Last Thursday, I get a PM from a local reporter that found this board and noticed my post of my 18 month wait and my general enthusiam for the Prius. I emailed her back and said it would be okay for her to interview me. So, on Friday I do short interview with her why I'd wait for this car, etc. I figure that article would show up tucked away in the car section or in the local second page section. Boy was I wrong! Saturday morning I go to look at there paper and there's the article on the front page with me being mentioned by the second paragraph. Anyway, here's the online version of the article: DanH: A different breed of consumer. Hmm...
cool article but that part about hybrids only getting 40-45 mpg.... they must be talking about the hybrid civic right??...
Yea, I think so. Those are numbers I have heard the Civic getting. It did say earlier in the article some hybrids get as much as 60 MPG. That would have to be the Prius (of course) and I believe the Honda Insight is capable of such numbers too. One thing I told the reporter was how people on this board were seeing MPG's in the mid to upper 50's quite frequently.