-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please post the following information (include as much as possible) as you drive your car this month: Tank Miles: Overall Miles: Avg Tank Mileage: Avg Overall Mileage: Avg Temperature: Price per Tank: Avg Price per Gallon: Tank Miles: 499 Overall Miles: 6286 Avg Tank Mileage: 51.0 Avg Overall Milage: 54.23 Avg Temp: 80s Price per Tank: $17.80 Price per Gal: $1.819
Ok, here is my first tank. I decided to drive the Prius just like I drove the Camry so I had AC/Auto on through the whole tank (21C). Just a few experiments with stealth and coast and whatnot. Most out of town driving with Cruise Control, 1-2 mph above speed limits. Tank Miles: 514 (827km) Overall Miles: 577 (929km) Avg Tank Mileage: 47.0 (5.03L/100km) Avg Overall Mileage: 47.0 (5.03L/100km) Avg Temperature: 18 C Price per Tank: $ 52.84 (400SEK) Avg Price per Gallon: $ 4.8 (9.57SEK/L) Prius showed an average of 48.0 mpg so this one was 2.7% off. Blinking started at 810km (503mi). I have NEVER driven that long on a single tank before with any vehicle . I managed to fill 41.66L (11.0 gallons). /Paj
School's back in session, so I'm back to my regular commute. The weather's been perfect for getting exceptional mileage. Tank Miles: 476 Overall Miles: 7470 Avg Tank Mileage: 60.5 (best yet!) Avg Overall Mileage: 53.4 Avg Temperature: 72 Price per Tank: $16.42 Avg Price per Gallon: $1.96
Today is day 5 of my ownership. Tank Miles: 242 Overall Miles: 252 Avg Tank Mileage: 53.8 Avg Overall Mileage: 53.8 Avg Temperature: 75 F Price per Tank: Filled by dealer Avg Price per Gallon: Filled by dealer See pix of mileage with superimposed overall miles below.
5th fill up. Tank Miles: 505 Overall Miles: 2022 Avg Tank Mileage: 53.3 Avg Overall Mileage: 51.208 Avg Temperature: low 80's high 70's Price per Tank: 18.06 Avg Price per Gallon: 1.959 Life time average now 51.208! not bad for a rookie.
My first tank. Bought on Saturday, filled up on Thursday (last night). Tank Miles: 460 Overall Miles: 460 (the first 350 were on highway at speeds from 45 to 75 mph, usually 64) Avg Tank Mileage: 56.1 Avg Overall Mileage: 56.1 Avg Temperature: 70's (F.) Price Per Tank: $15.82 Price Per Gallon: $1.929 I filled up when the guess gauge started to show only one bar. Looks like I could have gotten to 600 - who knew? I drove like a nerd the two miles home from the gas station and averaged 87.8 mpg on the screen.
Tank kms = 906 Overall = 5300 Rate = au98.5c/L Cost = au$42.48 Calculated average = 4.8L/100km (US 49mpg ) Display average = 4.8L/100km Temperature <20C kenmac
Tank Miles: 397 Overall Miles: 16541 Avg Tank Mileage: 49 Avg Overall Mileage: 46 Avg Temperature: 88F Price per Tank: $15 Avg Price per Gallon: $1.73
Finally broke the 50 barrier. 53.5MPG; of equal interest has been the accuracy of the on board MPG computer which was off by only 1MPG. In my book thats a 98% accuracy rate, I'll take it. Driving up and down 294 30 miles each way, am still amazed at how economical and purposeful the Prius is. Only 2 bucks a day to go to work. Unbelievable.
So another month go by :roll: Worst ave instant milage 17km/l Best ave instant milage 22km/l Best Tank Miles: 870km/40liter Overall Miles: 2435km Avg Tank Mileage: 20km/l Avg Temperature: 33c Ave price per Tank: 4800yen or $45 Avg Price per Gallon: 130yen/liter or $4/gallon
Can't believe I filled up last night just so I could separate my September from my October mileage. :? So it was only 7.8 gallons (my second tank). Tank Miles: 327.2 Overall Miles: 787 Avg. Tank Mileage: 41.9 Avg. Overall Mileage: 49.2 Avg. Temperature: 70's (F.) Price Per Tank: US$15.13 Price Per Gallon, this tank: US$1.939 This tank included my street driving (about one-third of tank) and my wife's expressway driving two days a week (two-thirds). She is so nice and hates to see the car sitting unused while I ride the train (again).
