There are 234 cars being allocated late tonight in Southern CA. I have no idea what color or package they are, but I usually get pretty close to 3% of the allocation (not bad for being out of 57 dealers!) so that may mean I get as many as 6 cars, maybe 7 this time around? The production and arrival ratios for cars in SoCal, color etc are: 10% of all cars are AF (package 3 ), 60% of all cars are BC (package 9 ), 20% are BG (package 8 ) and the other 10% are BI (package 6 ) cars. Of course, that being said, there are just that proportion of BC cars wanted, or even more. Color ratios are: 10% of all are white with gray interior. 10% of all are white with tan interior. 29.9% are silver. 5.1% are black with tan 5.1% are black with gray 5.4% are red. 9.7% are driftwood. 10% are tideland. 14.8% are blue You can see that being open to any color in a specific package may help you get "the call"... we are all the authors of our own fate! Someone in my line who wants a black/gray package 6 and will not take anything else is certainly painting themselves into a corner of their own making. :> Dianne 310-522-2317
Thanks for keeping us updated. At least I don't have to wait the through the day tomorrow to find out. The fingers and toes will be crossed again tonight. Jeff
Very surprised that Blue and Tideland are so popular. Would have thought that Salsa Red was the most popular. Or is it that blue and tideland are being produced more - not necessarily the most popular? I have seen tideland and it looks like regular old charcoal to me.
Dianne, if you have a bunch of orders on your books, how about a comparison of how the distribution in your orders compares to the distribution in the deliveries..... re: my previous post/rant, a close match would be a good thing, and i'm weird for wanting package 9 in a red or driftwood, but a mismatch vindicates my guesses.... how about it?
rats... thought i might have been onto something, but i'm still not convinced... so, from a marketing engineer's point of view, if you've got two kinds of customers, 1) the "i'll buy anything with the Prius logo on the back", and 2) "i want the red one with option 9 and, and, and..." i venture the suggestion that you match the "i want something specific" to their buyers first, because the "i'll take anything" guys and gals will get whatever's next, and filling the former's needs wouldn't have nearly the delay-impact on the latter's as vice-versa.... but, hey, i've never walked a mile in your moccasins.... just guessin' and a-rantin' and a-waitin'.....
No, I go down the list. I match the PACKAGE willing to take with the buyer and the colors they said they'd be happy with. If someone has expressed to me that they want a 9 and nothing else, I respect that. I do not call them for a 3 or a 6 or an 8... because if they wanted a 3 or 6 or 8 then they would have told me so. That's the only way to do it.