So, Jerry Falwell is dead. Being that I have grown up under his "Moral Majority" right here in the ol' Commonwealth, I feel guilty that my initial response to his death was..."good." I wonder if St. Peter is kicking his nice person right now.
The new running gag for "Family Guy" should involve what Jerry's afterlife is like. After all, he wasn't supposed to die...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(livelychick @ May 15 2007, 02:06 PM) [snapback]442567[/snapback]</div> I did not agree with his politics nor his ideologies - I however do not think his death is "good" thing and I find it personally disgusting that you do. How are you any "better" or "different" than he if you cannot find it in your heart to feel sadness for another humans passing?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ May 15 2007, 02:31 PM) [snapback]442593[/snapback]</div> This is laughable coming from you. :lol: :lol: :lol: However, once again, doc, you didn't read my post. I said that was my initial response, then I felt guilty that it was. Anyone who preaches hate does not deserve my sadness, in my opinion. However, I do feel sorry for his family. And when it comes right down to it, he probably did think his death was a good thing. Many fundamentalists that I know say that they can't wait to die so that they can meet their maker. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ZenCruiser @ May 15 2007, 02:29 PM) [snapback]442591[/snapback]</div> I had one in the 90s "Doing my part to piss off the religious right."
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ May 15 2007, 02:31 PM) [snapback]442593[/snapback]</div> Time out. Aren't you the guy that wants to turn Iran into a parking lot? Or are Iranians not human?
I agree with you livelychick. I know I should not be happy he is gone and in most ways I am not yet the negative impact he has had on many people would tend to make me think "good riddance". It is a very conflicting feeling really. You guys can bash me all you want but it is a true and honest feeling so I will make no excuses for it nor argue with you on its merits.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ZenCruiser @ May 15 2007, 02:36 PM) [snapback]442599[/snapback]</div> I do not want to turn Iran into a parking lot. The report in TODAYS NYT from the UN agency tasked with monitoring their [Iran's] nuclear program should SHOCK you - the way it has shocked the UN itself. I do NOT want Iran developing nuclear weapons - NO. Do we need to turn Iran into a parking lot to prevent that from happening - NO. It is easy enough with manless guided weapons to do it without putting one American boot on the ground there and without resorting to using tactical nuclear weapons. Are Iranians human - yes they are - and they should be freed from the religious oppression they are facing today - kind of like the religious oppression you felt Mr. Falwell was responsible for [i guess that part that makes you happy he died] - but he did not stone anyone to death, or force women of his beliefs to hide all their skin or prevent them from getting educated, etc. Seems to me you should feel the same anger and hatred towards those that control Iran today and the same people who want to develop nuclear weapons tomorrow - the same people who have threatened to use the aforementioned nuclear weapons in public time and time again. Seems to me you are very inconsistent in your beliefs - perhaps what suits you is what you believe in - very convenient - very something else too. In any event - now that we have that cleared up - to rejoice in the passing of a human being is reprehensible. For all the liberals here - those of liberal thoughts and ideologies - to rejoice or even not feel an iota of sadness in another persons death is disgusting. Have you no shame? If this is what it means to be a liberal - you can take it all - i want no part of it. I wonder if this goes hand in hand with not believing in God?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ May 15 2007, 02:02 PM) [snapback]442637[/snapback]</div> I assume, then, you got all weepy at Saddam's hanging?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ May 15 2007, 01:31 PM) [snapback]442593[/snapback]</div> Really? How would you feel with the premature death of say, Hitler, Mahmud AHMADI-NEJAD, or Saddam Hussein? He might not have been a mass murderer but this man used his position of power in religion to spout his hate, fear, and bigotry. Days after Sept. 11, 2001, Falwell essentially blamed feminists, gays, lesbians and liberal groups for bringing on the terrorist attacks. This world is better without him. Much better.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ May 15 2007, 03:02 PM) [snapback]442637[/snapback]</div> Wait... Isn't the passing of Osama bin Laden going to be rejoiced by non-Liberals such as Fundamentalist Baptist Conservatives? Isn't it wrong to lie and say such passings won't be rejoiced? You idea comes down to: we can't rejoice over a villain's death when that villain is somebody else's hero. Powermongers who went to Divinity School to gain fake authority to tell other people what to do are villains. Try not to hurt your fingers trying to turn Jerry back into a fake hero...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ May 15 2007, 02:02 PM) [snapback]442637[/snapback]</div> Whats the difference between bombing the crap out of them like you want to do and turning them into a parking lot? Who cheered on the Iraq war? Who refuses to take our troops out of harms way and continues to send them over there to die? Who started a very bloody war to simply assuage his ego? It wasn't the liberal left. In fact, it's the liberal left thats calling for peace, it's the liberal left that wants to find nonviolent ways to achieve the same goals. It's the right that picks up the guns and yells "charge!"
