I bought gas on my way to work tonight at Shell. Got out my calculator and figured my mileage afterwards. I got 53 miles per gallon on that tank!!! I am extremely pleased with my Prius, and have noticed my mileage going up with each fill. I have been using the cruise control on the highway and on this tank have had it set at 55. My best friend thinks he is going to trade in his 2007 Corolla for a Prius as the best he has gotten with it is 35 and he is a bit disappointed. He averages about 32 mpg. He also says that the Prius is a lot more comfortable car than his Corolla.
Nice job on this tank Spidey. I think you will find yourself continuing to go up from tank to tank...I'm about to hit my first 600 mile tank after only 7 weeks of ownership. I have to disagree with your friends assessment of the Corolla. My wife has a 2007 and I think the seats are more comfortable....plus for us tall guys it has more drivers room then the prius...(the steering wheel on the prius does not tilt high enough!) But hey I would never talk anyone out of getting a prius! So I would still tell him to go for it!
Excellent job Spidy!! I'm always trying to best my last tank, or top my best tank. Actually, you're ahead of me, I've had my car since last July, and I've just had my best tank, 56 mpg. I'm averaging around 53 now, so in 6 more months or so, you'll be way ahead of me, and probably getting 600 mile tanks on a regular basis. the mountains here inhibit me a bit, but I LOVE my Prius.... :lol: