I’m sorry, but I think I have finally had it with this website. You all brag and pat yourselves on the back and advertise how much you do for our planet, yet you all, or most of you, have a gas guzzler as well as a Prius. Please spare me, when I bought my Prius a year ago I was proud of making a mark on global problems. And sold my gas guzzler and felt as though I will make do with only that auto.….most of you did not!!!! You brag about your luxury and SUV’s, I don’t need this. I mentioned that I drove from Florida to Ohio and saw ONLY one Prius over the Memorial Day weekend. I suspect you all left your Toyotas at home, Huh? I know I will get flamed so I will never check this site again, There has to be better. Bye bye Duane Laughbaum
Well, actually, NO. We do have two cars, the Prius and a Buick. We kept the better gas mileage car of our original two. Dear Hubby has been looking at no-gas forms of transportation for his commute, and the Prius is for my (much longer) commute. You might notice that a lot of the posters on this forum are "gear heads" that are driving the Prius for every day driving, and only taking their "toys" out for special occasions. Or, they are saving up to get the 2nd Prius, so both partners can drive one. Not everyone has the wherewithal to replace both family vehicles at once, you know. Don't let the door smack yo nice person on the way out, okay?
Huh? Not that I'm a frequent poster (I'm a more frequent lurker), but I'm single, I have only a Prius, I actually live in Ohio. Please don't generalize so broadly.
uhm...... well.... i've fully admitted numerous times that we bought the prius for the better MPG and not because it's green.... however... the green part IS a nice extra.... we traded in an acura mdx, which was our primary vehicle used for shopping.... longer trips... etc... we still have hubby's toyota truck that is used on days he doesn't ride to work with me or ride his bicycle (usually friday's).... or it's used for hauling stuff (and how often does that happen?) i/we like gadgets.... and we're cheap the great gas mileage coupled with the gadgety stuff made this the perfect car for us for now!
phew... talk about over-the-head talking... I don't know who you're referring to (although several come to mind which shall remain nameless) but that's probably just as bad as saying "everyone who owns a Prius can't afford the gas".... Our other car is a 02 Camry 4 cylinder. No SUVs in our family (or extended family for that matter. Hell, none of us own a V6 or larger vehicle. All have 4 cylinder motors) so I don't know what you're talking about. Now that the Camry's gone (taxi totalled it), we're down to one car and that's the Prius. Our monthly gas bill actually dropped (despite travelling around in the Prius more often because of the lack of an additional vehicle).
Oh yes, let's ridicule all the people with gas guzzler SUVs AND a Prius. After all, they're even worse than those with ONLY an SUV...oh wait, no they're not... Me, I get as much as I can carry into the Prius, AND it's my performance vehicle (who the heck needs more?) But most of the folks I see on PC have the Prius as their MAIN car, and only drive their other vehicle for large loads or for fun. Too bad Duane is trolling, and not going to stick around to actually learn something...I'm sure he'll find better on the thousands of other Prius websites...
I decided to have a midlife crisis and asked my wife if I should get a girlfriend or a car. I ended up car shopping. I have a full size Chevy 4wd pickup which is nice when we go to the mountains in the winter. It isn't great for a daily driver. I wanted something small and fun to drive. I was looking at the Mustang GT and really looking forward to one when I realized how we are enabling those nutjobs in the middle east with our oil dollars. I test drove a Prius and being a long time geek, really liked it. I still have my truck, but it gets driven about once a week. My wife has her Honda minivan and that's what we took the family camping in this weekend. I'm sorry, but the Prius wouldn't carry all our gear. I love my Prius, but it just doesn't work for every situation. We drove the minivan because we didn't need the 4wd truck and it gets better mileage. I'll admit I still love my pickup truck. It is big, eats gas, and it enables me to spend more money at Home Depot . But on the other hand, the Prius is a much better daily driver. Easier to park, quicker to fuel (8-9 gals vs the 20 of my truck), has an iPod jack and is fun to drive too. I feel I am doing my part. I got my Prius in October and have almost 6000 miles on it. I think I've filled up my truck twice since I got the Prius, so that's about 600-700 miles I put on it.
