I have had my new Prius for three weeks. For the most part I am very pleased with the car, but there are a few things bugging me. 1)The remote unlocker only unlocks the front doors. (So I have to unlock the front doors and hit the button to let the kids in the back.) 2)The ugly caution screen on the Nav. (I get the point Toyota) 3)The Rattle in the Dash on the passenger side. (heard on every bump) 4)The rear seat seatbelts don't work! (Maybe there is something I am missing, but the belts only work when you cross them over to the middle sections clip) This really pisses me off, I have kids in my car. :x If there is something I don't understand, please clue me in. Ed.
double click the remote and it will unlock all the doors including the hatch. It's been this way with Toyota since the 80's
Slumbum, I found your annoyances interesting because I have none of them (except the nav screen warning). First of all, if you unlock the doors, and then quickly press unlock again, all doors should unlock. As for the warning, it's gimpy, but a lawyer will tell you it's necessary. It's annoying to have it, but Toyota doesn't want a lawsuit from someone staring at the screen, crashes into a pole, and blames Toyota for not warning them... I don't understand your rear seat belts not working... :? You should elaborate on this problem so we can understand the problem and help you fix it... I'm sorry about your rattle in the dash. I don't have it, but you should take it to the dealership, have them look at it, and demand that it be fixed... Flyingprius
If you have a navigation system, don't you also have the Smart Entry System. It is programmable. Read the owner's manual, specifically at page 31 (of the 2005 manual). If your vehicle is not equipped with the Smart Key System, the unlocking instructions are at page 36. Blame the lawyers. Toyota is definitely not the only manufacturer that repeatedly warns the user. Hey, it may even protect you when you lend the car to someone who gets distracted from the road while playing with the navigation system and then sues you for not giving a warning. OK, this is a legitimate gripe. The outer seatbelt tabs fit into the rigid mounted buckles. The center seat belt tab, notched, fits into the buckle which is connected to a short piece of belt material.
Basically is says "Promise me you will pay attention to the road rather than staring at the map while driving." Not really worthy of a picture, we see it WAY too often as it is. You have to push the I Agree button on the MFD before it will take you to the Nav functions.
Some have found this to be the little removable shelf in the upper glove compartment (OK, how many of you have GLOVES in yours? ) If this is the case, one fix is a little electrical tape to make the shelf just a bit thicker. I have not noticed this on my 2 week old car. I think this is done so there is just the SLIGHTEST bit of extra hip room. A lot of cars have a marked Center buckle and latch.
Until you asked, I never bothered to read it before touching the "I agree" button. Now that you have asked, I copied it: Caution Drive safely and obey traffic rules. Watching this screen while vehicle is in motion can lead to a serious accident. Make all selections only while stopped. Some map data may be incorrect. Read safety instructions in Navigation Manual. The text is followed by three buttons: "English", "Francaise" and "I agree".
Mixing up the seatbelts in back happens sometimes. They are right next to each other. Just try the other and you'll find that it works with that particular belt. Remember, you'll always grab the wrong one no matter how hard you try. Good old Murphy's Law in action...
Hmm.. I just went and checked, and when I touch my front door handle (either side) ALL doors unlock Same happens if I use the unlock button on the transmitter.
To roger See page 30 of the 2004 manual or page 31 in the 2005 manual (as pointed out in 10132003's post above) It gives directions on how to change the SS/SE function so that you can change that "touch" to 1) Driver's door only unlock mode 2) All doors unlock mode I have no idea if this is limited to North America as pointed out by Tideland Prius above. The idea of this is if you are coming out late after work to a dark spot and you open your car doors, only your door opens so if there is a mad man hiding on the other side of your car waiting for you to unlock it, they will be out of luck.
But I think it's possible to change the sequence. Just ask your dealer. He can change it so all doors and boot are opened by the first press on your remote.
first day i got this car, i changed the reverse beep, seatbelt gimmick and the single click to unlock all doors.
Check the small shelf in the upper glove box. Some dealers just leave it loose, when in fact it slides into a couple of slots and is then quite firm. Maybe yours is loose?
Thanks Guys and Gals. So nice to feel the good will on this board. If the world were filled with Prius owners....well, it wouldn't be dying. But on the bright side. No...just kidding. Thanks all. I once had an excellent lawyer in Northampton, MA pull my fat out of the fire. Boy, she was skilled!