Ohhhhhh yes... I have two friends like that. The next poster has more fun now than they did when they were younger.
No never even thought about it. The next poster just got in from the Margaretta meet at the mex. restaurant
Yes, I do I have 2004, and have messeda round with the X version demo - cool, realistic but too slow, I like to zooooom! Yes, Janis, it's sucks. Oh well... there will be other times. The next poster misses what they did before internet access
Yes I used to play guitar a lot more. Having loads o' fun on the net though. The next poster has a new love interest.
Yes, my 2002 Toyota Prius I've had for only a month :wub: The next poster just bought new stamps because of the rate change.
Nope... never did. The next poster had a very odd job as a teenager. (I washed test tubes in a medical lab. It was pretty nasty at times.)
Nope, just worked at Arby's. (BTW, love the typing w/out vowels. Funny!) The next poster likes watching a city at night from an overlook.
Nope... guitar playing is not one of my talents. The next poster is enjoying a nice glass of cabernet.
Yum yum, but not...actually having a bit of a benadryl cocktail. Wine & tylenol are a bad mix. Dad-gum double posts! Sorry, Auntie. No favorite old movie but a good show on Churchill on PBS. The next poster wonders what sort of important video would keep robincx from fun.
Sure do wonder... perhaps it's a muffin movie? B) The next poster needs to take their contacts out because their eyes are burning. (Hope you're feeling better red!)
No such luck, my eyes don't agree with anything put in them...glasses only The next poster doesn't watch live TV anymore thanks to their DVR...
Nope, not doing the DVR thing yet, just got the HD subscription and a Bravia to view it on. I spend so much time looking at monitors, so I have been a little late getting into the tricky TV game - in time. Video content: boring, a corporate diversity thing. (Guitar and a good Cab, two of my favorite things. They go nice together, yum...) The next poster will see the sunrise today
Je suis désolé - No picnic, a bike ride yes. The next poster has been a vegetarian some time in their life.