50.2 MPG over 615 miles , no specail driving and i know i get more than that...

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by AndreJ, May 10, 2007.

  1. AndreJ

    AndreJ New Member

    May 10, 2007
    Hi. I am 20 years old and live in Boise Idaho. I see allot of posts on here about people getting in the low 40's on there MPG and have even read a few times from different sites and possibly this one included that the avg. Prius owner gets 48 MPG. Well i drive 20 miles to and from work each day ( a combined 40 for you slow ones :D ) and still manage 50 MPG average. I am usually going 75 from start on highway and then the speed is reduced to 65 about 5-7 miles into the commute. I live all the way on the outside of Boise. My point is i do NOTHING special, i just drive comfortably and i even speed ALLOT. When im in a hurry to get in a lane i stomp on the pedal when trying to accelerate fast and the car even peels out, it is a tine squeal most of the time but it does happen often ! I peel out a few times a week. What im saying basically is i have no idea how people are getting below 48 MPG, if your getting below that in the summer then you must be doing something wrong. I have a 2005 used prius that had 50k on it when i purchased it. BTW great car. When i get to the desired speed limit i either "feel" for the right RPM to stay in that constant MPH or just drive in CRUISE, i use cruise as much as i can when ever i can, but even if i don't it doesn't make a difference. I remember when i first got the car i was getting around 45 MPG, but i believe this was due to the cold weather (30 and below when i first got the car) and the fact that i was new to the car and the fact that it was my first car EVER.

    I Would like to know if this is the AVG for most people. And BTW i also have to say that i believe i am getting much more than 50.2 MPG because the car only goes to 99.9 MPG, meaning it is only averaging a top of 99.9 meaning it should AVG out to be much more MPG, am i wrong on this? sorry if this has already been discussed, i haven't found a particular article on this yet. I have though seen sites with hacked prius with additional batteries that say 99.9 on there LCD, meaning it doesnt go above that, so are prius owners actualy getting more MPG out of there vehicle than they may think? If this is true i might actualy be getting the estimated 55 EPA or even higher.
  2. Highly ImPriused

    Highly ImPriused Impressive Member

    Mar 15, 2007
    Western NY
    2007 Prius
    Congratulations. I think the fact that your car is well broken-in is a big part of it. There is a well documented 6,000 mile initial break-in period and many report a secondary one around 20K.

    Although the MFD only shows up to 99.9 instantaneous mpg, rest assured that the avg. mpg shown is fairly accurate. It uses miles driven divided by an estimate of gallons consumed. Most folks find that it compares pretty closely to manual calculations over time.

    FYI, I only got 39 mpg calculated (42 on MFD) on my first tank driving it like a "regular" car. I have since learned some techniques like pulse and glide, and less aggressive acceleration. Incorporating them occasionally when convenient, but not religiously, into my commute has me up to 54+mpg on my current tank (with about 2,000 miles total on the car). Pumping up the tires to 42 front/40 rear has also helped.

    I think low to mid 40s is normal for many folks when first getting a new Prius. On the other extreme, you have the hypermilers regularly getting 60+ mpg. So on average, Prius is reported to get about 48 mpg (as shown on greenhybrid.com).
  3. AndreJ

    AndreJ New Member

    May 10, 2007
    Very cool, i love the fact that i am getting 50 mpg. It just makes me very happy and i geuss i do drive alot less "aggressive" these days as in i dont put my foot so hard on the gas when i am accellerating or trying to catch up to traffic. Im young and this is my first car and i noticed that that i usualy end up hitting a stop light or stop sign or the back of another vehicle to accellarating to hard is worthless in the fact that i dont get to far plus i loose gas milage. I think most people have come to this conclusion.
  4. New Revelation

    New Revelation The Master Captain

    Aug 20, 2006
    Liberty, TX
    2007 Prius
    When I bought my Prius in November the odom had 15 miles on it. From my drive back home from IN where I bought it, I had 46mpg on the MFD....course over the winter months it went down to 44mpg, which isnt too bad. Of course my Prius is the Touring Edition which has the 16 inch wheels so I am not sure if that makes a difference in the MPG.

    I went ahead and reset the MPG after my fillup yesterday so that I can get a new reading, now that the temps are much warmer....hopefully I'll be getting the 50+MPG tanks too.