Why yes we are...although they are not staying, we are all going to a carnival. The next poster thinks carnivals were much cooler when they were younger
Yes I do. Nowadays they seem a little creepy, I get this "I'm in a David Lynch" film feeling when I attend one. In my youth they were a bit more fascinating, I validate this by my eight year old daughters reluctance to attend anymore. The next poster like good rides but dislikes cotton candy.
depends on the ride... some i like and some i never got into. and cotton candy is ok if i have a bite once every 5 years or so. any more often and i hate it. the next poster has helped to take apart an engine.
Yes, and I even managed to get a few running again. The next poster built a go kart when they were young(er).
Sure did- I was just talking to a friend today about how we always built things when we were kids, but kids today don't seem to do that. The next poster is going to have to challenge galaxee again about making every post on this thread about work!
Yes, I will give it a shot The next poster has just taken a shower and ready for a night of HOT S_X!! if they can stop talking about work long enough or how many mpg the prius gets
If you'd like... The next poster is getting ready to go to The Cancer Society's Relay for Life event.
nope... it's about to rain, and we're about to head off to look at a friend's car. [i never stop thinking about work, so it's bound to come out in my communications... only bound to get worse this summer!] the next poster still has boxes to unpack from their last move.
Nope, we've been settled for a few moons now - a move may be in the cards 12 months from now though! The next poster is going rock climbing next weekend - because it's there.
No, I wish I was though. I've spent a few summers in Yosemite and do a bit when I can - no good walls in WNY. The next poster has a rack of beeners.
Rack of beeners? If I do, I'm not aware of it. The next poster has been known to lie about their age. Thanks for missing me HYO And E'moi, hope you enjoyed the RFL event. I didn't get to go to one this year but have been to one almost every year for the last 10 years.
Yes, but not really known. The next poster builds their own compuers instead of buys them from the big OEMs (HP, Dell).
Me...? Build my own computer? HEE! That's a good one... :lol: The next poster had Chinese food for dinner. (Thanks AuntBee... it was very cool. I lit a luminary in memory of my mom too.)
No work for me on Sunday... THANK GOODNESS! The next poster is listening to someone snore. Sigh... (Darken, it's LATE there!)