Except for training on the range and the MP's, AP's etc. nobody carries loaded weapons on base. Heh. That's been in there since yesterday? Metinks I need to check my clipboard once in a while
ORA-02049 Oh crap! I was expecting something else but forgot that I took eagle's $10 bet and tried to solve it. Wildkow p.s. I have no clue except it's Oracle.
http://www.dhs.gov/threat_level/current_new.gif Heh, lookie there! Add the tags and it makes a purdy picture. (btw, nice campaign banner Stev0!)
Evolution of the spectrum from SB99 quenched star formation models with quenching times of 50 Myr, 250 Myr, 500 Myr and 1 Gyr ago. Also indicated on the figure are the FUV and NUV bandpasses for GALEX, along with the Johnson broadband V bandpass. [Taking time off from writing my paper to read Priuschat]
date movie cat (A search I did on YouTube which yielded hilarious results if you're into scatalogical humor). :lol:
POWMAX CP803-1 (That's the chassis for the new compy I'm building ) (BTW, it's been a while since I've seen that tank running loose in San Diego. What pleasant memories :/ )