I URGENTLY need advice from--probably a Californian who is subject to the highest levels of smog testing. To make a long story short--anyone know what I can do--in the next 11 or so hours--that is subtle enough not to be noticed as sabotage but will make my 19 year old son's L7 flunk the smog test (just in case it won't anyway)? The kid had 6 "incidents" within the first 11 months of having a license. The first one caused just under 3k damage to the beemer and trashed someone else's old Honda. The last killed my Acura. Fortunately, no people were hurt, AND he is going 3000 miles away to school in August. AND, yes, his driving ANYHING has been strictly limited since--"but I'm a GOOD driver, REALLY." The ONLY way I can get his father to get rid of the L7 is if it fails its smog check. Kid is taking it tomorrow afternoon to a "pass or don't pay" test station. I want it not to pass. Any ideas? Also...a query for other AAA insured driving families. Since we have more cars than drivers (DH has a '76 Spitfire in addition to his '02 series 5 beemer), AAA tells us, as long as the kid is officially living with us, and there are sufficient cars, everyone has to be assigned as a "primary" driver on one or another. DH won't drop "excess"coverage on the Spitfire, so DH sees it as cheaper for us to pay a gazillion dollars for MINIMAL coverage on the L7...and refuses to remove the kid from our policy--which, come August, we SHOULD be able to do, by pointing out the kid is 3k miles away. I want the L7 GONE. DH is a cheap SOB and tells me how we can't afford this that or the other, but doesn't like it when I point out how much the L7 costs us. No, the kid's not working or at school this year. He's had a couple of jobs that,for one reason or another, didn't last. Oh hell yeah, there's more...but I REALLY NEED THAT CAR GONE. REALLY. Can anyone help me QUICKLY? The kid thinks he's Dale Earnhart (sp?). His father is besotted. Still. Yeah, I AM the wicked stepmother, although I have been such since the kid was 5. His mother enters nowhere into this equation, as she's the one who taught him how to manipulate his father so well. In theory, we had joint custody, an were paying his mother child support until he graduated from HS last year...although, in reality, the kid had chosen to live with us pretty much full time since about 10th grade. C'mon gang...please help...this is one teen who ABSOLUTELY should NOT be on the road. (When riding bicycles at night, he refuses to use a headlamp because it "wrecks his night-vision.) HELLLLPPPP!!!!
Rufaro how did it turn out? Did you call the inspection station and talk 'parent to parent' to the tester about your concerns for your son's safety? (while he was on his way there)?
put an ice pack around the catalytic converter? As long as the engine and cat are a cold, the emissions are higher than if they were warm.
Add mass quantities of grape Kool-aid powder to the gas...? (might get you more than a flunked smog test )
Disable the catalytic converter? It's illegal, but maybe you can pull a wire or fuse... or bypass it somehow. From a quick google search: That sounds like a bad idea though. Maybe just take it out somewhere and crash it into a wall. Oops!
How about making this kid start over with Driving School and Drivers Ed? He is going to have to drive sometime. Maybe you have a male friend that kid likes/respects and will tell it like it is. Tell him no more driving anything without it. Tell hubby it is for kid and everyone else's safety. Have your insurance guy call hubby and tell him kid is going to cost a fortune to insure. Sit the kid down and tell him that you are on his side and want him to be able to drive, but the facts show he is not careful and is incredibly "unlucky" and needs some Defensive Driving lessons, because there are a lot of bad drivers out there, including him. This is why I am not married, especially to someone with kids.
