Maybe. I'll have to wait to see if it's busy or not. The next poster isn't surprised at all that this thread it about to usurp the word threads in popularity.
Not surprised, but Free Word's still up there. Thanks, galaxee! The next poster likes working at home partly because they can crank the stereo and not disturb anyone.
wow, my humble little thread is that popular? i like my ipod for the same reason but that doesn't work out so well when i'm training students the next poster is making it a short friday since they have to work monday.
Yesatory! I'm ready to get the heck out of here. The next posted will enjoy a cold one while they're in an enjoyable reclining position.
I'd love too... as long as I don't spill it all over me! The next poster thinks they sometimes still need a sippy cup.
well maybe depends on whats in the sippy cup ( bourbon is a good sippy cup item) The next poster likes drugs ,sex and rock & roll
Yes, Sex and drugs and rock and roll, (insert guitar lick) are all my brain and body need. ..very good indeed... Next poster has a ham radio license
nope, taking it rrrreal easy tonight. hoping this minor throat soreness doesn't turn into any full blown illness. the next poster is making something tasty for dinner.
Yes, I am. Chicken stir fry with red onion, ginger, fresh oregano.... The next poster got their hair cut summer-short today.
tried it, found i liked my regular workout better. [hyo... we're coming over for dinner! ] the next poster is yawning.
Sure am... (closest thing to a yawning smiley I could find) Next poster got an invitation to a wedding in the mail today.
Not yawning yet, but the night is young. The next poster can identify with larkin because they spent a whole stinkin 24 hours getting shuttled back and forth and back and forth between the ISP provider (Sitestar) and Qworst and used 3 hours of leave from work to get their internet connection back up... and they're still steamed. :angry: hmph.
I guess I shouldn't have answered this one- I'd be in trouble if I couldn't identify with myself, wouldn't I! :lol: Anyway, don't even get me started about the cable guy! The next poster is playing tennis this weekend.
No but my Friday evening would have been great if I had! The next poster went swimming today despite water temps in the low 60's!
Yes, and I didn't even set the alarm this morning. The next poster's going to ride their recumbent tricycle in a parade today.