<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ZenCruiser @ May 31 2007, 10:44 PM) [snapback]452985[/snapback]</div> Yes - I don't recall the % - it's been years since I lived in NYC - but it's mostly the black population in NYC that is on Welfare (democrats) Actually - they changed the laws BECAUSE Of this problem - You now do NOT get more welfare for having more kids. Guess what happened - That's right - Less Democrats. And why is it racist to point out factual information? If you bump into a 16-21 year old black male in NYC that lives in certain areas. you have a 50% chance of running into a convicted felon - Fact If you are a middle eastern man between the age of 12-28 - you have a greater chance if you live in a certain area of being a islamic fanatical terrorist - Fact If you are black and living in NYC and living in a certain area - you have a greater chance of doing drugs - fact. This isn't racist. It's not distortion of truth - it's fact. In my neighborhood - there have been ZERO CRIMES IN 10 YEARS - Not even a parking ticket - FACT In my neighborhood - there are no black people - FACT Is that racist? No - just facts. Am I racist? no - I just seperate myself from the elements that have a statistical chance of being related to crime, drugs and/or negative elements of society... How do I do it? - I make more money than they do. Does that make me racist? No - it makes me SMART BigMahma (in rare form tonight)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(F8L @ May 30 2007, 02:14 PM) [snapback]452191[/snapback]</div> How dare you! :angry:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(livelychick @ May 31 2007, 11:39 PM) [snapback]453023[/snapback]</div> Well... They kinda do...
Pretty interesting. Thanks for initiating and graphing, Eagle. Screaming red is: Economic -4.5, Social libertarian -7.13, slightly left and south of DH, who's a -3, -4. (Closer to Gandhi) Righty liberals appear to be scarcer than hen's teeth.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigmahma @ May 31 2007, 11:39 PM) [snapback]453022[/snapback]</div> Bolding in Bigmahma's post is mine. Well, I can hardly refute those kinds of facts when they are presented so scientifically and with such a plethora of references backing them up. :blink:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ZenCruiser @ May 31 2007, 11:56 PM) [snapback]453037[/snapback]</div> Don't need a PHD to figure that one out bud. Just common sense. I'm not going to argue with you about the things we aren't supposed to say but know deep down inside in the places we don't like to look at..... to be true. I know - I'm an nice person - but dear god man wake up. You know as well as I do what types of people we are talking about.
Your political compass Economic Left/Right: -7.63 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.41 Damn, bigmahma, you sure know how to crush a girl's soy nuts! <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigmahma @ May 31 2007, 05:35 PM) [snapback]452914[/snapback]</div> I know plenty a freaks that came from very traditional families. A loving home trounces an unloving one. Actually, the most conservative folks I associate with tend to have come from non-traditional families. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigmahma @ May 31 2007, 05:35 PM) [snapback]452914[/snapback]</div> What about corporate welfare? I grew up in LA in a very affluent neighborhood, The school district deemed that poor kids should be bused in to magnet programs in wealthy areas, and vice versa. Many kids (not I, my parents raised me right) made fun of the poorer kids, usually by making fun of their welfare mammas, "you ain't got no ice cream, cause you on the welfare" was a fairly common sing song that was thrown out. Now a large proportion of the 'rich kids' had parents who worked for Hughes Aircraft, and other defense companies who in the late eighties early nineties received a lot of federal bailout. I remember it coming to me in Junior High when someone threw out one of these comments, I snapped back with "you're a welfare kid too in essence, you just live in a nicer house, and don't worry about food on the table" Are you in the top 1%? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigmahma @ May 31 2007, 05:35 PM) [snapback]452914[/snapback]</div> See above the welfare system you seem to have such a distaste for was reformed under the Clinton Administration. I always find it funny how conservatives give he and Hillary such a damn hard time, when he got more of the Republicans agenda saw to then he did his own. The big one: welfare reform, oh, and erasing the deficit. Rudy Giuliani wasn't much better, homeless? we're shipping your tush out. The guy wasn't prepared for 9/11, and prior to that was getting major heat for f-ing his mistress in Gracie Mansion, while his wife and children slept under the same roof. I can't wait to see how he is going to run on the 'moral' ticket. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigmahma @ May 31 2007, 05:35 PM) [snapback]452914[/snapback]</div> The rate of the euro to the US dollar disagrees with you. Healthcare? Do you work in healthcare? I do and we need to do something. In the UK, it is more of a safety net than anything. My very good friend's dad was head of security for British Airways, they had the money, and they saw private physicians. I've worked with Su Salud, it is a health fair (volunteer) that addresses the most pressing health needs of the poor and underserved who live in the rural counties of the Central Valley. There is a grim irony in the fact that in California's Central Valley, 700,000 people, including 200,000 children, lack health insurance. The area boasts some of the richest farm land in the state, and many prosper from its agricultural economy; for the most part, however, prosperity eludes those who work the land, and this largely disenfranchised population inhabits the bottom rungs of the socioeconomic ladder. What I'd seen there had me crying the whole ride back from Stockton, granted it is not as bad as what I've seen when working with MSF (doctors without borders), it runs a close second. If it were not for programs like these (which is now closed), the only 'health-care' these folks have is the ER and usually requiring days of treatment (which the unpaid accounts went up after Su Salud's closure) Who foots that bill? An ounce of prevention is really worth more than a pound of cure. Ya drive a Prius now, unless the crack kid has a flatbed, he can't steal your car. Rest easy. I pay plenty of taxes, and when I made 60K a year I paid higher taxes then I do at 150, seems a tad unfair :huh: I don't mind paying more taxes for a better society overall. Maybe I'm still that bright eyed kid in the classroom in grade school learning about California history and specifically Pat Brown, and thinking "what an amazing idea".
