just going to link them, because i don't want to bother with resizing them to the proper size to display on the board. http://jonstratis.com/SHTA/IMG_7278.JPG http://jonstratis.com/SHTA/IMG_7278.JPG http://jonstratis.com/SHTA/IMG_7286.JPG http://jonstratis.com/SHTA/IMG_7288.JPG http://jonstratis.com/SHTA/IMG_7295.JPG http://jonstratis.com/SHTA/IMG_7312.JPG http://jonstratis.com/SHTA/IMG_1926.jpg
great pics! the scenery reminds me of home :wub: i LOVE the one with the tree branches in front of the lake. i actually have a similarly laid out pic from our honeymoon, taken on a lake in door county.
Just calculated: This little trip of ours burned approximately 10,000 calories per person this weekend. 30 miles, 30-40 lb packs, 180-200lb people, traveling at around 3.0 MPH pace with a total ascent in the neighborhood of 5,000 feet (although the max and min elevation for the trip were 800 and 1600, respectively). The best part was running into some people on the bus ride back to the car that we passed the previous day - once we figured out we had seen each other, they said "oh yeah, you were the guys booking it up the trail" Of course, we ate plenty to make up for it Breakfast was two packages of oatmeal each, two cereal bars, and enough malt-o-meal to fill a standard nalgene (just the mix... once we added water, it would have been enough for 4 nalgene's). Lunch consisted of summer sausage and crackers (a whole box of Ritz with enough sausage to cover all the crackers) and PB&J - a bag of tortilla's for "bread" and a whole jar of both peanut butter and jelly. During the day, we went through 5 granola bars each. Dinner was shells and cheese, with precooked canned chicken. the bag of noodles was the size of my head, and the cheese packet the size of my fist
So, which one of your forgot your pack? http://jonstratis.com/SHTA/IMG_7278.JPG I used to backpack on parts of the App. Trail twice a year, but it's been a while since I've had the opportunity. Your pictures remind me of how great backpacking makes you feel.
Lol... He put his pack down so he could dig out his little tripod for the picture. It definitely felt great... until i twisted my knee with 2 miles left on Sunday. Luckily, i don't think i tore anything, so i should be good to go for my 5k run in 3 weeks
Wow, those were some truly awesome pictures! I especially like the picture taken at sunset (sunrise?) - those types of pictures have always been my favorite. Good luck with your run! Hopefully you'll be well-rested for the event.
Sunset our first night. It was overcast and foggy all day on Saturday, and most of the morning on Sunday. Hopefully i'll go back in a year or two to get all the other vistas. We couldn't even see Lake Superior due to the weather.