New article that raises awareness about hypermilers to the general public. Read and give it ***** will ya? "When a hypermiler in Japan reported averaging 112.2 mpg in her Toyota Prius II, another hypermiler responded with a barrage of technical questions about “intense pulses†and a “low state of charge on the battery.†
YEah, but read the comments. Talk about a bunch of angry folks! I do agree that some of the tactics are very dangerous, and I can see why people get angry. But jeez, you'd think these people were clubbing baby seals to death with some of the comments.
It's ironic how someone so dead set against Prius in the past is now so closely associated with it. I warned him about his obsession with MPG.
The amount of angry nonsense comments to that article is amazing. I like the comments about being against the law to go slow, yet most of these people are probably going 10-20 over. My favorite is "Time is money, We have place to be" Yet we manage to catch most of them at the next light/jam. I personally wouldn't practice hypermiling unless there was no one around but I do generally maintain the speed limit and that infuriates people :blink:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Chris Robson @ May 29 2007, 11:45 PM) [snapback]451860[/snapback]</div> Where I live, the speed limit is considered to be the minimum, not the maximum. Very few actually drive at or below the limit; it has been this way since I started driving >30 years ago; those that do are often tailgated or passed, and on highways are considered to be hazards. I'm not saying this is right or wrong; it just is.
lol... "5-20 more people have to accelerate hard around them" ya well who said you had to "accelerate hard"?? Who said you had to pass? You guys are making the choice. Besides, the next traffic light is red anyway and we usually catch up. I remember this guy in a jacked up Dodge Ram weaving in and out trying to get ahead and he did. The funny thing was that I caught up with him 30 streets later LOL. I wonder if he saw me and knew it was the same Prius overtook? "Did any of these nincompoops who turn their car off and on every time they have an opportunity to coast ever bother to price a starter in a newer vehicle, or any other part of the ignition system that they are wearing out prematurely?" :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tideland Prius @ May 29 2007, 09:11 PM) [snapback]451875[/snapback]</div> Bwaaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaa :lol: The ignorance is beyond compare!
You can try to beat at the ignorance but it just doesn't go away. Some think we are manually turning our engines on and off (rather than the car switching to electric automatically). Some still have a fit about the expensive, scary battery replacement. Some are convinced that resale value is low. Some are convinced it is more expensive to drive, so the gas savings don't make up for it. It doesn't matter how many real, Prius-driving owners who actually HAVE the car tell them the facts, they just keep yelling the lies. I guess they're trying to "catapault the propaganda."
I'd rather have a life and "just" get my 52mpg overall while driving it with the same habits I used on previous vehicles. To each his/her own. BTW, drafting requires some serious handling skills -- otherwise you endanger yourself and others. Back in the 60's I'd draft semis in my VW Beetle just for the thrills...but, mercifully, I survived and grew up.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(john1701a @ May 29 2007, 08:08 PM) [snapback]451802[/snapback]</div> Are you referring to Wayne? If so, could you elaborate? Cheers; MSantos
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MSantos @ May 30 2007, 11:20 AM) [snapback]452128[/snapback]</div> It was a reference to Wayne Gerdes, even though he was not the focal point of the article at all. He is promoting better fuel economy in any vehicle. If it were a Prius, it would be better. The only combination better than a fuel efficient driver in a fuel efficient car is having a walkable job.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ystasino @ May 29 2007, 05:26 PM) [snapback]451726[/snapback]</div> If you want to see where some of the Prius haters come from, read the message board associated with this article. When people read articles like this, they group all Prius owners into a class of traffic blocking, selfish, penny-pinching, dangerous snobs. My guess is Prius owners run the whole gamut of drivers, and even the "hypermilers" are conscious of the other drivers on the road. But it only takes one.......
That was unbelivable....It is amazing to me that some people can be that dumb, the comments to that artical seemed to make people belive anyone with a hybrid is a menance to everyone. I cant stand ignorant people, I cant stand people who dont do there research.
Just think for a moment when people get angry. Why? Could be pressed for time. Could be when the lose control. In this instance, it could be a perceived threat. My take is hypermilers would be a whole bunch more of pacers than the men in blue to the speeders. They would despise that even if hypermilers let them whiz on by.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nark @ May 30 2007, 03:48 PM) [snapback]452250[/snapback]</div> LOL, I hope that was a joke indeed. I think drafting behind a large vehicle on the highway is insane, and I think that Americans tailgate way too much anyway. I am very aware of the people I hold up when I'm driving but sometimes get carried away. Today someone pulled in front of me and then hit the breaks on an amber light. I was doing 39mph and had the left lane not been open it would have been an interesting scenario. I remember that in an instant I decided I did not want to break and lose momentum. I think I crossed the line with that decision, thankfully I've attached small round mirrors on the externals so that I don't have to look around. Nevertheless I found myself doing something (changing lanes instead of breaking) that I later thought was way too dangerous, the target was to get a tank at 50 mpg.
I wonder why so many people have not figured out that when you have proper time management you have lots more time! I used to rush around like it was the end of the world and it was quite stressful. Then I figured out if I paced and organized things...I added many hours to my week, stress is down and I get more done as a result, made more money and had the time to do more of what I wanted! basicly if people dont have the time it means they are not making the time. Anyone can sit down and figure out a way to prioritize there time, use common sence and make judgement calls as to what time is most valuble. Anyone useing the time excuse to speed and be recklace (every day of there life) is doing just that, making an excuse and pointing out to the world there own inefficencies and lack of organization.