No! I just plucked those few stray hairs this morning! :lol: The next poster just had a nice, big, cold glass of beer.
Sounds good but , NO The next poster is going to go back to the caveman roots and burn some meat over a fire..
No, but I did stumble upon a fabulous Mexican restaurant today - in teh east no less! The next poster is sad that the Sabres lost today..
No, not unless you count washing dishes after dinner. Next poster enjoyed the sunshine today at an outdoor wine festival at the lake.
Awesome sounding, hope you had a blast, but No. Stuck close to the casa with yard slave and netted cherry tree & strawberries after helping the trio research their reports on Nixon, Clinton and Hoover. The next poster is waxing nostalgic and downloading the music of their youth.
Not really... The next poster watched 'SHREK' and 'SHREK 3-D' and then 'SHREK 2' and will see 'SHREK 3' later today.
No I think I'll be going to see Shrek 3 The next poster is a hockey fan and glad the sabres lost so their team might have a chance at signing Briere or Drury on July 1st! (This is for you robincx!) B)
Umm...NOOoooo, OK Darken, that's cold. (I did see Flushed Away last night - totally cute) The next poster realize how close I am to the "City of Brotherly Love" - yeah right. :angry:
Why yes I do realise, thanks for giving us a quality goaltender by the way You have far more bragging rights then I do with our lowly team (but hey neither of us won the cup this year) The next poster likes good sports rivalries....(In my case the 'other' team has owned us for years) :angry:
I do enjoy watching certain sports, hockey (incredible passion in that sport!) especially, but I don't follow them enough to know about all the rivalries. The next poster would rather be at a sporting event than watch it on TV.
Yes, not to be sexist, but preferably naked girls (over 18 of course) wrestling The next poster thinks Walt Disney spied for the Nazis.
Nope! I love Walt. The next poster is glad he lives in FLA and gets the in state discount to DISNEY WORLD.
No, but my immediate and extended family does. They wonder when I'll be joining them... The next poster played a rousing game of softball this weekend.
No- I could use another three or four days of weekend! The next poster is wondering if Tony Soprano is going to live through the next two episodes.
Absolutely! A huge Shrek fan and looking forward to seeing the Third in the near future. The next poster is a fan of Star Wars.