Not yet. Critic on NPR said tonight that the humor is really high-end stuff. The next poster only got half of what they wanted to do done this weekend.
Camping no... used to camp down in Mexico and ride my ATV, but haven't done that in years. The next poster has been to Club 33 at Disneyland.
Yes! wonderful restaurant - plus the only place you could drink within the Magic Kingdom. Great food. The next poster has been to the Magic Castle.
Funny you should mention that...I did. (Best Friend just walked off the job here!) The next poster spoke to a long lost relative today. (this is for you eclectcmoi)
Yep... Hi Uncle Darken! The next poster thinks that PC is having major issues today. (sorry to hear about your week galaxee and your best friend Darken.)
yes i do! wonder if we're just getting too big for our webspace. [not necessarily a bad thing in the long run, but a new student to teach sure wasn't expected right now! i have another coming in one week.] the next poster does not expect to see a relative on PC
No not yet anyway The next poster took their kid to Jack Kerouac street in San Fran. a few yrs ago and now the kid is a modern day hippie
Nope... I don't think either one of my daughters would ever be hippies. The next poster carries more than one cell phone.
Oh yeah... it's even better if there is a pier to walk on too. The next poster has shared a good CD with someone recently.
Yes. The next poster knows this American Slang Word of the Day: billy goat n. 1. a lecherous man. 2. a rambunctious or cantankerous man. 3.a starter for a diesel engine; (also) a diesel engine.
No... don't really know, but could it be #1? The next poster knows what it means to be 'all up in someone's grill."
It means to be "in your face". I learned that from "School of Rock" The next poster thinks we can use more modern-day hippies!
Yes I do, there needs to be more peace-spreading people in the world! The next poster likes watching reruns of "School House Rock".
I liked School House Rock, but never see the reruns (I don't have cable, don't watch much TV). Anyone seen the stage how? Oh and next poster knows another definition for Billy Goat--It's a wonderful coffee shop.
No, but I'm gonna bet it's not too far from Vanderbilt. The next poster has been noticing that Prii are everywhere all of a sudden.
Nope. Only one I know of around here is in Providence Market in Mt. Juliet, much closer to me than Vandy. Next Poster got a compliment on their Prius this week from a a stranger.