I commute to work on I-285 in Atlanta. As I passed Spaghetti Junction (familiar to all Atlantans) westbound in my Driftwood Pearl, I passed a white Prius with Arborgard Lawn care markings. I get behind him, and we then pass a Barcelona Red. He falls in behind me, and for two glorious minutes we are a mighty convoy of three Prii zipping down the center lane of the expressway, just like in the car commercials. Magnificent. We then broke up and went our separate ways. Well, maybe you had to be there.
Now if you guys had simulated CB radio chatter with your bluetooth phones, that would have been truly cool.
In was in a 4 Prius train one night. The front guy was so slow (HOV lane), that Pri#2 jumped over the dubbleyellow and passed the first guy. I was # 3 in line. Some Prius drivers just have to be #1.
Heh, the other day I drove past Google's headquarters in Mountain View and ended up in, I think, about a five Prius group. Chevy used to run ads calling the Suburban "the national car of Texas." I've been telling my wife the Prius is now the national car of California, they're everywhere here in Silicon Valley.