Hey all---I know this is somewhere, and I remember reading it, but for the life of me, no matter what i search for, i can't find it in the database! Does anyone know where I can find the hood/cover thing to block the sun from the screen? Thanks so much-- D
You can also make one pretty easily, by cutting a piece of roof flashing or the thin aluminum used to make gutter fittings. I threw one together out of scrap laying around the house, smoothed off the edges a little and spray-painted it black, and it works fine. . _H*
does anyone have this hood from ebay? how does it look? the glare was HORRIBLE when i was driving home from work today!!!! also.... a couple other questions related: when i get my windows tinted... will that cut the glare making the hood unnecessary? or perhaps a sun strip across the top of the windshield? or is the hood the best way to go (but it HAS to look good!) thanx! a brand new prius owner!
I have the hood from Prius hoods. It is textured black material that matches the dash. It depends on the angle of the sun. of course, but it does help cut down the glare.
Mine looks like this... Window tinting may help, but if the glare comes from the front window, there's a problem as you're not supposed to tint the front window that much (at least in CA). BTW, the company that made my dash cover will do custom work, like making the area over the MFD extend further, to create a sun hood.