<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eagle33199 @ May 29 2007, 10:44 AM) [snapback]451443[/snapback]</div> Just look what it got her!!! (divorced, broke & labled a nutcase by all non-liberal persons) :blink: her liberal buddies are still standing becide her praising her for what she has done.. But they are not supporting her cause with monetary suport but rather a pat on the back while to rest of the non-libs are looking at her as a mentally distraut woman that has lost her son to a war he readilly signed up for. so in the process she has discraced every thing her son fought to keep others free. (We can all feel for her loss, her son gave the ultamate sacerfice)! :mellow: The problem with these posts it seems is that one side is concetrating on the smaller picture, (this is a usless war & not supporting the troops) and not the larger picture (battling terrorists & liberating an oppressed country with the same stone, while fighting for what is believed in Freedom). The same Freedom so many take for granted in this counrty..... :angry: I agree with the others in not attacking her, as she has caused enough damage to her self and her reputation. (may she again rebuild her life, from the shambles she has left) :mellow: I really find it sad that so many people are filled with such hatred for this great counrty of ours. to the point they want to distroy the family units/ and envoke their freedoms (even though they didn't earn the freedoms themselves by fighting for them in war, but rather by forming peace marches & hunger strikes) upon everyone even if they choose not to walk the same path as the rest of us..... This quote below, I believe is the final thought after the hate spewing & gate camping peace demonstration to save face. Im not trying to start anything with this statement, but rather point out that No matter how you turn the coin every one attacks everyone else for holding a view different than yours...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alric @ May 29 2007, 10:20 AM) [snapback]451435[/snapback]</div> I truly am sorry she lost her brave son doing what he chose to do. I believe she diminished his sacrifice to country by trying to make hay of it - her son obviously did NOT share his mothers ideologies - and that she used his death for what I believe to be a promotion of idiolgies that differed from her sons is in my opinion interesting. her actions in lots of peoples opinions did nothing but increase the dangers our troops are in - she turned her son into a victim instead of the hero he is. whether or not the war is justified in your opinion is not important. we have troops serving and dying - and this has little to do with her son's sacrifice. there are thousands of American hero's who have made the ultimate sacrifice - only one Cindy - why? and why has not the press or media found other Gold Star parents who support the sacrifice their children have made???????? Perhaps this war is absolutely necessary - again - in either case we are at war and Ms. Sheehan in my opinion dishonored her son's sacrifice to country.
Losing someone you love is not a license to say anything you want and have the rest of the world have to sit by and listen to it and believe it. Her son's death doesn't make any of the crap she was saying true or right. I'm sorry she lost her son, and don't wish for anyone to lose their loved ones. She didn't honor her son's contribution to our country by how she went on her hateing spree for the years after his death. I'm not personally involved with that, so I guess if she wants to discrace his memory on his way out, then she's only damaging his memory and doing real harm to those who actually knew him. I think the way she carried on hurt the troops that are still there. She was a voice for our enemies every time she stood with them against our countries mission. She was holding a sign for terrorists every time she camped out in front of the Texas ranch. It had a part in dissatisfying the people on the homefront which in turn erodes support for those left on the battlefield to do the job that is yet to be finished while giving hope to the enemy our country needs to defeat. She has no place to make their job harder because of her loss. She could have done a lot to be the proud mother of a soldier son rather than a bitter old woman with so much hate and blame to spew toward her son's commanders. If her message would have been support and hope for the safe completion of the job her son was part of, she could have done much good for the remaining troops and our country. Her mission could have been to be spokeswoman for a "packages for the troops" kind of organization to rally America behind the rest of the boys. She blew it. She discraced her son's memory instead. And now, she returns home a broken bitter old woman with her tail between her legs having accomplished nothing positive.
http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/05/28/sheehan/index.html Way to parlay the death of your son into a destroyed marriage, an empty bank account and a pile of unpaid medical bills. Let's assume the cherry on top is diminished relationships with the other kids while she spent her days out on the road to the Ranch in Texas making a national discrace out of the sacrifice her son made on the battlefield. Where are her liberal buddies? Can't Hillary or Jane Fonda or someone flip Cindy a couple million to help ease the bankrupcy of this effort so it at least ends on an up-note?
Have you no shame? She is a mother that lost her son, and yet you attack her because she disagrees with you. Hopefully by now people understand that attacking the motivation of a war in no way diminishes our appreciation of our troops and in fact will protect them from dying in the future in another unjustified war. You and your chickenhawk friends are the ones that disgraced our covenant with the troops. To never put them in harms way unless its absolutely necessary. I should know better than fall for trolling attempts but this needs to be pointed out.
