There have been discussions floating around about whether the Energy screen is your favorite or the Consumption screen. In my opinion, since both are display screens not intended for manual input, the displays can afford to be a little tighter. With this in mind, I have reworked my screen to incorporate both the Energy and Consumption screens. Additionally, both the exterior and interior temperatures are displayed. The historic graph of consumption has changed from bar graph to line graph tracked in one-minute intervals, instead of five-minute intervals. Average and current MPG are on the same screen. Ok, truth be told, when I say "reworked" I mean on my computer with Microsoft PhotoDraw2. This screen does not really exist. It represents what I would make if I could. Next, I'm thinking of working on the Audio screen. Thoughts...?
Man, that would be awesome....I don't think all the data on both screens needs to be on one. But some of the info from the Energy screen (the diagram) would be sweet added to the consumption.
i could easily do without the energy screen. i'd rather add another graph that tracks mpg in programable distance increments of 1, 5, and 10 mile blocks. as has been discussed several times in this forum, the graphing by time only works when the speed one is travelling is more or less consistent. stop and go traffic or even periods of extended "parking" all makes the graph data less useful.
Am I missing something? Was there a screen shot of the "new" display? I'm not sure I've mentioned it here or not, but I would really like estimated time of arrival instead of time till destination. ETA is the more interesting number, I'm always doing the math in my head.
I wholeheartedly agree. My solution to this, however, would be different. I like that we get a new bar once every 5 minutes, but I would like the width of the bar to represent how far I traveled over those five minutes. In this fashion, the area under the curve would represent, without bias, my overall driving efficiency. Brad
Tony, that picture is very similar to the "ideal display" that's in my mind (but I haven't gone so far as to make a mock-up as you have). You've lost one important feature from the original - the bars for historic and current really ought to be the same height, for at-a-glance comparisons. I would make the energy portion really tiny - only the arrows and colours are important; the rotating wheels and engine-shaped engine don't need to be recognisable. In fact, I might make it more abstract and have just the power flow lines, with a battery charge level display alongside. Good stuff, all the same. Thanks for sharing it with us.
One thing I wish it had: a simple arrow that points up or down to indicate if your are currently raising or lowering your MPG average. No arrow would mean you're holding steady. My bike computer does this for average speed. It's a great way to tell at a glance whether you're slacking off.
Has anyone else reset the MPG display thinking they were acknowledging the safety screen? I've done that once or twice.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(karmavore\";p=\"44553)</div> My solution would be to modify your solution. Width could be a big problem if you don't go far in 5 minutes. I would like a line plot of the miles traveled in the period on a second Y axis. Also, I really don't need a bar for the current mpg, the numeric value is in the lower right corner. I would replace that bar with things like an engine run indicator, coolent temp, current 'stage' so I would know if I SHOULD be able to drop into stealth, EV mode (for those that have it).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bruceha_2000\";p=\"45199)</div> I suppose I see the glass half-full. It's not a problem if the bar becomes razor thin -- just an indication that whatever MPG I got for those 5 minutes ain't worth butkus in the grand scheme of things. The way it stands now, a 100MPG bar consisting of five minutes of mostly-stop-and-some-go traffic looks much better than a 65MPG bar of steady 45mph county highway driving. I'm sure we'd all be more impressed with the latter, and I'd like the bars to reflect that. Another piece of information I'd like included somewhere is the net battery charge delta over the course of the bar. In other words, the battery SOC went up "3 bars" worth over this graph bar, and went down "2 bars" worth for the next graph bar. I'm rather promiscuous when it comes to data, though. And why hasn't anyone yet mentioned (to my knowledge) a high-score screen, with the ability to enter your initials? Now *that* would be cool. Brad
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(gturtle\";p=\"45110)</div> Yes - more than once - very frustrating as I was near the end of a long trip where my consumption was 50+mpg. Only other thing I'd enjoy in addition to the suggestions above would be a DTE (distance to empty - if the gauge would allow it), and perhaps a tachometer.