Has anybody seen the Inconvienent Truth update. I saw it on a showtime channel. There are two scary topics of new info. First the ocean ph is changing and in about fifty years the entire oceans will not be able to support coral reefs (Hello Soylent Green). But the second is real scary. The permafrost in Siberia is releasing methane way faster than anyone figured as recent as three years ago. The methane release alone will double the GHG in the atmosphere. In other words things could get get worse much faster than is happening now; this GW thing is still accelerating. I though I was up to date on GW but this permafrost thing is like whoa! From December 2004 Hmmm better keep an eye on this. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4120755.stm From September 2006 OMG http://www.mywire.com/pubs/EnvironmentNews...bi=17&bp=13
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(etyler88 @ Apr 23 2007, 04:00 PM) [snapback]428572[/snapback]</div> Wow, scary stuff. Looks like most of us will die very soon. Lions and tigers and bears!!!! But I'm not worried. Sheryl Crow with her multi-million dollar, CO2 belching, Prevost luxury bus and multi semi-trailer entourage has everything under control. You see, she says if you use only one 4 1/2" square of toilet paper per your morning "personal event", and wipe your face on the dining table cloth, well then we're halfway there. I can't wait until Al Gore flies in (maybe he'll drive a Prius instead!!) to our hometown and scold us stupid people how our carbon footprint is way out of control. Rick #4 2006
Could you cite the source for the ocean PH conclusions? The last journal I read on anthropogenic ocean acidification and its effect on calcifying organisims, was done in 2005 and it did state that ocean ph is still dropping it make no such bold conclusions about not supporting coral reefs in as little as 50 years. It did use 200-500yr marks thought but mostly concerning phytoplankton and didn't go into detail on coral which are much more sensitive. I'm VERY interesting in this article if you can find it for me. Viking, do you have something intelligent to add to this discussion?
What's most important is that, overall, the US has a higher minimum elevation above sea level than do most European countries. They'll be underwater before we will.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Apr 23 2007, 11:12 PM) [snapback]428609[/snapback]</div> Yes, we will. And we're speeding things up too, by pumping up natural gas from under the dikes, which will cause them to sink into the already rising sea. Or so I saw on TV just now. The permit for getting the gas was given under the assumption that they could stop pumping anytime it would look dangerous. Turns out there may be no way to see that coming in time - and that research result is not new, it was just ignored. Anybody know how to modify a Prius for underwater use?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tripp @ Apr 23 2007, 03:24 PM) [snapback]428623[/snapback]</div> NOT FOR LONG!!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(F8L @ Apr, 05:02 PM) [snapback]428601[/snapback]</div> Oh, so sorry, I tried but I would have to quote more leaders of the current AGW discussion which would include, Al Gore, Sheryl Crow, Larry David, Salma Hayek, Jake Gyllenhaal, John Travolta, Leonardo DiCarprio, Rosie O'Donnell, and more nauseating mouthpieces leading the drumbeats of the AGW hysteria. BTW, if you need to find your article a simple Google search will find many articles regarding AGW and the pH levels of the worlds oceans. Just pick an article which suits your opinion and run with it. Ignore the articles which dispute AGW and the oceans pH connection. These are always written by evil, oil influenced, conservative types. Make sure the scientist you choose has the support of our Hollywood friends and most importantly, and this is a biggie, is associated with the United Nations. Or perhaps you could ask Salma, Leo, or Jake to provide you with more information regarding the lowering pH levels as how it specifically relates to CO2 output by anthropogenic sources... Rick #4 2006
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(viking31 @ Apr 23 2007, 07:47 PM) [snapback]428802[/snapback]</div> I didn't think so but thank you for providing an example for me. I was actually looking for scientific journals. Are you familiar with them? Celebrities do not write them, scientists do. Try reading Nature or Science articles and come back with something of more substance that the drivel you posted thus far.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Apr 23 2007, 08:04 PM) [snapback]428765[/snapback]</div> OK, it might be 5150 at some point in the future but that's a ways out.
Disappearance of Arctic lakes. "What causes the disappearing lakes? The team points to the thawing of the permafrost layer. But unlike the theories formed during earlier research, the current findings focus on thawing of the water-tight permafrost layer along lake bottoms. "Most of these lakes are laying on top of permanently frozen ground, a surface that prevents lake water from draining into the ground," Smith said. "We think that climate warming is thawing the permafrost. When that occurs, it's like pulling the plug out of a bathtub—there's nothing to prevent lake water from percolating through the soil to aquifers below. "The process appears to be abrupt and irregular," Smith said. "From what we can tell from space, a lake is either just fine or it's gone."" So, yet another unexpected surprise. Melting icebergs won't change sea level. But Mountain glaciers melting and their water running to the ocean will not only raise sea level but change salinity. And the melting permafrost is releasing more greenhouse gases then expected. While you can say that scientists are only guessing at what a less salty ocean or a few degrees warmer temperature will do, the result isn't going to be pleasant. Timeline. I'm on the 'better safe than sorry' side.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(F8L @ Apr 23 2007, 09:54 PM) [snapback]428804[/snapback]</div> 2007 Update on Ocean Acidity (basically confirms that computer predictions from 2005 are proving true) http://sciencenow.sciencemag.org/cgi/conte...007/217/2?rss=1 2006 4 page easy to read pdf http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/pubs/PDF/feel2899/feel2899.pdf 2005 Article in Nature Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms Today’s surface ocean is saturated with respect to calcium carbonate, but increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are reducing ocean pH and carbonate ion concentrations, and thus the level of calcium carbonate saturation. Experimental evidence suggests that if these trends continue, key marine organisms—such as corals and some plankton—will have difficulty maintaining their external calcium carbonate skeletons. Here we use 13 models of the ocean–carbon cycle to assess calcium carbonate saturation under the IS92a ‘business-as-usual’ scenario for future emissions of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. In our projections, Southern Ocean surface waters will begin to become undersaturated with respect to aragonite, a metastable form of calcium carbonate, by the year 2050. By 2100, this undersaturation could extend throughout the entire Southern Ocean and into the subarctic Pacific Ocean. When live pteropods were exposed to our predicted level of undersaturation during a two-day shipboard experiment, their aragonite shells showed notable dissolution. Our findings indicate that conditions detrimental to high-latitude ecosystems could develop within decades, not centuries as suggested previously. http://www.ipsl.jussieu.fr/~jomce/acidific...Nature04095.pdf Realclimate on The Acid Ocean (2005) http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archi...b2sub-emission/ 2004 Article in Science The Oceanic Sink for Anthropogenic CO2 http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/305/5682/367
the update is scary only in that what was previously predicted to happen towards the end of our childrens lifetime is now predicted to happen towards the MIDDLE of some of OUR lifetimes.... the results, predictions, etc. none of that has changed. the only thing that has changed is that it has gone from them to us....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MegansPrius @ Apr 24 2007, 07:41 AM) [snapback]428971[/snapback]</div> Thank you Scott. The 2005 article is one I did a summary paper on in my oceanography class last semester but it looks like there is an update so I'm going to review it again as well as the others you posted.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(etyler88 @ Apr 23 2007, 01:00 PM) [snapback]428572[/snapback]</div> I wouldn't worry too much about this until the data becomes a bit more clear. Despite the apparent increase from this source, the recent research is that the overall methane levels in the atmosphere have been stable since 1998. So this is either a minor contributor overall or is being offset elsewhere.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tripp @ Apr 23 2007, 11:24 PM) [snapback]428623[/snapback]</div> No problem, We'll come living in your region :wub: (That's us, lower-europeans, coast-side Americans, and the maybe some of the other side of the world also :lol: ) That'll be cosy. What about this? http://www.monbiot.com/archives/2007/04/10...ate-censorship/
The movie "Soylent Green" should be required viewing for anyone who doesn't believe we're in trouble. I believe the problem is that the progression will become exponential in advancement. And most people don't see it, want to see it, or care about it. The older I get the less faith I have in humankind's ability to save itself from self-destruction.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godyn @ May 23 2007, 03:44 AM) [snapback]447987[/snapback]</div> You're gonna love it here. Actually, the worst case would be about 250 ft of increase. While that would obviously be huge, I wonder how much land area we'd lose? Anybody know?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tripp @ May 23 2007, 09:05 PM) [snapback]448391[/snapback]</div> According to Marc Lynas we won't be able to tell that: http://www.marklynas.org/2007/4/23/six-ste...in-the-guardian