Attacks on her are wrong... she acted based on her very strong convictions, and eventually had to stop because of the personal toll it took on her life. let her grieve and say what she believes - stop attacking someone for holding a view different than yours.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ May 29 2007, 07:02 AM) [snapback]451430[/snapback]</div> If you had the patience to read through and the ability to comprehend then you would see that this poor mother is complaining about our corrupt system:
I would not waste my time commenting to the OP. This is exactly why she is quitting her protest. Everyone's a knucklehead.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eagle33199 @ May 29 2007, 10:44 AM) [snapback]451443[/snapback]</div> There are ten thousand + first degree relatives of American troops who lost their lives in action in Iraq and Afghanistan - only one made politcal hay of it - why did the press focus on her, why did they not seek out parents with opposing views? Why is she more important than any of the other Gold Star parents? If she wanted to grieve in PRIVATE that would be different than using the grieving process as a tool to further her ideological view points which i believe DIFFERED from her son's!! The personal toll on her life is all self-inflicted - again she chose to use the grieving process to maker political hay - she brought this on herself. Again, there are thousands and thousands of people in similar situations as she is - yet only Ms. Sheehan used it to further her OWN political ideologies. I am NOT attacking her - I truly feel sorry for her. I hold her son up as an American hero. He died to defend her right to speak her mind - even if it differed from his own points of view.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ May 29 2007, 08:17 AM) [snapback]451467[/snapback]</div> Wow , I dont think it could be said any better than that 'daronspicher', hats off to you Sir.. P.S. sliding slightly off topic, Does anyone know of a solid liberal run country(run soley on liberal values? No this is not a trick question, just curious....
I've learned long ago that messages from "darren" are just liberal baiting from someone who probably doesn't even own a prius. If you look at his post history, the messages are all just about hurting other people. Rather than ignore it, maybe it's a better idea to post a copy of this or a similar message in his threads so that people know what's really going on. I got sucked in a while back, and now know better than to waste my time and this board's space. Most of us are here to discuss our cars. There are lots of other online forums for purely political discussion.
Stop lying. None of you are sorry she lost her son. You won't know until you lose you son over this war that you all love so much.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Dion @ May 29 2007, 12:58 PM) [snapback]451500[/snapback]</div> The above reply is a baited one that doesnt deserve a reply, but because I feel antaganistic today. I will... Look he's playing your song 'Im sorry' or is it 'cry me a river'?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ari14850 @ May 29 2007, 12:55 PM) [snapback]451495[/snapback]</div> I could joke that your hippocampus is malfunctioning or you have an unusual definition of learning or you just keep getting sucked in or liberals cant resist temptation. And, FHOP is or is not Prius centric? Where would you prefer him to go? Or are you discriminating against people just because they do or do not own a prius? I thought liberals were open minded? just having some fun on a bright and sunny day here in Gotham - thank you.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hycamguy07 @ May 29 2007, 12:37 PM) [snapback]451480[/snapback]</div> While this scares me to say, I would like to know what YOUR perception of "liberal values" is. People who usually use such verbiage have no idea what that means, and ends up focusing on some ridiculous wedge issue that in no way paints a broad spectrum of liberal thought. If your question is "do we know any countries who are run by a liberal party," then I can give you a pretty long list, mostly European, starting with England and going down the line...and, up until 2006, Canada was, too.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Dion @ May 29 2007, 12:58 PM) [snapback]451500[/snapback]</div> The loss of a child must be one of the greatest losses a parent could face - I have four and one grandchild - i would be devastated God Forbid something should happen to them. That said, I am not sure of the meaning of your post. Does that mean only Gold Star parents opinions count on this war? And you assume we all love this war. I do not love this war, I think it is the right fight though and there is a difference between the two if you can search for it. I wish President Clinton would have been more aggressive especially after watching so many Americans die and get injured at the hands of the very same people we are fighting today. What I do love is this country. I support any President that puts our forces in harms way. I do not know enough whether or not this war is justified - the same as you do NOT know. Time will tell. And do not generalize - it is foolish and shortsighted. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(livelychick @ May 29 2007, 01:15 PM) [snapback]451514[/snapback]</div> I would like you to strike some other european countries off the run by liberal govt's list: 1. FRANCE 2. GERMANY 3. GB 4. Ireland - both parties very conservative economically seems like a trend that leaves the little insignificant european countries left - pun inteded Have a nice day.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(livelychick @ May 29 2007, 01:15 PM) [snapback]451514[/snapback]</div> What is the tax base like? Are they in debpt whats the out come finantully for each country living under liberal rule, instead of a country like the USA. If england is a liberal run country, why do they help us every time we go to bat/war? As for "Liberal values/agenda" Im simply stating everything you believe & stand for while running a country.. and where are you today? Its not a baited question, at least that wasnt my intention.
Bush and everyone else has admitted that the intelligence to go to war was flawed. And you people will blindly follow Bush over a cliff, over and over again.