Just now, while watching an episode of "Blue Collar TV", something new from Toyota caught my eye. It was a tire rolling around, from scene, to scene, to scene... That was so intriguing that I was glued to the television wondering what the heck the point was. The tire just kept going and going. Then it rolled by a Prius! Naturally, I screamed. Although I was hoping to see a Prius at some point, I had no idea it would be the chosen vehicle for the commercial. Sweet!!! Anyone have any idea what the announcer actually said afterward. I was so excited by that surprise, my attentiveness was obviously distracted. So I completely missed it.
Just when you least expect it, zap Toyota get's you. Sweet is the word! I saw it but the sound was on mute and I missed it by seconds.
This isn't the first time Toyota has been well prepared to surprise us. They delivered an upgrade to the Classic Prius a whole year earlier than I had anticipated it. What a great move! Keep'em coming Toyota.
that was a great commercial! it had me really interested in what would happen next. and when it rolled by the prius i literally squeaked out loud and my friends all laughed at me.
well!! someone record it and post it here!! or are you gonna force me to spend hours watching tv waiting for the commercial?
btw, they didn't mention the prius or say anything specific about any of the cars in the commercial. I think they had an echo, a corolla, and a prius, though the Prius got by far the most screentime. The other cars were driving and were only partially onscreen. The Prius was parked in the center of the screen, I think by a sea wall overlooking the ocean. Someone was leaning against it. The tire rolled by in the foreground. It was a fairly long shot and definitely designed to give you a good long look at their neatest looking car. All the cars in the commercial were silver. I hope someone manages to digitize this one. I'd love to see it again. All my housemates stopped what they were doing to watch the commercial. Nothing really "happened" storywise in the commercial but it looked like it was going to tell a story so everyone stopped to watch it. I don't remember what they said at the end of the commercial but it had nothing to do with the Prius. It was a very general, "Toyota is great" sort of message.
YES IT IS AGONY!! a major waste of time also. at least tell me what shows are more likely to show the thing... is "Blue Collar TV" a real show... i looked for it and i dont find it....what channel is it on?
digitalizing the commercial would be easy for someone who has a modified TiVo... as i understand it, that is fairly common. they are modified to increase their storage. if someone would tell me what shows to look at, i will try to TiVo the commerical... right now, i have TiVo'ed several hours in the past 24 hours and have FF'ed through all of it with no success....this is really BORING btw...
I'll keep an eye out for it-- my PVR (PC-based Tivo) doesn't require messing around with anything to get clips out of it.
"Blue Collar TV" is a smash new show with Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, and Larry the Cable Guy on the WB and Comedy Central. I saw it on WB. And since today is Friday, I'll be watching "Reba" on the WB. So hopefully... As for TiVo, you should probably check out the new HDD/DVD devices. They offer 6 times the capacity and the ability to compose & edit captured video, then copy it to DVD... all while also recording TV at the same time. Yes, I have one. See... http://john1701a.com/digital/digital-video...d-recording.htm And yes, I'll be mass-recording onto the HDD with the hopes of capturing the new commercial... to share with y'all.
mine is modified from 25 hours of HD to 250 hours of HD and i can put the info on anything... (mostly use CDR's....got a million of them and cant think of anything to put on them.) but i'll check out the WB... im sure we get it... we got 70 some channels... what else is on it?
The commercial is a series of Toyotas new slogan: "Moving Forward". There were two different ones being broadcast during Sunday football. Once was about the new Camry SE and the other was the rolling wheel with the couple at the end parked by the sea watching the sunset, while standing behind their Prius. At the end they say something about we'd be honored to move forward with you or something like that. It's a pretty neat commercial and the Prius gets a full long look, compared to the half glances you get of the other Toyotas.
I managed to record all but the first 4 seconds of the commercial just now (while watching "Scrubs" on NBC). Yeah! All of a sudden I noticed the tire. I wasn't expecting to see it. So my recorder wasn't even turned on. How I managed to run to the other room, boot the machine, and hit record fast enough to catch the remaining 26 seconds boggles my mind. Is it actually a 60 second commercial? If so, that would explain why I was so fascinated by it originally. Quite a bit occurs in the 26 seconds I did capture... which by the way starts at the sweetest part, that 9-month montage with the expected mother, then baby.
i did see the commercial during the Seahawks collapse. and yes it was a long commercial. i didnt even realize it was a toyota commercial until i was 10 sec into it. and the view of the Prius reminded me of Hdrygas' pic he took when crossing the continental divide on his maiden voyage home. same color, nearly the same surroundings... sort of...
Here's a frame-capture from the finally of the commercial... [Broken External Image]:http://john1701a.com/prius/images/Prius-Capture_02-mini.jpg A larger version of that along with 16 other captures from Prius commercials of the past are now available on my website. (Follow the "ad scans" links.)
Judging from your license plate John, I'd say you're a trekkie, as am I. I wonder what the percentage of prius owners are trekkies compared with the average for other cars...
I am not a trekkie. I am a treker... because I have literally gone where no one has gone before, with a Prius of course.