The setup is an ecospeed 750W... with two 36V 15 AH batteries making for a total of 36V, 30 AH. So far I've taken it to ~39 mph on flat ground (could go a bit faster than that!) - maybe even a tiny decimal of a degree uphill. That is without pedalling, and without the fairing! I have yet to install the tailsok as well! I just got done putting on the fairing and installing. The batteries, motor controller, on/off unit (bought from Brent - nice unit!) have all been attached via hose clamps. Also - Boblbee (sp?) hardshell backpack, Craft RX6 Evolution helmet, Icon Pursuit red perforated jacket The recumbent bike is a Sun EZ1-SX. Tomorrow I'm getting the Big Apple 2" wide 20" tires installed. It does great with traffic - speed and all! I love it! [attachmentid=8222] [attachmentid=8223] [attachmentid=8224] (I've had quite a few comments about the backpack looking like a jetpack!) [attachmentid=8225] [attachmentid=8226] [attachmentid=8227] [attachmentid=8228] [attachmentid=8229]
Hey, Mirza, that's looking pretty good! With that fearsome helmet and cool jetpack, you shouldn't have to put up with any attitude from drivers. Congratulations on getting it finished.
Mirza- that is really cool! I used to ride a recumbent (non-electric) and was thinking about getting another. Is there a website that has info on the motor?
Here is a site for a hub motor, this is the type I have on my bike ( 600watt.) there is another company called crystallite or very similar to that you can google that one.
I don't know the range yet - but estimates are anywhere from about 20 or 25 miles using full power and no pedalling - and perhaps 60-80 or so with light to very electric use. Once I get a bit more mullah I'll be able to get a Brain Drain... or maybe it's called a Drain Brain... and then I'd be able to figure out the range! The batteries weigh about 22 pounds total I think. The motor setup is I believe 12 pounds. The bike according to the manufacturer without anything weighs I think ~ 40 lbs. So about 75 lbs would be my guess! The Sun EZ1-SX is an entry level steel recumbent - so it's already a kinda heavy bike to start with. But I feel safer with steel than with something lighter... plus I suppose it's able to flex better and absorb some of the bad road conditions here. The motor kit is from ... I got it through and independent resupplier - Brian Howell who runs the site has all kinds of information about all kinds of smaller vehicles.
Estimate what you put into this cost-wise (excluding the fancy helmet and jet-pack) please. Also, does this require a motorcycle license or anything since it's motorized and can go so fast?
Hmmmm. Don't ever remember goint to West Virginia . . . maybe it's time for me to make a flight? With P-38 Lightning as luggage? Ol' buddy?
Hehe! So here's a breakdown... The helmet is actually about a mid-range as far as price for motorcycle helemts go ... the backpack wasn't too bad either $1300 ecospeed 750W kit ~$1050 for 2 lithium ion batteries w/ 2 chargers The recumbent bicycle I got used from a guy in Tennessee... with recumbent accessories already added on - for $650. To get a new one with the features he had on it would cost about $1000. There are other costs to add up on that not related to the electric system - Tailsok w/ firefly light, gear, Schwalbe Big Apple tires (balloon tires - so act as a type of suspension!), lights, gear, and tools.
Re: Electric recumbent bike project finished!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cool ! I just finished (but it's never, REALLY finished) my own recumbent -> electric conversion: Those batteries look awfully low. Nice for CG, but might be a drag with potholes etc. I hit a BIG hole last night and have a flat now. Would be interested in updates on your bike, or any other e-bike related stuff.