Heaven help us!!! It'll probably quadruple the size of my phone, in order to give me a PDA I don't need, and bluetooth that I can't use. (Pkg "AM" here.) I'll stick with the phone I've got. I only use it about twice a month anyway. Besides, I don't want my phone on in my car! Half the time I even keep my home phone turned off. And hands-free phone usage while driving is almost as much of a distraction and a road hazzard as hand-on phone use. It's the concentration on conversation that takes your mind off your driving. People can make jokes about chewing gum while walking, but even hands-free phones cause car accidents. If I was emperor of the world, there'd be a minimum one-year prison sentence for distracted driving, including talking on any kind of phone. (Guess I won't get many votes here in my campaign for emperor.)
P.S. First offense for drunk driving, mandatory minimum 5 years prison, followed by a lifetime prohibition on driving. P.P.S. For any driver, a driving test that really demonstrates ability to control the kind of car that will be driven, test to be repeated at reasonable intervals. There's more votes down the drain.
Daniel, you'll get my vote but couldn't you consider lowering the penalty for drunk driving( drink drive for those in the UK) a little, especially for the first offense or increase the permissible levels from the current strict ones before such high penalaties take effect?
Okay, Gurmail, just because you asked nicely, I'll lower the prison term from 5 years to 4 years and 11 months. However, the definition of "drunk" will be the lowest blood alcohol level detectable by non-invasive means (i.e. breathalyzer). A car is an extremely deadly weapon, and any amount of alcohol reduces the driver's coordination, awareness, judgement, etc., and increases reaction times. People should be at 100%, not at 99%, when they are driving. Have I lost your vote yet? Boy, talk about topic drift!
Many people have said that the temp changes from F to C if one selects km/h. This doesn't happen in my Prius. Is it true?
I've kinda given up on this whole Centigrade/Celsius, Farenheit, Kelvin thing... I only hang around places where it's -40. Except for Kelvin it works OK. Of course -40 Kelvin is ... well ... unthinkable