We've been driving our 2005 Prius since last Thursday 30 Sept. and cannot wipe the smile off our faces. I think it's time to thank you all for your posts and sharing your experiences which have made our transition to this "state of the art" vehicle a painless one . We'd read just about every post on all the forums so were very familiar with all the technology we encountered and then some..... even tried to fathom the stuff the software and electronic buffs were passing among themselves. We'd particularly like to thank Danny and those of you ( U know who U R) who frequent the forums so often and so generously help the newbies. Gary & Lois
Glad we could help! You know, I realized this weekend, the coolest thing about this car, for me - is I'm driving my dream car. There is literally no other car out there I'd rather have right now - sure, that'll change as new hybrids come out eventually, but it's a pretty amazing feat to be driving your dream car when it's only the second vehicle I've owned. -m.
My wife and I have been driving our Prius only 13 days longer than you have and I have to admit...this is probably the best forum I've ever been associated with. Hats off to Danny for establishing this forum and to all the posters for sharing their knowledge and experience on this all to fantastic car.
I have to agree. This forum is by far the best. I have learned so much that my sales person is upset & no longer returning my emails. :lol: I think I surprised the heck out of him when I mentioned that I've used the past almost 6 months to research all things Prius. Thanks all for creating & contributing to such an informative forum!