Ummm...thanks gang...I don't think any of that's gonna work (btw MJ, according the the little darlin's schedule, it's morning until about 2pm)...I was hoping for something more subtle...Won't work to call the smog place and beg, I don't think, as I think drones run the computers, which are directly connected to the drones at the DMV. Bah, humbug... <_<
A friend of mine had three boys. Each time one reached driving age, their father would insist on getting them a 'dream car.' So, one kid ended up with a Camaro SS, one had a Corvette, and one had a Mustang Cobra convertible. These kids would terrorize the neighborhood with their antics, and (when I'd happen to be speaking with their Mom) she'd mention how she wasn't pleased with what was going on...but couldn't do anything about it. Well, the kid with the Camaro SS lost control of the car on Skyline Blvd and killed himself. All that I'm saying is that your boy has had accidents before, seems to still not show responsiblity for his actions...you might want to consider being the evil stepmom and taking your lumps now, in order to prevent something worse from happening. My friend's family was the 'perfect family'...and it's been shattered...I honestly think that now, in hindsight, she's tormented by the things that she DIDN'T do. ---- Just my $0.02. I hope you'll pardon me for saying, but you come across a bit as a victim of this situation, when actually you're not.
Teenagers think they are "good" drivers when they show some proficiency in controlling the car and getting it to go where they want. It does not occur to them that being a good driver also requires being aware of what other cars around them are doing, and being willing to yield right-of-way to avoid an accident when technically, legally, the right-of-way is theirs. That's why teeneagers, especially boys, are charged more for insurance. I don't know what the solution is, other than a really good public transportation system and a minimum driving age of 35.
Oh, this is sneaky. Punching a hole in the muffler might do it, but that's a tad destructive. You could add a few quarts of oil to the gas tank, but it's gonna play havoc with the fuel injectors. Squirting some oil up the tailpipe could work.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ May 16 2007, 05:37 PM) [snapback]443743[/snapback]</div> Well, one could always (in reverse order, my preferred choice being at the bottom): 7. Do something to the fuel cap so it leaks 6. Cross the leads to a couple of spark plugs (but it'll run rough; the boy will wonder) 5. Disconnect the PCV valve/crankcase ventilation system 4. Put some leaded gas into the tank a few days before the test (too late for this now, and it's destructive) 3. Take out the thermostat so the engine won't ever warm up (this would be my second choice) 2. Retard the timing a bit (runner up) 1. Disconnect the oxygen sensor on the catalytic converter (we've got a WINNER!!)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ 2007 May 16 4:27 PM) [snapback]443764[/snapback]</div> Simple and effective. I like it. Can Rufaro just crawl under the car and detach it? Any tools required? Would snipping the wires be easier?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ May 16 2007, 11:53 PM) [snapback]443940[/snapback]</div> Thank you; that one kind of came out of the blue for me... There's probably some sort of connector where the wire meets the sensor itself; if it's not frozen in place by road junk, it could just be unplugged. I am wondering about the possiblity of triggering a 'check engine' light with this, though (if it still happens to be working in the first place). For pure stealth value, I think the thermostat removal might still be in the running. Lots more trouble, tho. This is so EVIL, I can't believe I'm still thinking about it. Perhaps it might just be easier to get him something with the words 'Automatic Stickshift' on the engine hood!?! [laughing]
Thank you all for your support. REALLY! Pinto--I REALLY am sorry about your neighbor's kid. That's been my fear all along...BUT...the L7 IS automatic...I tried giving him a car that said ACURA on the front, and he totalled that one in no time at all...But DAD still doesn't get it. There's only so evil I can be when others have veto power. The car passed the smog. I won't even BEGIN to tell you all I've tried to do over the years to get this kid to learn/accept responsibility...bottom line is/has been--I AM stepmom. Dad has ultimate veto (NOT mom, since we've always had at least joint custody--until kid's last couple of years of HS, when HE chose to live with us most of the time, and we still paid mom child support...do NOT f***ing ask). I have tried to get the car GONE, but dad won't go along with it. "How much can we punish him?" "Should I never let him drive again?" ... etc etc etc ad infinitum. Never mind that dh has been realizing...and ADMITTING TO ME that many of the child-rearing decisions of his with which I disagreed over the years...he now recognizes were correct. Oh...and the kid can't/won't get a freakin' job (and keep it)...now, he says he can't keep a new sales job because the car needs a brake job...all of a sudden. (No, there IS no public transit worth mentioning here, and not a lot of scope for unskilled labo(u)rers who KNOW they are better than minimum wage...Shut up, Rufaro...) No, I'll stop now...I'll go rant quietly in the Pri, just outside the garage, with the satellite radio & MP3 CDs blaring...well, blaring just loud enough so it doesn't go past the driveway...my ears are getting old...it doesn't take much for me to be able to rock out. Hyo--first up on the playlist is 'Ballroom Blitz!'
