Hello happy taxpayers (less taxes than a non-Prius owner, of course) ! There is a debate about the fact that there is no pre-heat process in the european Prius, and of course no Thermos, pump, etc. I'm going to try again the Prius at Les Champs-Elysées soon, so I'll have the opportunity to check that by myself by having a deep look under the hood. But, to be sure, I would like to see how it does fit on an US model, to know exactly where to look at. So, if someone could post a picture of the Thermos under is hood, I'll be very glad ! After that, I'll post a spreadsheet file with the known differences between US, UK and french Prius. I hope you'll find this interesting ! Best regards, Richard. 8)
I would love to know this, but have no idea where the thermos is. I'l ask next week when I get my 5000 oil change, and then let you know. Peace
It's said that it's somewhere behind and below the left front headlight assembly. Either way, the pastic "shield" will probably obscure most view of it.
According to DaveG's diagram, I don't think that the black pipe shown on the second picture above goes to the Thermos. You can see on the first picture that there is a gap behind the headlight. Is there where is supposed to be the Thermos ? Thanks ! Richard. 8)
Here is a diagram (I made it myself, as you can see ...) showing where I think the insulated tank (Thermos) is, on the driver's side. As you can see, it is hidden by a sheet from the upper point of vue. Maybe you can access it by the wheel side, after disassembling the mudguard. Thanks by advance, Peter ! Richard. 8)
Remember, the way the Prius is set up, the HID lights are incompatible with Daytime Running Lights, because there is no secondary bulb. The same Bulb is used for both High and Low beams, and HID bulbs apparently cannot be dimmed. If some EU countries require DRL, it is probably simpler for them to just import the one version rather than try to vary it to that fine a detail. Also, don't you have Rear Disc Brakes, Rear Fog Lights, and the EV button that the NA folks don't have? Seems like they left something off for everyone. My guess is that's so they can add things for '05 and make an 'improved' version for every market. Maybe after '05 we'll all have the same stuff. Japan doesn't have the Thermos or the Tank Bladder either. I'm thinking both of those are really there for Emissions more than Mileage, and are part of the PZEV rating. I'm not sure you really want the Thermos if it comes with the Tank Bladder required too. As far as the actual location of the Thermos, you're right. Someone somewhere posted a picture of their wrecked '04 with the Thermos exposed. That's where it is.
The 'Coolant Heat Storage Tank' along with its pump, sensor, valve, and ECM is all about having the lowest possible emissions on start-up. I suspect it's supplied with any Prius that's to be sold in a country or region that has, or is about to have, very strict environmental requirements. When I first inquired about the Prius, my sales person, when I told her I had an engineering background, provided me with a copy of, "Toyota Tech- Fourth Quarter, 2003". This is a high quality magazine-like Quarterly for North American Toyota Technicians. She had picked up a handfull of them during her. "University of Toyota" Prius Training. This particular edition provides photos, cut-away drawings, and diagrams relating to the, "2004 New Model Highlights". I'd love to just scan the 2 page section on the coolant heat storage system but I suspect I'd be violating some kind of copywrite thing (also, I wouldn't know how to transfer the scanned document to this forum page). I highly recommend this document for anyone who's looking for more detailed information relating to 2004 Prius technical differences. Maybe your dealer could get you one, or, maybe it can be found through a good, thorough Google search. Regards, Ken
That was my understanding too, that the Thermos was not directly about mileage, but about insuring the most complete combusition possible from the earliest possible moment in the interest of reduced emissions. Any mileage gains from faster warmup is a nice, but secondary consideration.