Sigma signal mirrors

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by jmpenn, May 10, 2007.

  1. jmpenn

    jmpenn New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
    Rockaway, NJ
    Finally had the cash available to buy the signal mirrors from Sigma. Even with the directions in Japanese, the pictures are well done, and I can figure out everything but the wiring. Surprisingly the problem is not where to hook in, but how to get from the mirrors to the connection points.

    This is what I received cable wise:
    2 cables about 16" long. Small two pin connector at one end and 2 loose pins at the other. These connect inside the signal mirrors and get run into the doors.
    2 empty connectors (2 pin male) to use with the loose pins of the above cables.
    1 cable about 24" long with male connectors at both ends. (left side cable)
    1 cable several feet long with male connectors at both ends. (right side cable)
    1 cable about 12" long with three wire taps at one end, two fuses in-line, and two 2 pin female connectors at the other ends.

    The first problem I see, without being able to read the instructions, is that I don't have enough female connectors to put all this together. I end up with two male connectors that somehow need to be joined.

    Looking at the instructions it looks like there are existing female connectors in the door cabling. Also that these cables are already in place and through the door to the interior. It looks like there is a loose female connector in the door and another down in the foot-wells. I cannot imagine that there are loose (unconnected) connectors anywhere in the car. They would cause rattles and buzzes.

    Has anyone done this mod? I looked at DocVijay's site but the wire routing and connection instructions other than the tie in points are sparse at best.
  2. bobc

    bobc New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    Durham, NH

    Yes, there's been quite a few people that have done this mod.. I'm hoping to do up a detailed write-up this summer (alongwith with my other mods) and hopefully, that will help....

    But, in the meantime, you are correct in that you don't have everything you need. The wires inside of the doors are non-existent in the N. American Prius. (BTW, there are numerous harnesses and connectors scattered about the car that are not in use.) If they were there, then it would be a simple plug and play.

    And yes, you are short female connectors. I think I remember that I was three short.

    What you'll need to do is run wires from where the mirror wires enter the door, through to the inside of the car and do some splicing of your own, cutting off some of the male connectors.

    What I did was to get some Radio Shack/hardware store connectors that snap together and use those where the wires come out of the mirrors and also, where the passenger wires come into the car. I cut off the loose pins, saving them for another project down the road. The only one I did use was to connecting the wires coming out of the door to the harness with the wire taps (on the driver's side.)

    Buy some 20 or 22 guage wire for the wires in the door. Most people find the hardest part is running the wires through the rubber boot that connects the door to the car body. While at the hardware store, pick up some 24" zip ties. From inside the car, pass the tapered end of the tie through the rubber boot into the car door. With electrical tape or other sticky tape, tape the end of the wire to the zip tie. From inside the car, pull the locking end of the zip tie that remained inside the car and they're you go! It'll will take you all of 10 minutes and that's if you stop for a drink during the process.

    I think the hardest part is zip-tying the wire down inside the door. Once you have the doors apart, look between the sheet metal where the window resides. You should zip-tie the signal wire to the OEM wire bundle so that it is free and clear of the window when the window is in the down position. If you have a friend with long, skinny arms, you'll do well to have them do the job. Put two layers of electrical tape on the metal edges of the holes in the sheet metal that you have to reach through otherwise your arms will come out looking like you just ran through a raspberry patch.

    A good idea is to scrounge up some small pieces of foam. Wrap up the connectors with this foam and tape to keep them front rattling. What a pain it would be to have to take the door apart again just to eliminate a rattle!

    If you haven't already, do a search on taking the doors apart. There's quite a few posts (especially under the stereo upgrades) with people's helpful hints. I think the best thing to do is to spend the $10 and download the Toyota instructions from the tech info center. They are very detailed (and in English) and show you what the back of each piece looks like so that you know what's going to work as you try to remove each piece.


    Attached Files:

  3. jmpenn

    jmpenn New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
    Rockaway, NJ
    Thanks for the reply. I figured it was something like that. Looks like I'm heading to the local Radio Shack / Hardware / Electronics store. Fortunately I was an electronics tech 20 years ago. It shouldn't pose a problem.
  4. jmpenn

    jmpenn New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
    Rockaway, NJ
    Yay! They're installed. What a PITA. The angles of the housings are definitely not the same in relation to each other. The passenger side housing is angled more than the driver side. It makes for an odd angle to the mirror in the housing. Like it is trying to offset the extra angle.

    Getting the mirrors together and attached to the car was relatively easy. It took forever to get the wires run. All in all it took me six hours to do. I am not the contortionist I used to be. My back is aching.
  5. bobc

    bobc New Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    Durham, NH

    Others have put some 1/2" thick nylon washers between the motor mount and the housing on the passenger's side to move the glass further out of the housing so that the angle doesn't look that bad.

    Hope the back is better by now.
