NO, But I think you just grossed out the viewing audiance here LOL ( IMHO ) The next poster had great auto service done today!!!
No, I had a bad experience with my dealer this weekend, I'm a bit PO'd about the ordeal. :angry: The next poster likes good wines
I do, but I like cheapo wine more!! Yippee for Trader Joes Wine!!! The next poster cooked their own dinner tonight
Why, yes I did. I had salmon filets, tater tots, and sauteed broccoli! The next posted enjoys a warm, tropical rain.
The closest I've been to a World's Fair was watching Meet Me In St. Louis. The next poster is not getting enough sleep.
Hi Jennifer! I'm getting enough sleep. Don't worry- you will once again, when the baby is a year old, or two, or maybe three.. :lol: The next poster was just playing a guitar.
Uh, no. The only musical instrument I can play is the stereo. The next poster wishes Jennifer a very welcome return.
Thank you, hyo! Nice to see you too! I'm trying not to be such a stranger. larkinmj~ actually I've been getting pretty good sleep for a few months now. The little one has been only waking up once at night (on the husband's watch) but sleeping for 12-13 hours per night so that's really good for my sleep! Hmmm.... The next poster enjoys a good pizza every so often.
Sure if you consider at least once a week..every so often The next poster had an 'accident' today (can be any type)
Nope The next poster wonders why (amongst a lot of heterosexual males, at least), it's okay to watch two women kiss and stuff, but not for two men to do the same movies.
No; I find neither one acceptable - it goes against my "moral fiber". The next poster is up early today.
Yes! The next poster is up early today, well almost everyday. The next poster has a box of Doug Flutie Flakes in their collection....
Weird, yes I do. It's not that I'm a big fan, they were sent to me by in-laws back when he was ripping it up in Buffalo and we were living in Laguna Beach. To continue the coincidence, those same people later purchased his condo in a Buffalo area counrty club when he left for San Diego. The next poster has a masters degree.
Yes. Almost every week is unusual. Next poster is enjoying unseasonably cool weather (It's 45 degrees tonight)
Quite the opposite ~ it was near 90 today, which is 20 degrees above normal. Even had a thunderboomer this evening, and it smelled heavenly afterwards. The next poster dreams about working fewer hours.