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(burritos @ May 15 2007, 10:12 PM) [snapback]442647[/snapback]</div> We just hang out (pardon the pun) at FHOP - the place Jerry warned sinners would go if they did not repent! I'll probably see Falwell here soon.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ May 15 2007, 03:10 PM) [snapback]442643[/snapback]</div> I did not get "weepy", but I found it sad that a man had to die like that - and that a man found satisfaction in the pain and death of others - yes. You?
<div align="center">Caution Troll Topic.</div> Where's the Mods when you need them? Wildkow p.s. Nothing you say here will be Interpreted in the manner you wished it to be taken.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(burritos @ May 15 2007, 03:12 PM) [snapback]442647[/snapback]</div> Can you not separate your feelings and emotions from the fact a human being has died. It is not as though he was a mass murderer - he just differed in his opinion from you - and in that you form a malignant dislike of him - truly remarkable. Look inward and what do you see? Would you like others to rejoice in your death? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mikepaul @ May 15 2007, 03:15 PM) [snapback]442651[/snapback]</div> The true nature of the liberal mind on center stage... If you disagree with someone you rejoice in their death - sick. And you are not going to share the same elation in OBL's passing - and here is a man who murdered thousands of your fellow countrymen - how many did Mr. Falwell kill? Fake hero - I would propose you are the one with fake hero's. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mikepaul @ May 15 2007, 03:15 PM) [snapback]442651[/snapback]</div> The true nature of the liberal mind on center stage... If you disagree with someone you rejoice in their death - sick. And you are not going to share the same elation in OBL's passing - and here is a man who murdered thousands of your fellow countrymen - how many did Mr. Falwell kill? Fake hero - I would propose you are the one with fake hero's. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mikepaul @ May 15 2007, 03:15 PM) [snapback]442651[/snapback]</div> The true nature of the liberal mind on center stage... If you disagree with someone you rejoice in their death - sick. And you are not going to share the same elation in OBL's passing - and here is a man who murdered thousands of your fellow countrymen - how many did Mr. Falwell kill? Fake hero - I would propose you are the one with fake hero's. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eagle33199 @ May 15 2007, 03:16 PM) [snapback]442656[/snapback]</div> You have to let thoughts get processed in your higher cortical regions. Does this perchance make it ok in your "mind" to rejoice in Mr. Falwell's death??????? Why does everything always end up the same with you?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ May 15 2007, 12:37 PM) [snapback]442667[/snapback]</div> I don't want to gang up on you my friend but I would like you to consider this. Is killing the only form of reprehensible injustice in this world and the only "yardstick" we should use when evaluating someones positive or negative influence in this world. You don't have to answer it. Just think about it for a moment. For an example if a particular person is very influential in lobbying for say an increase in the allowable amounts of arsenic or mercury in public drinking water does that make him any less accountable than a mass murderer? Could it make him "worse" because he could potentially harm hundreds of millions of his own countrymen? Just questions I feel we must consider. I like the fact you do not rejoice in someones death. None of us should. Yet are we required to be saddened by it? Or can the life the deceased individual led create a balancing act which leads to a sense of indifference? IE, I am sad a human being died yet he/she hurt so many people that it is probably a good thing. Just thoughts and no conviction either way.
First of all, Dr. Berman, taking satisfaction in the death of someone that we have hatred for is not a "liberal" characteristic. Nor is it "conservative". It's "human", and not a very good trait. It is one that I always try to not lower myself to. Livelychick was not gloating over his death; she expressed an honest emotion, and her guilt about feeling it. I hope that we can all acknowledge that we should not take pleasure in the death of another. Maybe Jerry Falwell doesn't rank up there with Saddam Hussein and Pol Pot in the pantheon of villians, but he was a very hateful person. His remarks after 9/11 rank with some of the most despicable comments made by a public figure. And you know that he was also anti-Semitic.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ May 15 2007, 02:37 PM) [snapback]442667[/snapback]</div> You do see how you're being completely and totally hypocritical, right? "It's wrong to rejoice in his death, but it's ok to rejoice in this other persons, or to send people off to die". I never said i rejoiced - in fact, i don't. I didn't rejoice when Sadam was hung, and i won't rejoice when OBL is killed. I did, and will, think that they got what they deserved and the world is perhaps a safer place than it was when they were running around free, but i won't rejoice or feel elated. As far as i'm concerned, they shouldn't be killed - they should spend the rest of their miserable lives eating rats in some dark hole in some undisclosed prison somewhere. The fact remains, Berman, that you're being a hypocrite by calling people out for this while cheering on other deaths.