September was good for me. Miles 500 548 547 491 MPG 61.5 63.8 60.8 61.7 Total 2139 miles, 61.9 MPG average. Getting ready for the winter mileage, though. The dashboard snowflake has been here for a few days. At least we won't have to take a winter blend fuel hit here in Minnesota, though. BillG Minneapolis
Tank Miles: 352 Overall Miles: 6901 Avg Tank Mileage: 46 Avg Overall Mileage: 44 Avg Temperature: 70's F Price per Tank: US $19.50 Avg Price per Gallon: 2.05 (last week) I think this week it's now hitting over 2.10 at most places. Lowest i saw it was the other day for 2.07
2242 miles using 176.04 litres for £141.00 (80.1 p/l, or $5.45/USgal) Calculated 57.8 mpg (59.6 displayed). That's 48.2 US mpg. Temperature range 6-22°C (43-72°F). Fuel cost 6.3p/mile (US 11.3¢/mile). A mix of motorway, rural and commute, with a small amount of urban driving. The 20-minute commute does depress the mileage quite noticeably (about half the journey is in warm-up, and most of the rest is stuck in S3).
The best part about September for me? It's the first (and most likely ever) time I've only bought gas for my vehicle TWICE in one month! With the Neon, it was 8 times a month without fail. Here are the stats: Sept 11th fill: Tank miles: 565 Overall miles: 14933 Gallons filled: 11.053 Car MPG: 53.3 Lifetime Car MPG: 51.0 Price per gallon: $1.81 Sept 24th fill: Tank miles: 589 Overall miles: 15523 Gallons filled: 11.042 Car MPG: 53.7 Lifetime Car MPG: 51.0 Price per gallon: $1.89 Total Sept stats: Total miles: 1154 Total gallons filled: 22.095 Month Car MPG: 53.5 After 15k, this car keeps getting better. -m.
Good month for me - new record: 58.8 mpg - Sept 3rd fill: ........................Sept 10th fill:.........................Sept 16th fill:............................Sept 24th fill:....................Sept 28th fill: Tank miles: 425 ...................Tank miles: 498.7.................Tank miles: 409.5.......................Tank miles: 506.................Tank miles: 435 Overall miles: 15092.............Overall miles: 15591............ Overall miles: 16000.................Overall miles: 16507 .........Overall miles: 16942 Gallons filled: 8.052..............Gallons filled: 8.353...............Gallons filled: 8.116...................Gallons filled: 9.064 ..........Gallons filled: 8.003 Car MPG: 54.4......................Car MPG: 58.8.......................Car MPG: 54.2............................Car MPG: 54.9.....................Car MPG: 54.1 Lifetime Car MPG: 49.8..........Lifetime Car MPG: 50.1..........Lifetime Car MPG: 50.2..............Lifetime Car MPG: 50.3........Lifetime Car MPG: 50.4 Price per gallon: $1.99...........Price per gallon: $1.879.........Price per gallon: $1.879...........Price per gallon: $1.959......Price per gallon: $1.999 Total Sept stats: Total miles: 1,900 Total gallons filled: 41.6 Month Car MPG: 55.3 Avg Temps: 80s
Somehow Sept. ended up as my best month ever for overall mileage. Temps were moderate(prob. averaged in high 70s/low 80s) so very little use of AC was needed. Interestingly (to me at least) I've started driving with the Energy screen on more trying to maximize 'dead banding' (no arrows to or from the battery) and continue to maximize gliding (coasting with no green regen arrow to battery by gently depressing the gas pedal to make them go away). Tank 1 433 miles 7.141 gallons 60.6 mpg (this may have been the cause of the outlier, I suspect this was a little underfilled or the one before a little overfilled) Tank 2 470 miles 8.308 gallons 56.6 mpg Tank 3 427 miles 8.079 gallons (last bar, not flashing had gone about 7 miles on that bar--important b/c this was my first post EL 010-04 TSB fill up) 52.9 mpg September totals 1330 miles 23.53 gallons 56.5 mpg Overall/Lifetime 12924 Miles 256 gallons 50.5 MPG (up now due to Oct. Fill)
Tank Miles: 1624 Gallons Purchased: 32.3 Overall Miles: ~30,000 Avg Tank Mileage: 50.3 Avg Overall Mileage: 47.7 lifetime Avg Temperature: 80's Price per Tank: ~$21 Avg Price per Gallon: $1.90