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigmahma @ May 31 2007, 11:00 PM) [snapback]453041[/snapback]</div> No, you will never "figure it out". You don't care about removing the causes of poverty/crime/etc., you'd rather blame the victims. Then you tell yourself that you make more money because you are smarter :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: If there's one way the world definitely does NOT work, that's it... Even if every "fact" is true, a "fact" can be meaningless if taken out of context. Your giant paycheck and isolationist lifestyle is only made possible BECAUSE of hard-working people who weren't born into the right family/race/city/social class. To think that you somehow earned your status in life is incredibly deluded. I hope you're not religious, because that's one of the seven deadly sins...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigmahma @ Jun 1 2007, 12:00 AM) [snapback]453041[/snapback]</div> Don't for a nanosecond presume that you know me or that I'm anything like you.
Please don't feed the trolls, you'll just get more excrement like the following new thread Big mama started "I mean - it's the LIBERAL thing to do. Leave those poor innocent people to suffer because YOU HAVE NO FREAKING SPINE." -BigMama
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Proco @ May 31 2007, 09:36 PM) [snapback]452981[/snapback]</div> Thanks, i hadn't noticed... new graph up in a minute with all the additions from last night
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Darwood @ Jun 1 2007, 10:15 AM) [snapback]453182[/snapback]</div> Sorry - you are correct - I am incorrect. Crime does not follow minorities - I was mistaken. I want to change the world - one step at a time. First step - EDUCATE NOT HATE. Luv, BigMahma
Actually I have no problem with you posting your "facts" right or wrong. I only have a problem with the inflammatory hatemongering, as pointed out. Keep it civil.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ May 31 2007, 09:31 PM) [snapback]452944[/snapback]</div> Comparing "our" chart with the one of world leaders, you're in about the same position as Angela Merkel, and bigmahma represents G.W. Bush. My advice- stay away from bigmahma!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(vdubstress @ May 31 2007, 09:35 PM) [snapback]453074[/snapback]</div> It just goes to show if the neocons have a snowballs chance in hell of making it past juniors reign they better support gay marriage and adoption in order to up their numbers. Perhaps they better pass a bill requiring gays to impregnate lesbians at an astounding rate. Maybe they better require Peter and Paul to marry Mary.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rae Vynn @ Jun 1 2007, 02:42 PM) [snapback]453392[/snapback]</div> This weekend, read "The Nation", listen to "Democracy Now", check out the blogs on Daily Kos, go to a peace rally, turn vegan, and then take the test again. Maybe you'll score even higher!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigmahma @ May 31 2007, 10:39 PM) [snapback]453022[/snapback]</div> Don't forget this one... If you run into a very LARGE woman on the street, there is a 75% chance she shops at Lane Bryant! FACT...lol. Seriously...most of the people on welfare and/or on crack or meth, and who live in Arkansas are white. It's true...and I am a "white" person who lives in a "white" neighborhood full of "white" people who make alot of money. Stats can be manipulated to prove whatever point you want to make. I should know...I studied statistics and human behavior for my Master's Thesis.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(thebrattygurl @ Jun 1 2007, 04:36 PM) [snapback]453505[/snapback]</div> While I agree that one can prove almost any point with statistics by applying them to get the result one seeks, that post wasn't even close to using statistics - that was more akin to "You know, that thing in the place with that guy" ... Besides, we all know that 43.7% of all statistics are wrong...