If the kid won't/can't keep a job, stop giving him money for gas/insurance. An uninsured car is illegal to drive, and why should you pay for his auto insurance? The easiest way to keep him from wrecking another car, and maybe himself, might be to deprive him of the means to support the car.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rufaro @ May 23 2007, 03:17 AM) [snapback]447977[/snapback]</div> That's only half of it...to get 'automatic stickshift' on the engine hood, it'd have to be a VW Beetle from the early 1970's (they were REALLY slow, even for a Beetle). <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rufaro @ May 23 2007, 03:17 AM) [snapback]447977[/snapback]</div> Absolutely none of my business, but it sounds like your husband is coming around...perhaps now's the time to be firm, not give in! If you think that your son is headed for trouble, your feelings are valid. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rufaro @ May 23 2007, 03:17 AM) [snapback]447977[/snapback]</div> How about 'Hot Rod Lincoln'? They arrested me and they put me in jail they called my daddy to throw my bail He said, son, you're going to drive me to drinkin' if you don't stop driving that hot rod Lincoln...
I admire your attempt to reign this brat. I mean kid, in. It would be wise if his dad would take off the rose colored glasses and take a good look. It is probably the one area where hubby is short sighted. This kid has work issues, car issues, attitude issues, my guess is parental issues, etc. He is most likely going to hurt or kill some innocent person or persons with a vehicle. It is really a total lack of responsibility on Daddy's part, as well as Junior's. But Junior is not mature for his age, and cannot make these decisions. The real problem comes in because adults are paying to support him. As others have pointed out, without money from you, he could not drive. He would then be forced to take a look at why no one wants to help him anymore. Even if he did not agree, he would tow the line to some of your demands, in order to get help from you. Right now he can keep wrecking cars and quiting jobs, and he knows it. Your problems with this child are not over yet.
Yep...he's learned how to get what he wants, and now he is. I don't think there's anything terribly shocking about it, really. ---- I do, however, find myself wondering if he has/will develop any comprehension of the intrinsic value of work...and (if he fails to) how this deficiency will haunt him throughout life. He may be discouraged to find that other, more adult situations won't be as accomodating to his desires as the one he's in currently...and getting over this might become an ongoing problem for him if he's unwilling to face the fact that, for most of us, *money represents labor* and as such is tremendously valuable. Also, there may actually be times when he has to work hard and isn't well compensated for it. This might be difficult for someone who's become accustomed to expecting ample financial support based primarily on his ability to exist.
rufaro, you can adopt me sounds like you've given the kid a very good life and he has yet to realize how much work went into everything he has. so... cut him off for a bit. let him see how much you guys are doing for him. then maybe he will put 2 and 2 together. i know your DH has ultimate control over that but tell him spoiled kids are gonna throw tantrums over anything that doesn't go their way anyway. i can't comprehend the spoiled kid mentality... i just can't. but i wish you lots of luck.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rufaro @ 2007 May 23 1:17 AM) [snapback]447977[/snapback]</div> At some point, you have to stop banging your head against the wall. He doesn't seem to respect you as a parental unit, and he's got his Dad's ear anytime he doesn't like what you say. From his point of view, why would he change now? Step out of the way and let reality smack him in the face, instead of protecting him from it. His choosing to live with you over his biological Mother could be a good sign, but maybe it's just easier for him to manipulate Dad. I understand your concern and frustration, but you've got your own life to live. Treat him as you would any other adult you're sharing living space with, leave his mess for him to clean up, and spend more time in the garage. It's...it's...a ballroom blitz.