Wow... someone expects the world, doesn't he? In addition to what everyone else said, i just want to add that every Prius on the road helps - it's a choice over a worse mileage car and a "vote with their wallet" for new, more efficient technology. I could care less if someone has a Prius parked next to a Hummer in their garage (although i would laugh if i found out).
well... we're not rich or anything so we couldn't afford to buy *two* more efficient cars. our 'guzzler' got something in the mid 20s mpg which ain't bad for a 1989 sedan. 'till someone decided to take it off the road for us, that is. our 90 buick got in the lower teens. the prius is our luxury car, our suv, our truck and our travel vehicle. chill out there...
It's funny how people think that one car is going to solve everything. Wonder if that person uses the energy saving light bulbs, recycles, etc... We have two other cars and they are 4 cylinders. I wish that there was a RAV4 or similar SUV that had the Prius hybrid, I think it is coming soon, then I would average high 30s for my cars, now it is low 30s. If you asked any of my farmer friends they would be ecstatic to get a fuel efficient truck. We are doing what we can but it is the auto companies and government that are not pushing for higher and higher mileage. CAFE is lower than it was in the 70s so what is wrong with that picture...
No way I could afford another car. My one and only car is the Prius. No gas guzzlers in my garage. It is funny that I see very, very few Prius's (or is that Prii?) on the road. In a weeks time of driving back and forth to work 30 miles, I may see a handful of them.
I only have a Prius. And actually over the memorial day weekend I drove to Columbus, OH from southern MI and saw exactly 20 priuses on my relatively short trip.
God damned Floridians always generalizing and making an arse out of themselves lol. DO MORE RESEARCH BEFORE SAYING SOMETHING SILLY
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Duane @ Jun 4 2007, 04:45 PM) [snapback]455201[/snapback]</div> You can buy better, but you can't pay more. [smile]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(F8L @ Jun 4 2007, 07:52 PM) [snapback]455304[/snapback]</div> Hey, I live like 3 miles from him. I didn't generalize!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(toyotablackbox @ Jun 4 2007, 07:19 PM) [snapback]455273[/snapback]</div> :lol: Ha ha! Seriously though, trying to out-smug your fellow Prius drivers is a waste of time because no matter how pious you are, there are priuschat members who are doing more than you. The biggest mistake in the 'critique' the OP offered was in assuming that people who are driving more than one vehicle, but only one Prius, have 1. The financial means to afford multiple Prii (or Priuses, but never Prius's for plural, since that's the possessive form) 2. No reasonable need for capabilities that the Prius can't offer. Personally, I have a Prius and a Camry in my driveway, but the Camry is basically serving as a protective shield for a patch of asphalt right now because it rarely gets driven. I bike to work as much as I can, and the Prius takes care of almost all my other needs. When I absolutely can't get by without a truck or van, I rent one. There's no point in calling out other drivers though, unless you own no car, always walk or bike to work, use either no electricity or can guarantee your juice comes from only renewable sources, never use hot water for such frivolous things as taking a shower or bath, eat only locally grown food, and live in a teepee. Even so, if you're living in the USA, more resources are used in supporting your lavish lifestyle than is proportional to most of the rest of the world, so even if you paint your house, your car, and your face green, you still can't be green enough until we elect some people to government who will actually do something about the problems our society is creating.
Sorry, no. Only one car. And it's a Prius. I also own a bicycle. And I don't own a gasoline lawn mower, gasoline weedeater or a leaf blower. I have no grass, use an electric weedeater when necessary (but mostly I just dig and pull) and use a broom. No, I don't even power wash my driveway with a hose. I bag my garden stuff and take it to the city landfill where they process it into compost and mulch. I also use compact fluorescents, have a programmable thermostat and recycle. Instead of turning the heat up, I have a dog. He's quite well trained. He warms up my spot on the bed in the evening while I'm watching television and when I come in he gets up and moves so I have a nice warm spot to snuggle down in.