I've heard that I need to sticker from the state or the feds in order to actually be able to use the carpool lane. If this is true, does anyone know where and how to get these stickers?
it's my understanding that the law is not fully implemented until the fed's sign it and full ratification isn't expected until Jan 2005. Others correct me if I'm wrong.
1) The law is not in effect yet, because the federal gummint must give it a stamp of approval first. This is because the federal gummint helps fund car pool lanes. 2) If the federal gummint approves the law, it is expected to go into effect 'round 'bout Jan 1, 2005 3) You will need to get a sticker then, but you can't get it yet. 4) probably the DMV will be providing the stickers, probably. 5) When driving in the car pool lane, always remember to sing the Car Pool Lane song: Ca Poo Lane Ca Poo Lane Ca Poo Lane You should sing it for as long as you can, especially when driving past a traffic jam.