Yes, it's a Federal holiday! Happy birthday- I'll send you a virtual muffin! The next poster is STILL waiting for the Maytag repairman! :angry:
No, but I'm getting vinyl siding delivered today. The installation begins tomorrow! The next poster is sleepy from eating too much at lunch.
Nope... haven't had lunch yet. The next poster thinks that Memorial Day weekend is the official kick off for summer.
Yes, even though in New England, it's often still in the 50's (looks like the weather is going to be great this weekend, though!) The next poster is STILL waiting for the #@&# MAYTAG REPAIRMAN !! :angry: :angry: :angry:
No. I feel the pain. The next poster HATE waiting for people and cannot stand people being late without no apparent reason (which includes friends who doesn't understand the value of time).
Well I do hate waiting for people, but I have no right to complain because I'm always late myself B) The next poster is baking virtual muffins for eclectcmoi's birthday!
No, I ordered them out "their in the mail" happy early B'Day though The Next Poster (girl) will be or has been in a wet T - shirt contest.
No, but there's that wet T shirt !!!! and washing a prius no less The next poster is going to ____________
Most Defintely....sometimes I combine the two! Speaking of food, the next poster is having a large cookout this weekend.
<strike>Brownies are good too. </strike> Oops... No... no cookout. The next poster is still friends with someone from their childhood. (Thanks for the b-day muffins lark, darken and priussorus! Do I have to blow out the candles virtually as well? B) )
I thought it was Saturday because I was home all day. The next poster waited until 4:15 for the #@^*% Maytag repairman who was supposed to arrive between 8 a.m. and noon; only to be told that he didn't have the replacement circuit board needed to repair the dishwasher in his truck, and that it would have to be ordered and it will be about two weeks by the time the dishwasher is repaired! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: Good thing I'm going out drinking tonight!
No, I didn't wait for a repairman. The next poster is going to a conference next week in Madison, WI.
No, but it sounds like it could be interesting. The next poster is enrolled in classes for the summer.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!, no. B) the next poster needs a week on vacation or something, but won't get it till july.
Yes to first part, no to second part. Next poster doesn't have to go to work tomorrow but will probably wake up early out of habit.